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Show RAILROADS. G P. R. R. OV A n AFTKH HKPTEMJIKB Uttli, 117'4. I l( A I H II WILL I.HAVK U fill KM DAILY AN K)L-l.O K)L-l.O HHI fjvirfirxl l'.t.''!nr Train f'lrTiano, r.ulm, V. .nivim Widiw-jflb, 'V;..,,,,, Alacs'-illo, K'xMing I ,r f ; ir-v ni, .-.u-ntH-Ml.,, .-t...-kt-,n, I ,j..uf,f'-f, Si i.:,A tr.,r Y.ioiu.wn L 1 n ".'i 1 iut t.',n Afujulwj, ,-.uu Ji, 4m1 .-.ji, 1-ri.-M.:.., - - - -.1.20f.M. Uvrliu.'l lw:il.t ami A-mm-,da- lii.ii li Jin lut .liJi 1 I - - 5. Si r.K. A. N. TOW Mi, T. il 'i')'i,M.M. ;Ucn I Sup't i i. ii I'.i - .ui'i I'i.ikut Aicnt. (JEu. li. 11 U.K. Ai.oi, .-...It I..k; f.'if, ij;f,,n ,v,u. iijshall A Carter, 'tver W. F. Oj unlt. UU UTAOoIIi' RAILROAD. Trains run between .Irinliam Junction withC. V. R.U., 'tin TERMINUS, MIX MILKH FltuM LUUAX. J...av l...ul. i:.ri..rt. O.n arrival .,1 C. I', )',..-... Tram. J uL.... -:) p.m Afii.n it M.-u.l.. .": " l.firi'. ii M.H.I..H a.. . U : 10 a.m ,Wii.n .ii I ii.-li.ii.i lit I'J: I' m In i-ntiii"! 1 h.lL jams h.r Oifdun and salt i..uk u. on StaM connoct wiili Trnina tn'and frum Hi. ii mii.Y, mill with Ni.rihurn ttutlloinonU In f ' .i. 1 1 vi ''ijiiuLy iui-h KKki.v. Trains Run onfall Lake .Time. llulvvoon '"iilt Lnko ami Terminus,- o 00 j8d.)n " " 3 00 itcdutio. Rate to Kxcursion Parties, I'artfleLors ill please purohaae thoir Tickets ut tho Otltoon. l'nr all In'irimiLiun concerning Freifrht or 1'lUaUKU, upi-lif to UNAS. NIBLKY. Ueiral Jf'ruiitbt and Ticket Agent. J SO. W. YOL'SU, UJ Uen'l iiup'L UTAH CENTRAL IlAILItOAD. f,i"i--i!TF! FTEES PIONEER LINE OF UTAH. Ua and after leuf)mbr !0,;Hta. Dully Trnius Leave Salt Lake City at 5 a.m. and 16 pun Arrive at 0 it don 7 a. in. aud 4:45 p. m. T nve Oirdon At 8 a. m. and 5:30 p. m. Arrive at Salt Lake City 10 ft.ni. and 7:30 p.n In addition to the above 3VEX3s:xix train W1L1 run DAILY, SUNDAYS EXCEPTED Leaving Salt Lako City at 8 a.m. and 5.30 p.m., and Ogden at5a.niand 5.5U p.m. iiiMjiri will please Frtaae tlielr Tickets at the Offleee. Flftj Cents additional will be charged when the fare is collected on tho tra,n, for all Information oonoernint freight oi passage, apply to J S. SHARP, Sensr-l Freight and Tioket Ag .TOHf. 8HAKP, TrPtaTMTl!TDBMT UTAH SOUTHERN EiAILROxVD. Ou.Ni.a .Iter Ucueinbcr :.Oll, 1874 DAILY Tit A INS Leave tho Utah Centra! K.R. Depot, Salt Lako City, at 7 a.in. and &30 p.m. Arrive at Lchi at 9 a.m. and 4.o0 p.m. Leave Lchi at 9.30 a.m. and 5 p.m. Arrivo at Salt Lako City at 11. oO a.m. and 7 p.m. ; In addition to tho above MIXED TRAINS "5Vill run daily, Sunday excepted. Leaving tho Utah Central R.R. depot, t:ilt Lako City, at I p.m. and Lchi at 6 a. id. Pa centers will please purchase their Tiokcts at the U dices. Virty cents ad-diiionai ad-diiionai will bo ehareer1 when tho tare w collected on the