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Show AfcftXAL TELEGRAPH V. nuli-Til, ri'-t tii'-'fi1,' 'lays urcp, aa ap-pan ap-pan niiy itt-mn ti -ant i" 111, ill at the :ii:;fr: I,:;'! ':';f.iir f :1 iu the house bill Kru -' i-lnri-'i 10 ' In) Lionm A-r.V. 'I 1 -fia.U (J(ini,ai.y. I'n.UVy (; .J; I it - i: -li'I '1m 'J.l.t U the li:a'ii, 'j'fi I. r I.-- imagined ttui iln- I.-j'jiuu A-.i , .J JV!i.Kniij!i company, com-pany, wn.li it ittr.-.v.ut capital of l)i)U, 'ir.'l ;i ru-j;if:livi; lurid fjf .MV (I'lU, ti r '.-: a jr:ifi 1 roviliitiun in Mm t t'rrijlii ) in ', nut al'ine C'l' tin: Inih: 1 Sivt.-t, LuL tlifl world. An I y. ,,,! f-k modest littli: rv.rporifi ih li.i.t t stiff, ilpun itwtlf. I, -i.it r-unirjicr, du.jior L'icjhim, ia a fl;ri' h (' f!m:f rical exn"riin(!ntrt, claiiUM iu li:ivu dciiiMi.ra'cd, ! tlio fat infliction inflic-tion of Liriiiidf and fi i'.L.l-i, tlio feasibility feasi-bility nf ic:rj(jliiu without atrifjg-idk atrifjg-idk win:i or pluntiiiz .o!m. Thin is not wholly anew nlca, but tint doctor's plan of uurryiu it out woiuh to be an original an it id uniijue. 'in ttc experiments of last minimcr, in the Slato of Vir-itiia, Vir-itiia, tln-ro wjnj f-t ut up, from stations sta-tions upon uiouotain tops lil'lcco tuilen apart, live huu'lnd fuct into the air, kitm liitvinir a Inn copper wire pans-Ui pans-Ui I h nnj tf h t.lio o.nl and terminating iu hcvural p.ititrt prvitrmliuff from the top of euch ki;c. At this height Or. hooiiii.') claims' to have fuund strata of ready tuado lihtniu, quicHcont -and traetuLli:, by niuiun, of whinh, with iiiHtninicntu at each station, ho trans- uiitted pciTcct tyul intclliKiblo uinals, oonver.riK with his assistants fifteen miles distant, as readily as. is done over tlio ordinary wires, li is circuit being completed by tho ground, tho kite cord, with it.i tine wire, and tho electrical elec-trical .strata in tliu c.Iikh. Arguing that tiieho strata urn iud linito in length, and permanent in duration, tho learned gentleman eontoudn that tlicre is oo mure dillioulty in telegraphing from tho Hooky Mountains to tho Alps than ho found in tho din Unco of fifteen mi leu. That this tchemo is practicable remains re-mains to bo proven, but wo must not diamius it with a sneer, especially since people so readily remember tho ridioulo heaped upi-n the lir.it propositions of professor Morno, in tho ort telegraphic, telegra-phic, and i ho euso with which learned cluotrieianrt detiiijnitratcd that the successful suc-cessful operation of ocean cnbles was a myth ovi n choiild tho laying of the cables provu uuuliL beyond a snare and a diduhitJii. That strata of cleotrtoity exist in tho air no ono will pretend to deny, and tliut-sigualn were sent in tho manner desuubed id not only possiblo, but very probablo, .since all telegraphers telegra-phers of oxpcriouco, especially io tho working of tho overland wires, have witnes.-ed tho wending of signals, wordd, and uiosnagos, huudrcds of mile.-', by atmospheric electricity, variable and unreliable an this medium is uear tho earth's surfato. This being tho case, who is prepared to assert that tho Loomin Aerial system ia a humbug ? To hi sure, wc aro all perfectly willing that tlio Htookholdcrs should first squander squan-der their means, if such bo the sequel, in bringing their projeot beforo the public in practicable shape; but when tho schema becomos fait accompli, accom-pli, and, without poles, lines, or oablon, wo oao send our dispatches across the soas, will not all bo ready to exclaim, "1 knew it"! "I told you so"l Imagine Imag-ine tho situation I Five hundred foot, or uioro, abovo us lies an immenao reiser voir of electricity, and beneath us, tho earth, is another siuiiliar rcservior, smaller perhaps yot equal to tho demands de-mands of all who dwell upon it. Wo wish to send word aoross the continent. conti-nent. All that is nocossary, nftor wo have learned tho alphabet and secured tho proper machinery, is to let fly our kite, at some timo pro-arranged with our correspondent, transact our business, busi-ness, send our kind words to aWot friends, or a kiss to our lovo, roooil tho oord, and go about our labor.. Of course tho Aerial company intend to monopolize tho btwncus covered by their charter, but who i going to watch all tho inhabitants in-habitants of tho world, and cut the siring to every kite that's flown? Alas, Or. looum, your otherial telegraphing tele-graphing is destined to bring unto you gru'f and disappointment! All will thank you for your discovery, but do-body do-body who can tap your tank will pay tribute to your science! Von may squander your capital, erect your towers, and arrange your cheap tariffs at a cent a hundred words or more, b it tho great world will fly its kitoe, study w.-ology for itself, turpa.s, it Uiaybe,"0;d Probabilities" himself, at his pet science, and laugh at the Loomis Aerial Telegraph company, and all o'her combinations that propose pro-pose to monopolize both the heavens and the earth. Hut, readers mint pardon more ex tended consideration of tho prolific theme opened tip by this wonderful discovery. It may be that the great man, L loinis, has hit upon the svervt that explains various "spiritual" mar-v.-ls, and that he is intruding upon tbe prerogatives of u no m bodied bciufis. Kveryone eiu folio w tho sutject ad ;.!, but the limits of tho Uer-M-d s sp.wo forbid further comment at prc.-e;i:, and wo leave you with tbe aigels, merely suggesting that undoubtedly un-doubtedly in the secrets of electricity a-c concealed marvelous facts desticed, p.rhaps to upset many "learned," preconceived ideas oi the workincs and m.in.igt-:uei:t of 'he universe. |