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Show CONGRESSIONAL. SEX ATE. Washington, 31. A message from the President was received, vetoing the bill for the relief of the University of East Tennessee. Windom, Harlan and Me-venson Me-venson were appointed a conference committee on the Indian appropriation bill. fclmunds said to-morrow he wvuM call up the biil 'disposing of the Alabama claims award. Harlan intro duced a joint resolution, for a constitutional constitu-tional amendment electing Een&tors by popular vote. "ye called up tho Webb Australian steamship subiidy bill, and spoke thereon He declared British agent were endeavoring en-deavoring to defeat this American measure. Sherman moved to table thf bf.l, and take up the substitute for Bjck-ir.gham'S Bjck-ir.gham'S banking bit'.; lo-t, 4 to :'-0 Cr.ar..i'.er then o:!ered the Bjrnside nib-sidy nib-sidy bii. as a substitute for the pendinj bi 1, announcing that on tho llm v u he wou'.d oppie both. Morrill, of Me., fnvored the biil. He faid the Auura.li.n line dt-servfd er.oouragemiTit as ar American Iir.e, also as a pioneer lire which would .-pen up a new te'-d lo. shipping. The A'.lar.lic coast was now sir tiirc ir in a ruim-us cei.i pennon witl the subsidized shipp-.r.g of hr-rope. Cor to;t ad .v.iied ar.d Fr-,;r.ituysen op pose.!. ye said this bill wa. supports r.y the rccon-.m.--r,datiL5 of tho Sai Francisco chamber of coram roe, tb P'.-. .-'.master general, and tbe Pre-;.ieri ot iho United States, ihurman move, to table the bnl, for the purpose of mov ing that wb&a the Sate djujini to rlsy, it adjourn to Monday; agreed to. Tne Senate then voted to adjourn to Mondav. Tne subsMy bill was taken up. when Thurman, for trie purpose of killing it, moved to lay it on tne table; pecdioe which motion, the Senate adjourned untii Monday. IIOl'SE. The day was devoted to the consideration considera-tion of prira: bill, a larpe number of which were disposed of. Adjourned. |