train. For jli io formation conccruiog freight or paS3t;c, apply to J AS. SIIAKP, Qq. Freuttt and Ticket AinC JOHN SUABP, RPP aRTSTEXP ST. SAN FRANCISCO TRADE. Harness Saddler!, Leather. .?. c.johTJox & co.. i01 S- 106 Fnmt Strcrf, s.l.v FRASftsco. iV;". r " jrmi',..inJ ttt 3tr. H. B L'tair- Einstein Bro's & Co., M m::"ac:anirf and Imrorters of BOOTS & SHOES, At-.J Jcalt;f3 ia LKATOKS. FINP1SGS. Ktc, S. P. HOLDER i CO., commission .MEi;cn.o;TS, sr: prancisco. BViS AND SBL15 IQK VI.UI IKAPK, JOB PRINTING. The varied wanU 'of the MUTER, ARTIZAN anil TRAVELER iro JOB PRINTING CAN E' F I I, I. K. I). AT THE HERALD JOB OFFICE. The unanimoui satisfaction given by tho work done at our office in the past has justified us 10 oootinually importing im-porting all the Newest Attractions with which to please oar 'patront in Elegance and Style, and perforin Job Printing to oompira favorably with any importation importa-tion in this lino from the East ox West. Anything in the nature or PAMPHLETS, POSTERS, BHOWCAKDS, MINING BLANKS, BUSINESS BLANKS. t'EKTIFICATES, HANDBILLS, BUSINESS CARDS, VISITING CARDS, BANK CHECKS, COUNTINGHOUSK WORK! RECEIPTS, BALL TICKETS," CIRCULARS, BILLHEADS, CARDS, ETC., ETC., done to order in black, colors or fgeld. We do not profrsa to work below cost, nor work for tho sake cf working, nor giro "..lita -,rany nature, hot by a eystem of calculating prices, make a rule to oorarete with outttdc Quality & Figures Salt Lake Iron Co. CUA3. ROOME, President. ENRY J. DAVISON. Secretary, j SlASjy VRK OF MINING & 3IIC lI MACHINERY. Engines and Boiler- "--'s and Repaired to IRON AND BRASS CASTINGS, MODEL WORK. SXlcviitvxx'xl 3VXei,clilxiox'y. fJr-iuM rrooiMly Executed in a Workmanlike Mann--r. Old Cait Iron Bright at the liibcat Market I'rice. L. V. Sl'TIIEKLi.r, Manager. j.j) WOKKsi lJlockS.iiih of Deput. V. U, liux. j), GENERAL AGENTS FOR THE CHLEP.RATKD KNABE PIAMOS, THE BEST for Touch, Tone and Durability now in use; ALSO MANUFACTURERS OF THE FAVORITE BAUER PIANOS. EVERY INSTRUMENT FULLY WARRANTED FOR it" i r m "3tr.E3 a. n. is . MANUFACTURERS AND IMPORTERS OF BAND INSTRUMENTS, STRINGS, AND ALL KINDS OF MUSICAL MERCHANDISE. CATALOGUES AND PRICE LIST SENT FREE TO ANY ADDRESS. SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS TO THE TRADE. JULIUS BAUER & GO., 650 Broadway, 390 , 392 394 fc 396 Wabash Avenue . NEW TORE. CHIC AG jyi8 GROCERY DEP'l ZL C. IM1. 1". WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Groceries, Hardware, Plows, feioves, Crockery Glassware, Tinware, 3Iiners' Supplies. Wo do not throw out any Eaits by Advertizing a fevs Leading Articles at Low Prices, A-XiXi OUR GOODS ABE OHEAP DEALEEd W THM . SETTLEMENTS - AND MINING TOWNS WILL FIND IT TO THEIR INTEREST TO CALL . AND ENQUIRE PRICES BEFORE PURCHASING. S T 0 'V E ST Grocery and Hardware Department MONITOR, CHARTER OAK, NEW ERA, LOYAL COOK, Also a great variety of other COOKING and HEATING STOVES, comprising com-prising the largest assortment to bo found in aDy stock io Utah; prices very low, call and see. oct20 H. B. CLAWSON, Supt. He 0,1. City, GENERAL MACHINERY WACON" DEPOT, COUNCIL HOUSE TAPiD, NEAR THE TEMPLE BLOCK. Pitt's and oilier Thriisliiu? Jlatliines, Wood's Mower and Combiucd Machine, Excelsior Mower and Eeapcr, . World Mower and Keaper, Cliamiiion Mower aud lteaper, Sulky Eakes. " Welcome" and "Snperior." Turbine Wheels, "Eureka" Sniutter. Cane Mills, Madiine Extras ! ! ! iMark the Place COUNCIL HOUSE YARD SALT LAKH CITY. We are cx?-c:-z as imxe-i::c ;::irxct of the well-known and josdv-celebrarcd "SGHTJTTLER Y7AG0N," The factory havir; jusr f.-rV rrj-;rq s-;3ce CHICAGO FIRE I H, B. Qr Y "50N, SaperintcDdeou Z. C. M. I. SHOE FACTORY DEPARTMENT, 99 East Temple Street, SIGN Qi' THE - I G- j OO T GENTS' BOOTS, ' LADIES' BOOTS, CHILDREN'S BOOTS, GENT3'; SHOES, V LADIES' SHOES, CHILDREN'S SHOES, GENTS' SLIPPERS, LADIES' SLIPPERS, CHILDREN'S SLIPPERS, For Gnu woathor or stormy woatbor; for walking, walk-ing, duneine, working, srAUKis'G, climbing, iiuiug, uauiugi mmiug, oic, cic I A largo and choioo assortment of the abovo, j our own mako and iinportod, at the most rea-lOBttble rea-lOBttble prices. ' We make to order any style and quality desired aud Insure satisfaction. OLD : BOOTS A.D SHOES Made as good as now almost. SELLING OFF OUR OLD STOCK BELOW COST! Sole Leather ! Upper Leather! Harness Leather I Imported Calf Skins, . American Calf Skies, Morocco and Kid Skins, Shoe Findings, "kit"' op all kinds;i 1IQKSE COLLAKS! Horse Collars ! ! HORSE COLLARS!!! ALL AI LOWEST PRICES, Wholesale and Retail ! Orders oy Mail receive sreclBj and prompt attention- HIDES ANUWOOL BOUGHT. ' H. B. CLAWSON, Eop't DUNFOJRDSONS. LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S AT OOST! DTJEING THE HOLIDAYS. Xixi5"c Assortment. Now is your time! " ml7 Sewing Machine. "7 E respectfully invite thb Publia to cull and sec our oxcolloDt variety Oi Hewing B;lacliincs? IN PIalii,Beautiful aud Elaborate Styles of Workmanship AND GREATLY IMPROVED WITH TUB IF A 2ST T O 1ST CASTOBS. The al Sata of the SINGER MACHINE are now THREE QUARTERS OF A MILLION. THE SALES OF LAST YEAR, 2. O 9 S 3 O ad QTiaouoB lain ll U iu wmaias aupromu luvur m uiu uuu.uuu.ui The Slnoer Company sold ovor tho other Companioa, 52,734. Ha5 Tho Chicago Relief Committee furnished millcrcrs by tho Fire io March 18, 1872, 3,944; 3.151 SillSCr Jlaclliltes, all other makes, 733. Applicant made their selection, mth samo discount on all. OUR SALES IN UTAH EXCEED ANV. OTHER HOUSE IN THB, SEWING MACHINE LINE THIS SIDE OF CHICAGO. Wo courteously invito tho Ladles to sou our n-m broidery a.ttioii33Ca.oxxt It attracts