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Show NtrToM Debility, With lis glooxy attendants, low spirits, d"pressin.involunLary em missions, loss of semn, s permat'irrhcea, loss of power, dizzy head, loss of memory, and threatened threat-ened impoience and imbecility, find a sovereign cure in Humphrey's Homeopathic Homeo-pathic Specific !No. Twenty-Eight-Com posed of the most valuable, mild and potent Curatives, they strikeat once at the root of the maf.er, tone up the system, arrest the discharges, ana irs-part irs-part vigor and energy, life ind vitality to the entire man- They have cured thousands of cases. Price, So per pack-ago pack-ago of rive boxes and a large $2 vial, wnich is very important in obstinato or old ca-es, or $1 per single box. Sold by all Druggists, and Sfnt by mail on receipt re-ceipt of price. Address, Humphrey's Brondway, New "iork. For Sale at Z. C. M. L and Godbe's Drue Store. a9 |