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Show DEERE & Co., "'.V.' Manufacturers of tho gonuino PLOW. Ihc-'p Vl"n h.Tt-o i".r tho ra,-i nuter of a rr.ni.irv maint!nl tho lorutattoo ol tho br.i Plow In n-c. All somiino M.-lino 1'lows bear tho brand a jti'i ii in ibo abovocuU di& WATCHES & JEWELRY ! O. L. ELIASON. I i;i,'S to invrm the ro-i.lor.:." of f?rtl( Lk 1 Otv and vit-inilv, tli.it ho tivt inlr Pirant rrv-r.-rlv Rei-air. Ho.in anil A.Lni-t atoli w :n.l C!iTvn.mtMer. h"l ho ivi I m i i. i' i !i ui t ,ui i-jrioi' Uiom, l ontor, and ,lu-t nvi' i C'l a rfir stipili of Elin.Swiffl W,it'ln-. nnil a lino !t ck of tirst-ol Tomoliy. l'rio I.' I as any in tOUQ. Two lijn.i.iiUttis i'wsiftt liaai. u . NOTARIES PUBLIC. WT(. M. OILLUriK. W. W. TOOD GILLESPIE and WOODS, NOTARIES PUBLIC, CONVEYANCERS, SEARCHERS OF RECORDS, AcixowLSDGKMTvra taksa for tho set era! States iDlutTo&iu. Office hours, 9 . m.. to 9 r. K. Rno-n No. J erer First National Uank.. rait Lake City, Utah Territory. s5 CHAH. W. HTAYN'KK, NOTARY PUBLIC, Duly qualified acd commissioned by th GoT-rnnr OSco 1st door south of Saraee's Photoprsph Oallery. Salt Lake City. xa'JU CONFECTIONARY. The oodersipned wishes to inform his DDraerou Friends arid the Puhlic generally, that he baa everything every-thing io the above lice, COXSISTLNG OF THE FLVST ORNAMENTED CAKES COFFEE CAKES, TEA CAKES, APIES, 5IACAK01ES, LADY FINGERS. SIC, KTC-i ETC, FRUITS, NUTS, AND THE BEST HOME MADE CANDIES In tho markot, A FULL STOCK OF STAPI E AND FANGY GROCERIES, CANNED GOODS AND VARIETIES, Usually kept by him, are now Sold as Cheap as any House in Town. Daniel Grexig, Above Second Sn-'th Street Salt Lake City. WM. LANAHAN & SON, DISnLLEUS AND JOBBERS OF RYE WHISKEYS, WsMhsni Ho.10 LlR'U Street BALTIJ1URE. my 21 AT Til K New Auction House, Wctof Kimball i Lttwrcnco'a, all kinils of I)KID1G mid LOl'.QE3 I ado to order- Carpets Mado, Clcanod and put dcivn. Cornices mndo. I'urnituro polished, varnished snd repaired, Furniture aod l'iajaus morcd, Lluoso l'upcriu and CsboniDimg. C. H. BASSETT, HARDWARE STORE All kindB of HEAVY HARDWARE Iron imi! Steel, Stoves and Tin Ware SL AC it BM ITH TOOLS. AfxrlasUtwravl Implements And JllnlBK Tooli, At Lowtit Rates. UPPORITB 8 A L.AH.K IU1 1 B K MoreLiglit 20,000 GALLONS L't (ho colobratcd IMPERIAL OIL, ! 150 Firo Tost. I IN D 110 StanJirJ Firo Test, FOR SALE. PV THE 1B.1RKEI. OK CASE, I-N LOTS TO St; IT. PETROLEUM Non-Explosive Fluid, SIXTY CENTS PElt GALLON. LAMPS AND LWiP IJOODS J'OK THE X1LL10S!. vT TV K Pioneer LamDStore Nearly opposite the Market. JS. fiEESE & CO, HOTELS, ETC. Washington House i-'lilrd Houth street, HALT LAKE CITY , Board and Lodsrlusr, par Weak 97 00 Hoard and Lodging, per dsy, 1 '45 Day Hoard, per week, 5 00 Single FVrnrb. Spring Beds, per wttiL, - 30 i Bads, par Bight - 50 ' a ala . ... S3 m AMERICAS HOTEL, ' WINTER ARRANGEMENTS, PRICES REDUCED. Ttrmi-12 50 par dnj Board and Koomt I13,UU to l.Oo Tabic Board, tS 00. A few First Clou families can find pleasant quarters. Salt Lake City, November 23. 