general ut ton lion and admiration. We also desire you to see our TUCKERS, CORDERS, RUFFLERS, BINDERS QUILTERS, HEMMER5, TRIMMERS, PLEATERS, SELF-BASTE RS, SEAM-RIPPERS, NEEDLE-SETTERS. NEEDLE-SETTERS. SUITABLE FOR ALL KINDS OF SHUTTLE SEWING MACHINES. WE GUARANTEE EVERY MACHINE WE SELL TO GIVE ENTIRE SATISFAO tion, as each one is thoroughly adjusted, triod and tostod by oxnoriosood Mechanics and all are warranted to bow with oaao nil kinds of goods, from the oonrsoat to tho finest. Lace, Muslin, Cambric, X)oiueutics Denims, Tickings-Ducking, Tickings-Ducking, Beaver, Buckskin and Leather. M8T Instruction given free of ohargo by competent attendants, and terms of sale to suit all circumatanocs. OTHER SEWING MACHINES REPAIRED ON REASON REA-SON AB LETTER MS. We extend a cordial invitation to all to GOME AND SEE UB MACHINES Whcthor they wish to purchase or not, IT TUB SINGER SEWING MMIIINE DEPARTMENT G. EI. I. Gensral Agents, Two doors south of Eaglo Emporium. Salt IjAKB OiTJf. UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD ME TABLE. DNTIL further notice, Trains - will leave and arrive at Ogdon Diiily, as follows: LEATI. I Arbivb. Daily Epress.8-30 a.m. Daily Exp's, 510 p.m. Miied, - 6-m p.m. I Mixed. - 2:3 p.m. Freight, - 10-3J a.in. 1 Freight. - 6-10 a.m Daily connect ions made at Ogden with Utah Central Pacific lioad from Salt Lake city and all points in Southern South-ern Utah, At Bryan with stages for Sweetwater mines. At Cheyenne with Uenvei Vacific Kailroad for Denver, Central city, Georgetown and all points in Colorado And New Mexico. A t Omaha with Chirsfrt nnri Nnrt.h "Western, Chicago, liock lslund and Pacific, Burlington and Aliaeourt River, Kansas city. SL Joe and Council Ii lulls Railroads and Missouri Kivcr Line of Steamers for all points East and South Tickets for sale to al points East at office of Wells, Fargo & Co., East Temple Tem-ple street, and at tho office of Utah Central Cen-tral Railroad, in Salt Lake city; also at Union Pacific Kailroad ticket office in. Ogden, at which office berths on eleep-ng eleep-ng cars can be secured. j Arrangements haye been made whereby where-by passengers desiring to visit Denver on their way East can avail themselves of an excursion rate from Cheyenne to Denver, and return at greatly reduced rates. i Por particulars and ail information in regard to passage, apply at Ticket Of- : fices. Passengers should be careful to secure their passage tickets to all Eastern and Southern points via OMAIIA, and thus avail themselves of the advantages of a through sleeping car, cornforlabie accommodations ac-commodations and quick time, THUS. L. KIMBALL, General Ticket A gent. T. E. SlCXKLS, CbX Engineer and Superintendent i8 Herald Bindery. OUR BINDERY IS PHEFARCD 10 Hep sir, La a wortaanlijio manner, AJbnmfl, Old Books, etc., etc.. rAnd Ilmr i MAGAZINES, PEiiiCDiCALS, INSURANCE. AMAZON INSURANCE CO. J. B. RKXXETT - - President. II. I. mi - - Secretary. Cincinnati, Ohio. ASSETS, JUNK 30, 1873. Ciwh on hand, in hank, and in .course of transmission $111,T08 57 United btatos Bonds, market valuo 12ti ItiO 09 Mortcacos. 