Show A CALL TO prospectors the following has been received at the mining review office A call issued hastily and informally to prospectors miners rou rough gh necks and the lads who wear the high boots of many buckles to fo at bishop california november 3 resulted in a stampede high grade was found in amazing quantities the discoverers assembled in convention and decided to organize a national association of prospectors the idea is original but the need for such an organization is imperative unless the prospectors organize it will be but a short time possibly not more than three at longest five years when the prospector will be forced from the mountains and the desert the boys who are preaching conservation and are proposing to withdraw all the land of the public domain issuing licenses to the prospector and then force him to pay a royalty on all he earns are making too much progress and ther are other reasons why the prospector should organize alone as now in his isolated camp he is nothing but with little more influence in the affairs of men than has his burro organized he may become all powerful are you with usa us will you help us to dellop this ledge ile if L so send word along to your friends send the names and address of as many prospectors as you can that we may send them when we send you the call for the organization meeting to be held in bishop on december 14 1911 time is a factor we have only five weeks to round up the boys hurry the extra calls to your friends that they may send in other names and send back to the committee at least one sheet full of names we want them all to get in on this strike dont let this Pinc hout keep the list circulating this is the prospectors declaration of Iu independence dependence will ou sign it even if you cant come and your friends cant come send in the names enroll in the movement and receive a full report of the organization for high grade specimens address chairman prospectors convention bishop california |