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Show litv W. U.Tologrniih. IVORTHERX NEWS. IF. I. It. H. Clnnr. Severe Weather. " Ktlzooltc " nuioiig nortlicrii ulnge atock Utl Northeru It. II. Klcli nt I ii lug. discovery. Corinne, 31. The lino of the Union Pacific U. U. is open, and trains are running regularly. Tho weather north is vory severe. At Helena, Montana, last night, the thermometer stood at twenty-tivo degrees de-grees bolow zero; to-night at fifteen degrees bolow. Tho epizootio is raging among Gil-: Gil-: mer ifc Salisbury's stage horses between be-tween this place and Snake river, and progressing northward. If it gels much worse it will probab ly suspend stago travel oo the Montana road. Work has been commenced on the Utah Northern R. K., getting out timber, eto. It is rumored that rich discoveries havo been mado of ore in the Cache mountains, fourteen miles from Co-riuncr. |