3,tM 07 Collateral Loam . J28.-1S7 W Accrued Interest. 'J)fil2 68 Bills ltecciviblo 3lJ17 15 State Uonda und Midcollaoooua...." 5b,ii7 ft) Duo from Agents 3,U07 65 SSS0rJ6 7l JjIAJJIUTEJKS. OuUtan'ding Lossoa and other Lla hifitiua m,m 177,711 04 H. R, Maim & Co,, Agents, mCe: Itnuitln House of A. W. ft'"lt4to, Jl'.O. lioi,05. iy28 OF TI1K Home Mutual INSURANCE COMPAN,, OF CALIFORNIA. CAPITAL - - - . $650,000. JOII.V II. REIMXUTO.V, Prnllcu., ClIARLBill.NTURr, S.cr.l.rr, Prmdp,il Oilier, 4.i.i CiUfumia St., SAN FRANCISCO. H. R. MANN & Co., Agents, C'mc: BanfeiD Uvxitt, A. V. White & Co. THIUMPH FIRE INStRANl'B CO.'S, CISCISSAIL Asseia - - $789,504.43 Rll.fa! CnritrwrlHliK. P.rrtct lDdcmnltr. We tri Fair Rates and Promise to pay J un I.s:8. I Ricks taken throughsut Utah t H. B. rtiAriij Co., figenis. iALT lake city-I city-I I SAN FRANCISCO TRADE. BOOTS AND SHOES, California Manufacture, FOR WUULEBALIC THADkC, H eaver &. Taylor, ,r0l Market Street, San Francisco, CaJ. ; aU E. A. FAR CO & CO., Importer and Jobber of Bnflies. Wines aatl LiporE, 10 Front St., cor. Commercial, D. a. JtTi- i'tf SAN FRANCISCO a. tiitLtKR. ) new Vork. J. BAUM & CO., Iiuporten and al&nutaclerera of MEN'S BOYS' CLOTHING. -IS & 2JJ huiome SC., 8n Franolaro. No 18 Warren Su. New York. ft HKCIIT, BHO'S & Co. BOOTS, SHOKSAt LRATHEK 104 Jt lOS Snntometit., San Vnrtro, And G Si 12 Pearl St Bus ton. BUCKIAOJ1A.M A IIVC11T, Munohctnrnr of Uio "tlTIA QUAUTT" tALlfORWA BOOTS AND SHOII. oil A. J. G11IFFIT1I, Dler In CfT all klodiof PICXIiHI ((MOW HIXJ SALMON m 'HERRINGS, k!it.l of Drtcd, hmiihsri n.1 PLUM I'Uh diiiiKirJr on hand. PARKER, WATTSON &. CO.' (Sueoeuora to Well A Co.,) Importer! rui ASajiutrsolurera of TOBACCO AND CIGARS, 221. 223 and 225 Front tU, cor. Sacramento, BAN FHANCINCO, CAL. I. 0DIIIO7I1IJ. WiLTia UOOt, U. B. 110 JIT. au. chihijOviuh , oo.. Importers and wholnaule ilenlen In W1NK1 A. LI4lOKB ou auiktb roa IESSE, MOOflfc & GO'S FINt OLD BOURBON AND HYE WHISKIES. DI10I mOM LODIBTILLI, XT. 601 Front St.. BAN FHANCISOO. ni EBtabllihod in 1851. C. VENARD, Manufacturer of the Original Cliartres Coffee, And all kiwis of Spices and California Mtislard. ti28 and 627 Front Stroet. between Jaokson wid Paciflo. SAN FHAtCIbC0. a5 ESTABLISHED 1850. Importers of Teas, East India goods and general groceries, 213 and 2f Front Street, fian Francisco. o2G GRAND HOTEL. On Market, New Montsrounrj and occond BtroaU. PHAWOISOO, OAIj. a JOHNSON & Co., PaopaiKTOBfl. Wholesale Lipor Dealers, 408 Front Street, Ban ITrBlco. Proprietors