12. J. a LIXILE, bo24 Trorrietor. TOWNSEND HOUSE, SALT LAKE CITY. THE LEADING HOTEL OV UTAH. JAMES TOWNSEND PROPRIETOR. Thld IJ owe Is centrally and pleasantly 10-oated, 10-oated, well tarnished, and hu aocommoda-tioasfor aocommoda-tioasfor 10 guesu. THB PROPRIETOR is now preparin 0 bolid larre additions to his Hotel, which when anished, will ron'er It the Mott Complete Ettablixhment la the ROCKY SOfNTACI REGION mil WALKER HOUSE, EAST TEMPLE STREET, SALT LAKE CITY, UT A XI . THIS DOUSE IS THE LARGEST AND ban appointed House in Utah Territory, and accommsilaUon ior Lhreo bundrod and filty puosL. Street cars and carriages cunnuct-ed cunnuct-ed with the White sulphur Baths. Roading Ki'oms, containinr papsrs from all points, Balhi. Bar, Telegraph, Notr and Cigar btand attached to the House. H. S- GREELEY, k CO.. dot2I rropriotors. TAYLOE'S HOTEL, EAST TEMPLE STREET. A FIRST-CLASS HOUSE ROOMS NEATLY FURNISHED. GREAT WESTERN HOTEL OS THB SVEOFEAR PLAB. Bttnated in -business part of the city, with accommodation for JJOguoeu. FIRST-CLASS accommodation for FamiUee and Travelers. Uoomi, 80c, 75c, 91-00 and 91.90 Dining Hall and Rastanrant under the management of M. II. Ueardsler. late of the Morrison Ilonse, Omiha, and Tiohnoi Llone, Linooln, Neb. Board par weak, 9T Meals, 50e. FREE OMNIBUS TO HOTEL. Staeea leave daily for the mines. Laundry connected with the hotel-SMITH hotel-SMITH A. BIGAZK, mr17 PrnrTinTors. J St r 1 -- Jo "HI - - JS 5. . HI . c p fS s u 3 5 fi g H" . -a 5 K a t w ch " s J- Mi S g J I p ll m 1 s St CAUTION! If xou do not want to buy a PRINCE OEGAN do not call to see them, as ivc arc sure to soil you one. We have never tailed to sell to all those who have seen or heard them. The PKIXCE ORGAN possesses every valuable in. provement claimed by other nnmufuctnres, besides ten other patents that arc in no other Organ, including Gs.U)l'-ated Gs.U)l'-ated Swell. Divided Swell, IlAVTBor, New Sound Reflector, Reflec-tor, Basso Texlto, Slb Bass Swell, Di-st Excluder, etc. NOTICE. Ye sell a very good Organ lor $75.00. Organs with 6 stops in handsome Walnut Cases $12-3.00. Organs with 7 stops suitable l'or Churches. Schools. Halls, etc., $1-30.00. Can be paid for in install-imcnls install-imcnls it desired. Anv person buying an Organ" ot us can have three ! months lessons, free ol charge, lrom Jos. J. Davnes, Tabernacle Taber-nacle Organist. J. DAYNE3 & SON, dJ k) - dcon oiftcf Gvdbe's Drug Store. A.T COST! f o CII RISTMAS m year" presems THE MOST DESIRABLE OPPORTUNITY! OP-PORTUNITY! CARL C.lSMOSSEN STILL SKLI. And wishes to cail si.evial attention to his beautiful assortment of fine Ladies' Gold and Silver Watches, Bracelets, LADIES' AND GENTLEMEN'S DRESS RINGS, CHAINS, LOCKETS aod CHARMS. Also a great variety of tho Dc5t selected t SOLD NKCLAdES. 