Show GILPIN COUNTY URANIUM special correspondence central city colo nov 9 A mass of pitchblende or weighing pounds it is reported was recently taken from one of the uranium producers on quartz hill in gilpin county this pitchblende surpasses in radioactivity the pitchblende produced in austria but has not yet been developed in large bodies small but rich pockets are occasionally encountered in the development of the other ores for which the mines are worked similar ore it is reported has been shipped in the past from the jo reynolds mine in clear creek county shipments running a ton are reported from the corydon a mine that has been idle most of the time for twenty years the property is owned by senator henry N teller and associates of denver shipments reported from the pittsburg in russell gulch ran a ton for the first class ore and a ton for the second class the ore was taken from the foot level and preparations hae been made to follow it to greater depths |