of SIIL.LIItB JCXTH.A OLOBOUHUOH And solo arentafcr . t. CUTTER'S EXTRA OLD BOURBON WHISKIES Constantly on hnnd. a full assortment of all the rd Drandi of WHltklee, Sine U rand I Foreign and Domtitlg Wines, mB Bitters. Oordlils, L. A. BandertOD, X. L. Horn. SANDERSON i HORN Importers and Jobbers of CIGARS AND TOBACCO. (Proprietors. U La Epaaola CIiar Factory,) Sole manufacturers oj tlie eeUbrrte 'CHA8. DICKENS' CIGAR ' 413 Front Mtroof, Ratweon Washington and Clay, SAIf FRANCISCO r4 MU8PHY,GBANT&C0. Importers of American and European Staple ami Fancy DBT GOODS, NAN FUANCIWCO, CAL.IFCIJ.SIA, Call tha attention of the Trade to iheii larss fced complete Btcok of FALL AND WINTER DRESS GOODS Which the? are now reooWin direct from .European Manufacturers, oomtrisina in part F reach IBcrlsioa Wool Satini, Wool Plaids, freucb and Oerm.n, Irish and Freneh Poplins, Ktnpraaa Cloths, Tamlsa, black and colored, Velreteens, Alpacas, blk colsred, SILKS, VELVETS, RIBBONs! 4LB0 Kid.Back, Berlin (Ladios'. MineaGent., Bents' Underwear And all kinds of Gents' Furnishing Goods. H?J,rJr complete In nil Its branohe White Goo.li, Handkerchiefs, Shirting LlnDi, Q,nllH, hlLe r; aAor A,' Dmaoks, brown kfltti arM IJ.vhxl Towals. Hnr, Dinr-. Tirk:,b Ht.yU.laf oil Uojllc., '-. Lit. SPRUANCE,STANLEY&Co ImjKjrtera aad dealers it Fine Old Bourbon RY WHISKIES, Brandies, Gins Wines, etc., 410 TROWT STKEET, il" BAN FKAXOiCO. fWACONDRAY & CO., Iiap-jrtcrs of niiNA & j.ipjx TEAS, SHIPPING -.vi COMIMISSION MERCHANTS 3)1 and 3-; SA.VSuilE STKKli'T cA.V J-'KAXCIiCU. n!lV5-mViarMy I" T"l'A "f fre-h in oief o: UU-A and JAl'A-N l'K-VS, and all 'venation! of Lxti Ixuu andSiaAirsJ'iio-tcca. TRAVEL. REDUCTION IN PASSAGE. " ill1 1 U.N' LINK DKTWEKN Kew Vork, Qiioenstown, and Liverpool. Can) ik tho l iiittxl States Mailt MINNESOTA. N KlUt .SK WISCONSIN, BOVxil SAIL1NH KKOM NEW YtMlK KVl'HY KhNKSMAY. " CAltlN tVom Xew York W nod gold. Slutunwm on llio ulllo dwk n SalmrO. STKI'ltAUK: (rem New Ywk; t.lfrom Liv,'n-t.nlor iJiiPciiUnvn,.ii)-Hblo in curron,-,- I'uv-.inu irMin r lo tioruimiv, Fian:e, Hr way, Sai-don, etc.. nt l..m o.t Hatus. KniiiiMrtnciM to tiroat Uritain, liolandand ! Ai.i'b to W1I.1.IAMS A MltON',i)Brd-wav;or MltON',i)Brd-wav;or H S. ELDKKIMIE. dil Salt Lake City, THE CHICAGO & NORTHWESTERN NORTH-WESTERN RAILWAY Id tho VIONEEK KOUTK betwoor OMAHA nnd ClilUAOO complete four yoars njro, Binco wliitrh time lh( Compiiny biivuspHrod noitlmr palnsnoi oxpoiitio in (iortm tlnft its road bud ami truok, atitl ottiiipinir it with rollitifi toL-k.of llio mo! iinuliirii iniprnvomoHU this, t.'i'tlmr wiili tin) fnot of its boina llio Shvrtf Line, ntfurs to tho Travel itiR l'ulilic it rutitu u U6U rpiLsaMd in Llii C"iinlr' fur jpcitil, couifort. atifoty atii guru LMiiiiivlunia. PA HTU'l! LA It CAUTION ahuuh bo utk.in