11R00CB-ES, 11R00CB-ES, EAR RIXGS AXD FULL SETS A completes assortment of tho boit grades of .43IERICAN" AVATCIIES the mot suitable for Railrt-ad Traveler?. Farmer? and M incr?. l'or strenpth and Rood coins they are onsnrpa'sed, and will keep longer thaj any other watch. ALL GOODS ARE SOLD UPON DOXOR AND WARRANTED. Tho public aro cordially invited to insr.oct. CARL C. ASHUSSEN, JEWELER AND WATCHMAKER, OPPOSnE POST OFFICE, S. L. CITY. rdisl ST. LOUIS TRADE. MISSOURI STATS LOTTERY. legalized by Stale Anlhoriiy and Drawn in Public in St. Louis. Grand Single Number Scheme. 50,000 NUMBERS. Class , to be Drawn Jan. 31, 1S73, 5.8SO Prizes, Amounting to $300,000. ) l price of $30.0001 900pHfM0f9 100 1 prize 13,450' UprtiMol 1,000 lprre of 10,1'UO! Cpriipsof 600 T prize of 7,0 9i.nz-gof 300 4priieiof 5,000, 9 pniM of 250 4pritsaf . 500' 30 pnzra of 800 aOpriiwot 1. 000 ? 6 (in tea of 150 Opriioapf 500 lROpn?MO J00 lOpnzeaof 350 .3,000 prues of 10 Tickets, 910. Half Tlclieti, 95. Uuarter., $2.5 0. M Onr lottri-a an rhartorM by tlip Put, are are nnder ih. mirrvni in af - urn ci mm'usioncrs, - The official drawii p will W published in th Bt- Iinf- papfrs. and a copy f drawing la i If fnrcher of tickets.' We will oraw a Bimitnr Bcltme tlio tan day of eyery month dnriiip the year 1872. a Remit at onr ri-k b- I'O-T 0FV1CS MONKY ORriK7l8. RR'il?TKItKD LLTTKH DRAFT, or KXPliK'S rornl for icircnlar. AJ- drwa BI ' KH A Y. 31 1 1.I.E.R . I .. Pot Office Box ST. LOFIS. Mo. SPECIAL FLAVORINGS, VAMLLA, LE.1I0X, ETC., For Flavoring Ice Cream, Cakes and Pastry "With prc:U care, by a new process ire extract from the true, select Fruit-and Fruit-and Arotiiatirs, each clianu'lerisllc 11a vor, find produce Ftivori ,,' of rnr, cfcUrnCt Of grcit strcivjih and wrhc purity. Jfo jmsnnous 01'. Frn faro, as n preset) f-f. 2'o deer it caek bottle f "l measure, hxAdinq oue-h-i f nivrc tluui other, piirjjortinj to w'd &ime- q'nititjj. i'-. tiem once, will ttsa Jii? other. The mvs thlic.ite, delirious facors erer mode. S( superior to tlic elu-ap oxtnu-i,, A-k fo Dr. Price's Special Flavorings. 31auu fuctured ouly by STEELE &c PRICE Depots, CHICAGO UDd ST. LOUIS. Manufacturers of Dr. Price's Cream Baking Foicder. EVERY IIOUSEKEEPEI WHO WAX IS A n.lTPY FAMILY, EVERY HOTEL KEEPEf M ho Alw-ay? Want; a F.ill Hor.fO EVERY STOVE DEALER WHO MEANS El'MXE!. V, ho dc-iies lk-alth by lio.-l l.tvins. CELEBRATED ASK YOUR T!K.':E3 F03 THEM. It" he d -05 ri't avo an a.sort2iet, ttND V; :; TO LALL-j j a liJiiiiin iJ S A 3 r J T LOUIS, Wh.