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Show PACIFIC COAST XEWS. CALIFORNIA. During the past two weeks io San FraDcL-co the receipLs of the Art Gallery Gal-lery amounted to $v50. Twelve cbildrea bare died recently of scarlet fever in the Utile town ol Michigan Biuff, Piacer oouniy. iMr, atsoo has produced a play on California, which she has bright prospects of briDgintout in the Eve, Miss Wiggins, of Tehachepi, Kern county, was thrown from and dragged by her horse several hundred yards on tbo lth instant and received very serious injuries, though ehe will recover. re-cover. The people of Sao Francisco are becoming interested in the Sao Joaquin Joa-quin and Tulare narrow gautre railroad. One gentleman has taken fifty shares, and others are preparing to loilow suit. Tha Ntpa Register says: Much grain is already up even three or lour inches high. Two weeks more of favorable weather will allow about all enr farmers to finish their work, and then light spring raius will insure them a beautiful harvest. 'lhe Oakland Torchlight tells a story of three impecunious gents who got into one room at a lodging-house, Not : having any coin, the landlady seized I two pair of pants, leaving one pair, 40 .which those three men are taking turns, one tryirjg to borrow money enough to release himself, and the other two are obliged to remain in bed. . OKEGUX. Benton oounty, Oregon, is arming. Judge Buriett has received rifles and ammunition. Tho Yaquina rears is the cause of this war-like preparation Belled and bellowing bovines banish slumber from the eyes of quiet citizeLa of the lately created oiiy of Forest Grove, and the recorder wants an ordinance ordi-nance that wiil give him power to banish ban-ish the bovines. The Statesman says: The religious revivsl at Salem still continues- The house is usually crowded at an early hour. Over one hundred persons have applied fnr member.thip, and we are informed that the ooiversions probably exceed (bat number. - J. A. Foot, with a gang of thirteen carpenters, is engaged io rebuildioir ihe upprr portion of the 0. S. is', company's bridge oer Mill Creek, Wasco county. The bridge is 507 feet long, and it is expected, to take from four to six weeks to complete the job. A Hillsboro correspondent says Dr. Marsh is making the institution at Forest Grove a complete success, and is deserving of the greatest praise for his untiring energies in that direction. Washington couoiy oan boast of one of the best institutions of learning on the coast. Residents of Portland pay only one-fourth one-fourth of the total amount of taxes collected in Wa-hingtou oounty, instead in-stead of one-half, as heretofore published; pub-lished; and our correspondent says, "they ouyht to pay more, as all the crimioats, nearly, which Washington county has to board, get their start in Portland." |