by pitsoiiKnr in srleclinj their routf", nnd not lo uticcivi-d by fnU lulvortisonionU and roprotnuitaliiniB tij intiirdstod piu'Lioe of ooiiipolinff linen ig r.pird to timo, distiuicn?, rnltut, oic This popuUr roti to r(iuiros no U, iUitomonLH, nilyiiiK 011 ite truo merits, i noeilo only to bo known by tho travel ng public to ba appreciated. TIMh: San Frniififlco to Omaha, four day id Bi'vun hours. Via L'liii:ii.i;o and North Wostt .Cailway, Oiuaba to C'hicaju. twenty, hrou Imurs. Oninhnlc Now York, sixty hours. Onitiha to Bob Urn, sixty-four tiourt. Pullman'- ".lace, Hotel, anil S"tp. Inff Care A-ro run on nil throiifrh trafof fton Omaha to UIhchho, llow to Hocuro Sloojiing Ilortha Uo- foro iioucliiiiK Onialia: FafisoiiKiirfl desirous of Buuurinjr Sloop- inR Uorlbs, bullions or btato Hoouig Id tuo 8ioopiiiK Unr from Oinulia Kast, can do so by tolnraphinfi; from any of the stations on tlio Union I'acilio Itailroad, to W. A. Ciiriionlor, Oonernl Anont, (J & N. V. Railway, Otniiha, statluR what thoy wur.t. Tliia is all thoy nod to do until thoy roach tho U & N. W. Kiiil-wiiy Kiiil-wiiy D(!poton tlioynStBidu of tho Missouri Mis-souri Kivnr, thon r to tho Sleopin Car Conductor, giva him thttir namoi, u por UOisrftin, and they will And that ha Las their burins ret-urved lor them. pHsaotiors koihr llHt will coniult thoir own intercut by fioeuring Throuirli Tickets via CHIAGO & NOKTU WESTERN RAILWAY, which cut bo procured at all principal ticket o ID cos iu California ana tha Woal, and at railroad oil cos to rinn Francisco, Sail Lako City, OjtJuu, Omaha and Council BluflB. JNQ. O. OAULT, Genoral tiup'l Chicago. H. P. HTAN WOOD, G on oral TickoL Agont, Ohicnee. R GILMER & SALISBURY'S DAILY STAGE LINES TILROUGU iJlah, outh - cast IVevasia & JIon- LtavlMg; Halt Ltka Clly Dally, ra nlns; Houdi to Tlntio, American Fork, Mount Nebo, Sevier, St. QeorL'o, Utah ; and Pioohe, Nevada ; Faaalna; through Frovo, Sprinville, Spaniflh Fork,Py Bon, Salt Creek, Chicken Crcok, Round Valley, Fulmoro.Cora Orook, Beaver, Mincre-ville, Mincre-ville, and Att the principal tovms and minks camps in southern Utah and lou&tut Nevada. Alao leave Corlnne, Utah, dall'i ruaalng north to viTKinia tjiiy, neicna, eon aeawa, Deer Lodge, (Jodar Creek mijwfl, and pasbinj? through aU the principal towns and mining min-ing camps in Mod tana. PIUfifCIPAI OFFJCB, Wells, Ftrgo i Co. Building ion4 Salt Lake City Len Wfnns. fl. P. Kifflbaik SAlT lake, opnra And Tintic Stage and Express LINE, LAKK city, i. lakb TO'' TOOELE CITV, 8TOCKTO AJID OPJ11R TO TISTI0, Th rout, tu b.. re-ltmJ '''.it"i did CoTi-ord CoachM. fine ,cc. '-'i, r. ut.ii.iTi DriTC.-i .nd .T.rr..l"! o-o o-o tta oonfon ani oonTllo3'', c Good accommodation! on 1 THROUGH BY DAYLIGHT- Cheap Fars and Quick Tint OB, at W.U., rTgo C'i ..f alt !. Cl" KIMBAIA .pit T""" |