-Io.Ie 1 o.i'.w? m ail kir.is oj TINNERS' STOCK, A-.J ill LIVE STOVH DEALERS, 1 WITH MISCELLANEOUS. GEORGE CHANDLER Beg to infirm his frids nd patrons tha. ho his opened a Meat Met in tie M far! One block south of Cedir Poit. janJ Fresh Mince Pies VERR DAY at WALLACE'S. FRESH CREAM CAKES Every Day m WALLACE'S, FRESH MARRANCS Every Jay at Wallace. FRESH rOTXN'D CAKES . Every day at WALLACE'S. FRESH BUNS Every ly, at Wallace's. LICORICE LOZENCES, The Best Thing for Coughs and Cold's, for Sale only at WALLACE'S FIRST SOUTH STr?FT, - SALT LIKE CITY, For Sale or Exchange. p OH I!E D 0F x0-1 with Ctlvw, O' yt or to "come in" within three ruomhs; alo ton thorouFhbrcd Dnrham Hulls; also a larBe Uanehu. "ith houcs. larniinc tools, etc; ivill bo sold Chc.i it ("ash, or exchanged for KeI Etrtte in ihi- ity. vCb have alio a largo amount of City Real Estato lor sala IiaE.BURXS A MARTIN. jart' f.i Kimball Block. FAS WEST FREIGHT CO: Hsad Quarters, St. Loals, Mo DlIRANT t&CuTTIXG, FO KWAR1) liVti 4iri COMMISSION MKRCIIim AGENTS ALT L A.M.K. tlTV, CTAE. WE are rraparod to contract for Bhtr-monts Bhtr-monts lrom all jarta of the. East, our Line bavins made special arrangao.ntB for lae s?.:t and ipocdj tran-'porLfttion of all rreight from Now York, Bjston, Baltimore, Chicago, Su Luuis and all Eastern Cities, vo Sbli Lake City. Wo are offering extra inducements for the shipment of Ore and Bullion to all Km tern poina. Offici ass Wakehoubx: Klrst block tontli of Depot, 8ftlt Lake City. OUR AST . CUTTING- THS ALDINE, An Illustrnleil Slonthiy Journal, nnlvcrsn.ll' Ktluiltlcd to be the liniiilsoiucxt I'ctlotllcaJ In the World. A. Heprcaeuutlre and CUaniplou of American Ameri-can Taste. Not for Sale in Book or News Stores. TIIEALDIXE. irhilo issued with all the rogulariu, has none of tho temporary or timely inuniat characteristic of ordinary periodii-nls. U is nn ok'unt miscollany of liuro, light, and jacoi'al literature; and a collection col-lection of idctures, tho rarest specimens of artiriie skill, in bliu'k and it hi to, Although eachsnccoedin,' number atlords a fresh ploaa-uro ploaa-uro to it iriendi, tbo roal value and beauty of lllci Al.DiA c; ivili bo most appreciated alter it has boon bound ui at tho close ol the year. W hi lo other publications may claim superior cheapnoiS, as com pared w:iti rivals of a similar class, lilt ALUlE is a uuinuo and original conception alono and unapjiroachod abao-lutob; abao-lutob; without competition m price or character charac-ter Tho posaoasor 01 a complete rolumo cn-nul cn-nul iiuplicaio thoiuaDtity of tino papor and engraving in any dtliur ,'hapo or numbor of volumes tor leu tl uics l(acuntnnd tlien, there arc tiio clix-omua besides I ART DEPARTMENT. Notwithstanding tbo increase in tho price of subscription lat t all, whoa THE ALuLnE assniuoU its pro.ont noblo proionions and rop-rusentntivo rop-rusentntivo cbaractur, iho edition wan more Lliuu Uouuicd during lli past year; pruv-ing pruv-ing tuut tlio Auioricun public appreciate, and ivili support, a aiucoro oilurt in tho cause of Art. llio puoiishers, ansious to justify tho reudj- conndont'o 'hus dumonstratod, have everted tbemmlt u.- to Ltiu uluiosl to uovelop and improve tbo ivurn; imd LUo pians for tho coming year ao unioldod by tho monthly ia-suu, ia-suu, t ill u lonisu and uo.ighl even the most san.