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Show (By W. 0. Teletraph. THAT r.NKOWJT STEAMER. Jxindon, St. Lloyd's agent at Cadii telegraphs them that it was the Spanish Span-ish steamer Muriilo which sunk the'! emicrani hip North F"iect, on the night of the Jd. The Muriilo had a caigo for Lisbon, but entering that harbor was Bigoalkd not to land as 1 there is an extradition treaty between Eng!and and Portugal under which the officers wo'il b arrested and surrendered sur-rendered to (ha British authorities. She put to Eta again and landed at Cadiz where she now lies. Sha is uninjured. Tho officers and crew will ?o"n be exirrnoed in relation to the diai':r. Ihere is no extradition treaty be'wccn Spain and England. TYr Pccnsrlvania State senate has pa-cd icoiutic:i, by a vve of t-arer.ty fire io ore, ;nrusing Uoi'ed States fenators from Penrj ;vai,;a to vte scain-t the p:i:oha?e ani octroi of Jelegraphs by coverauxut. "p-.e h'c Ionian afTairs committee on Thursday con.-'dtrci the prnp-xiii, n r:o ir.-vri orate the American. Japan j and Ch'.na teiearavb company, and the enatc Joreigo com mi tie 4 have a.i convened at..Tut it, bat both hive decided, de-cided, on account of the shortness of lhe session, to postpone it indefinitely. |