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Show luwa has Lintty wooPco milli." A New Vork oooviot can be 1'rJ for 25 cents a day. A TL-rre Haute mio Li on his furty-firat furty-firat aLuuil iunlo bunt. The wife of an Indiana shoemaker has lalleu heir to $l!sU,OwO. Preoident Thiers has been made a daiuiio ut the Japanese order ot Tehet. The new F;fth Avcduc theatre claims the prfcttifist dread circle in New Yurie. Ujueco 'ictoia in expected to open the ucxl teaaiju of I'aiiiuuieot iq person. per-son. The Baroness Adolphe de ltothschild ia the guest of the cx Q ieen of Naples at Fan. Each member of the UsWCro com-mou com-mou couDcil has been presented with jewoharp. "Uncle" John Harprlias four animals ani-mals io (raining for the coming racing sea; on. A Lueher's slip for i!ie sale of horseflesh horse-flesh has been opened at Geneva Switzerland. Tha widow of the late coimiodore Tattnall died suddeuly in Savannah ou ; Wednesday iat. ! An individual cUiintuK to he theFOD ' of Mrs. BiROuroi'y, (hi: p'tf !, ha been convicted of pet y larceny id Boston. A wealthy drukarJ ut Aurora, Ills., lately got into the wruot; h u-e aud beat another man's Mck wile a!mOit to death. A vUitor Plymouth Church wat!8 to know if Mr. Bloc' e 'sa'lusiont t tl I "siu-iH siiil rice" nai rel'ercooe to illu-lt whirry. H hen a Iv'-n'ueky editor has the njit-li-riuue to burn our, aii the ott er i dstoifl in the Stute scud him $10 eth, niakniK f 1 ,000- A patriotic Cincionattan Bays that tho KdrUsu may boast of their old dry port, but it doesn't compare with old ryo whiskey. A Chicago man has invented a hunk peculiarly suitable to railway travelers as, by a simple contrivance, it may bo converted into a coffin. A man in Vinton, la , recently ?ued siitj-ono of his neighbors in a single day, and thinks his time will now be pleasantly occupied through the winter. win-ter. Oqo mousccatcher at Aarburn, in Switzerland, caught 11,381 mico in the last three months of 1S72, for whioh he received a bounty of three cents a head. A blind begpar is on trill at Rochester Roches-ter for hitinir ntF ft f'nrpIirKrr'r which a man put bctbru tho mendicant's eyes to determine whether he ws an impostor im-postor or not. B3A bill has been imioduustl luto ihe Indiana lcgistalute forbid. linsj the marriage mar-riage of persons nf d fFyient colors. Blonde and brunette engagements rre considered "on" u itil the faio of the bill is ascertained. Conversation never flags in the Boston Bos-ton horse cars now-a days. If there is silence for a moment soniobody asks, "Had any Bmall-pos in your neighborhood?" neighbor-hood?" and all are cheerful and lively for the remainder of the trip. Apple fritters, with gifts of jewelry contained in a certain proportion of them, are held out by a west-sido rcstauratour as an inducement to his customers, who by gorging the fritters may render tbemschos gorgeous. At the wedding feast of an eminent barber which took place lately all the BhaviDg cups belonging to customers woro put in requisition as goblets for champagne. Owing to tho soppiness of these vessels, tho guest must sometimes some-times have experienced the traditional "slip between cup and lip." N. Y. World. |