-uino inenusol lUt ALUl-SE. lhe iublirhurs aro authorized to announce dostgus irom many ol tho most emiuent aruaU ol America. In addiUon, THE ALDTXE will produce-ex-amptoo ot Uie le-t luioign masters, soiectod itn a view to tbo Uis-ha-i artistic success, and gro.ilut gonorul inuro.-t; avoiding such aj hiv e docuiuo in miliar, through phoiouraphs or ceiii&s oi any kind. ino uaneriy tinted plafos, for 1ST3 will ro-produco ro-produco lour ot Jolui i. Uuvics' lnimuablo chilu-aKOtcUos, appropriate to tbo four suaou. Those plates, apiearins' in tho iuuos lor January, Jan-uary, A pnl, J alj , uiid uetubcr, would bo alone ivvriii tho price oi jyuiu'a aubjcriplion. llio i-iiuUr leatures ol a copiuaslj illustrated illustrat-ed "-bru-lmaa" number will bo tonlinued. To pouoss kuch a t amablo epitomo ol tho art world, at a col so trilling, H ill command tho subscriptions ol thuusands in every section ot tho cuautry, but, id tuo us. minors and attractions attrac-tions oilllE ALUl.Nt; can be enhanced, in proi'ortion to the numerical increase ut its sup-puturs, sup-puturs, Ibe iablisoers jprupi'so to mako "as-suraiico "as-suraiico doublo suro' by tho lolioiring unparalleled un-paralleled oiler of I'KKSIIl'.ll tHItO.MOS FOR 1S73. pays in adv aiice lor the year 1ST !, will receii e, with nt additional charge, a pair ol beaulil'ul oil chromo, auer J.J. liill, the oiniiient LnR- painters. Tho pictures, entitled "The ' illato uell," ana "Crofsing tho Muor." aro U x jo uiihcs-a.-o pn m i-,l truiuit different platot. reuirini: ii impte.-ion and tints to pt-rioct each picture. Iho tamo chromos are sold ior I--J plt pair, in tho art (turos. Aa it . is tho determination ul its conductors to keep Ttlfc ALD1 b oul o( the roach ol competition in every department, tho chri-uios bo found correspondingly ahead ol any that ean , be oiler ed by otnor periodR-als. Kvcry subscriber sub-scriber will roeen e a certiacato. over the fig-nature fig-nature of th pubu.-bcr;. guaranteeing that tho chromos delivered shall he e.iial to the amplo lurnistiod tUo agent, or the money will bo refunded- The distribution ol pictures of this grade, free to thu subscribers to a a ve dollar pen'dical, will maro. an epoch in the hi-tvrv ui Art; ar.d. coiiiidcrir.to- the unprecedented cheapness ol the pnee lor iliE ALM-S L itself, tho ruiirvcl tails littlo f hurt of a miracle, oven to those bu--t ac (Uiuii'.ed with tho achiove-mcr.ts achiove-mcr.ts f inventn-e renins and Improved me-cuamcal me-cuamcal appliaoccs. i r'or illu.-iriu-ns of the.-o .-hroLuus, sea November lasuo ofTilE ALJ-IMvj Till; L1TLRABY JUtPAR f.'I EST9 will i-ortin-icusdcr the care of Mr. RICHARD HrJM.Y tl'vL'DAKD, a-,-Lfted ty 'ho best writers and p-jeL of tho d.iy. whri will i-trive to haetU-nigral -.1.-0 ol IHE ALDINE always al-ways in luenaj with iu artistic atiracuon. TERMS. 4t.