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Show Correction. The foilowirg. which as c'i;.pod from the Ocdrn Junction nd rrpubli.-htd in C e Hekald. Mr. 'ou!d telegraphed to the A-tociated Press: In some places alone the road, Fnow Initfl bid accumulated to 'he height of -ix'e n feet. At Granite Canyon three 1 -eetion hands w.-ro frrieu to death, 'wo at Bryan, and a number of others, it is reprned, perished while shovtlicg 'he snow off the track. e?:erday he received the foilowirg from the as.-i.-tant general superintendent superinten-dent of the U. P. K. K., to which we gladiy give spac;: Omaha, Jan. 31. A. S. Gould, Acent Associated Press 1 Salt Lake: R ferring to your message dated a't Like. Jan. 30. please correct as r'nibwjj : There are no snow driits on Uuion Pacific railroad sufficient to delay de-lay trains. Only one train was delayed trom this cause the entire winter. Weather at Granite Canyon has been very favorable with only two inches unw. No section hands were frozen to death any where on the line. The road is clear and all trains on time. S. H Clark, Asst. Gen. Supu U.P.R R. |