- per inm, In idvftuct, wllb Oil (lirouioi free. THE ALT'INE will, hereafter, be obtained only by ui-vn-l...D "1 1. ir be no re duced r cm J ra-e: c.i h for f sh-criptir.aj muft the -,-ai a-' . M liout rcpnnl bl 1 1 1 - the i'?r :.:".r. l;u i- i. -c:..' c.'i: .r.; r(.-luille aifct;are u; Jm.j;,i;i1.i a.j. AuLNTS WASTED. Punil.lirrs, 3B MA1DKX LAM; EH YORK. W. H. HAaRiSuroN, Accnt. Herald Offioe. MISCELLANEOUS. t WOOD and COAL. ( WE keep constantly on hand ssasoned, cord and rot wood, RED PISE, MAPLE, QUAKES ASP, AND COTTOSWOOB, Fonale cheatw than ths eheapert. OSc and wood yard near LT- C. R- K. depot, jnst rest of samplinn worlcs. Special rate ror-eba-'ersof car lots. Wood and Coal delivered in any rart of the city on short notice- We will rent a part of our omce on liberal terms. oc34 KrWMAS CO., Box 77. IllO.N !t COAL. BED ROCKS OF NATIONAL WEALTH, Iron and Coal. Capitalists call on me, I on it, I will divide Address, 8. M. BLAIR, H9 P. O. Box ISO, Salt Lake City. ITANTED, $3,000 CASH. FOR ONE T Year. Will divide the finest mining interest in Utah for the use of the moncv. Address, S. iL BLAIR, Salt Lake CityJP- 0. Box 1S6. Administrator's Notice. yHE rNDFRSTONED HATSO PEES 1 appointed by the Probate Court of Ia vis County Administrator of the estate of Joshua P. Williams, of Bountiful, deceased, this is to notify all persons knowing them-elves indebted in-debted to said estate to come forward and make immediate payment of tho same: and thse having claims against tho estate to present pre-sent them at once for settlement. JOHN FISHEtt. Administrator. Bountiful, Davis County, I'.T., Jan. 7. lS7i ;a7 FOR SALE. All H0R3K-P0WER "LTTTLB CIAST" Engine and Boiler complete, in full working work-ing aondilion, sale by GORDON & MURRAY, Half block south R. R. Depot, Salt Lake City- jl THIS WELL KXOWN BRAXD -OF- JAPAN TEAS FOR SALE AT Zm ja. Grocery Department. U CLB.CLAWSON.SiDt. HOW YOU OH GET AN ORGAN. Can now be obtained on Monthly or Quarterly Quar-terly installments. I ha-o mads arrangements with tho roann-fa;turers. roann-fa;turers. whirh will enable mo to offer the most liberal terms of any in tho organ business. busi-ness. TESTIMONIAL From Prof. Thomas. Salt Laho City, Utah, Doc. 11, 1ST2. C. W. STiVSKB, Esij-, Sir The Estoy Organ I eon-ider an excellent excel-lent instrument, both lor sweetness of tone and quickne&s of touch. C. J. THOMAS, ; Conductor ofTboatro Orchestra. TESTIMONIAL From Prof. Archer. Salt Lake City, Dec. li, 1S72. Sir I sm happy to bo enabled to assert that for purity of tono and dolicacy of touch I have, in tho course of somo years experience, seen but few Organs whi h can c jual, nonu which can excel, tho E-toy Orjean, lor which you aro agent in this city. Rospertfully yours. H. H. ARCHER, Prolosflor of Music. CbaS. W, Statsrh, Eei- Tho VOX JUBILASTE is on no oUior Orcnn. CIIAS. 'W. STAYXEIi, (iE.VERAL AO EXT, So 5 Main Street, Next to Savage's (iallcry, it) Inlt Lake City DESIWOLltS TRUQE. DES MOINES Scale Company I n rT F. R. WE.ST, PresidenL S. F.SrOFFORD, Vico-rt n GEO. A- JEWETT. Socr'y. AiS W. REDHEAD, Troasurcr. B&c :Qj rg 5. S. HITCHCOCK, Sup't WM. DICKEUSON. Ucneral A cent IV e are manufacturing, nrni can fill ordors on short notice, the following Say, Coal anil Stock Scales ! RAILROAD, Warehouse & Counter Scales WHEAT OR HOPPER SCALES ! FLO IT R AND BUTCH ICRS' BKAJI Baggage aind Wr(hent Tracks. Ersry article warrarled durable and accurate. SCALES OF ALL KINDS EETAIKED. Address, for Circular. DEI nOIXEl RCAL.E CO.. do 39 Dm Mom 04, lows. A. E. ROBERTS & CO., Mnufa:tTircr .-f SCHOOL FURNITURE, CHVRCn. HALL, ASU C'Jl i'.I i!'Jl-K SEATS. DES MOINES, IOWA. Bltckweli'f Li.-jatd Slating and Black Board. Orders 9olieit-L Send for Illustrated CauiC'iau4 l'riIail d MISCELLANEOUS. XO THE TRADE. Jsti fiKssliaaiiiinctiiyiiiCo. J. RUSSELL & CO., GREEN SIVER WORKS Works and are ui uses, Turnfr's Fali-. Mass., Manufactarc tho finest and largest vaiietj TABLE CUTLERY In the World. Their O-d can now found upon tb Lists of all A 1 Jobbinj lloues- OfDce nrtfl Snniplr Koomi Chaiii-ber Chaiii-ber Sirem, ML KIKK. Juo. hu&scLL aiTg Co. jan!9 CORN, OATS, BRUY, FLOUR. CO RN-M EAL, BUCKWHE A T- FLOUR AN1MMUMR BUTTE R. For sale cheaper than any other house in tho city, by UURDOI A- MURRAY, naif block -"onth of R.R. Depot , Salt Lake City, tall sud scti jiy HENRY WACENER, Rait Lake City, Ttali, CALIFORNIA BREWERY, LAGER IJUiB, ALE AND PORTIA WHOLKSALI AXD EFT AH., SECOND SOITH STREET, three doors eas"-Elephant eas"-Elephant Store. ooU1 M. T. BURCESS, Civil Engineer nrl U. S. Mineral Surveyor, Will nrepnro tbo nece-yary Papers and Diagrams Dia-grams .or 1'atunts and Protests. Oflico in Buibting occupied by Survey-GeneraL Survey-GeneraL tan! $100,000 WANTtD. A Loan or Sti.OOO on Good Real Estat security, First Monaso at 2 per cent pe month. To Business Men with Capita) An opportunity is ofered now to loan ShW 0 n First Mortice on first clas '-eal Etat at from 2 to J'-j per cent, per month. TKl'E. RURN'S t MARTIN, Real Estate and Mining Agents, jab". rti Kimball Block. LRALKERS! litllKERS Crackers ! MLirte Steam Cracker Factor; NEAR R. R. DEPOT. T AM MANUFACTritlNt) tho best OI'AL I 1TV and tiKKATl-r AltlEl'V c rRUIi K, over proJnced in (lie Territory, Terri-tory, which I offer totbo Trade and Publi. generally, at the loiret ossiblo prices. Merchants and friends are requested to ca' and examine my goods and prices, betor l-orchaiing. R. Y. ANDERSON. S.ilt Lake Citj-. Jan. 4, 1ST;L Utah rerritorv. EPIZOOTIC EPIZOOTICI! EPIZOOTIC 11! Irroat Discovory in Vetorinnry Medicine FOUND AT LAST! A Specific for tho HOUSE El'iDKMIC. Curt offectod in from three to four doses. Price SI per bottle. Wholesale W l'or dm en. Ar.lt for HIPPOCHASTUS I Whole.-iilo and Ret-il by C. F. CULMER & CO, GttOKSlircrK ni.O(iH, Unit I.nke City. Orders ft.. in n di'ianpeby letter or telernpl will ro-eivo iiiimeiliate a toi:i .n. Mo.h.-m forwarded by o.prs. no7 READ This AdverlisoiiicDt AND WRIT! For our Manual of Evergreens AND SAVE h buying and plantinw your troo-, 50 PR GENT. Price M cents T..rtS ,9, v, flny; trej-plantr- PISftKV b CO., il' NliirgKiii Uay, U. a. ?3mH ko!UJA. TIl-TE TABLE. BURLINGTON ROUTE. THE UST. NORTH AND SOUTHEAST no. s. STATIONS. "raw"- MAIL. ' ' I Leave SALT LAK E i &uOa.m. 2:45 p.m. " OMAHA ' :Jfr.m. lbl Anivs BUKLIHOIOH 5.00a.m. l.tOp.m. 0lesbnrgC.B.AQ.)i 7;00a.m. 10:60p.m. " Menaot " ll;la,in.j 3;Z3a.ir " Cbicaco " I 1:15 p.m. 7:a.o " ?coria 'J:Xi a-in. tiMa-m- I " Ind'plie!l.B AW 6:15p.m. St-.Ua.n, " Cincinnati - , 'lr'O p.m. I: l-r'p.a. Logancpnrt I W'pB.1 t20a.iL. I. P.iW. C'o-nha I t'. .m. .V.'n ra ITThrnurh Carf frnm M-(..nrl Rirr u C-ram, Ir j i.-,:, i--lis. Cincinnati, Laant fKirt ar.d Cilamt.us.1 C-r.rnn.:.fr' t tcie pain's wirh line" le--i et i o tb- 'p'tt, -.r:h ti-1 F- ;;!. Tni -' tS hottit, Vnkkli and Crienpeat Hints. Do OM he H(-ir-i. Knt M tain TiVd" t! tha Barllarlon A Missouri Kivor Railroad. A.B.T0l;ZALIS. C. tPFRKIf: OaaT Pass. Ai-bL Qsa'lBat tiAfiNtncs, A. W. WHITE & CO. B ANK3R3 a.m TKSU'LK STKKKT, Salt Lake City. Dealers La SOLD DUST.CQIN AND BULLION, SieKange on c'l ft Pr-.nriyr.t ("if-.tt oy tM Umtcd S: i" tnti Europe. 'articular atiea::,u gt.u to "ell?tior.i an j p.-.-cct-ij rewiiti a: t'urreu; rate .01 Eioi.tnce 't of pajmcat. GKO. K. Win i Y, Aiwrnej1 CO It li K s Po . l b. T S I," tak of Ph!.rnia - - . 8n rraotiice . Waller - - V. rk t'ouaii SiJoal IWj.W - t'ln.jre Ik-tpll B..nt Sl I- cli Buk oi Nebnuka' - Oruaba JiJ i flELLS, FARGO &. CO., EXPli ES& FO R M A K D F.K-S taukersaiid Utairrsiu DraJUon Eur. i-e. t ur, .n Oolleetiooi promptly attojuid te, tst Temple alrcet, Sa.lt Lnkt Ollf f rirst National Bank ol Utah fcSALT LAKE CITY. See 8jcOtl Atr-Tti.tn,rnl on Tht 4 SALT LAKE J 1 T V 5TATI0NAL BANK t?lt Laho City. V.tub 'l'or.; .uthorized Capital - $500,000 icaj. M. UuH.cU, fro. dent. uh Wn.li, CKslitcr. ktbtsio 3t K.iar4TRicK. Attorney. XORRESPONDEMTbl KW YORK - ?' -'.''ImI'Tco .)ND0N-Jv HeCui,.iei Co. '-8 National Bank ALT LftKE CITY : UTAH .Utl up Vi)UiU $-200,000. wiihorize-i Caj'i'al $ 1, 000,000. ItltillA.M Y0l:Nti. . .idem.) I. ELin.i;,iiit., Vico t'roa t, 1 il- li il.M.'r.U, J V JW M.x.i, - Director.! Uii-S ll.v C. 1 .. I. LiliLh, fc S, lllLuo, Collier, j ikal is iusr. t,.i, KVtiiAsiit, l.A.N l X A It It V h I S, t'ri,. l.Ktii; -4 till, lit. oi.'coti j.a.t-- M promptly n-mittod, n-mittod, "OREIGMEX.M -it F0 SALE- INTERS. . AID ON v i m s i) o posits, n't LEGAL. " D. 6. DANA, .1 T V U K .V I: i -A j. .1 II', l'ruvii, I ' I .i li. J ..ut; -i m. i,,ui t ITIUILNEV-AT-LAIV, Olhceov.T l-t ut. H.ink. OcW LAai l'f..Ul'l,l. M KKKT. C. E. WHITNEY, Y T T U K N E 1' A T - L A W , Oilico mor D.iniord .V Sons' Store, Al.WN .IKKET, s v .i i.Aiti; t i v. THOW1A8 FITCH, A V i j k N I'.AI-I, A V , UlU li Ntrtci, ) iiHhliiK(uu, u. c. special attention siveii lo ubMin ng Patents to .U 1 1)08. liov IS BATES & OR MS BEE, ( TJ.iNi.yS AN J Ci.'f,S.l'J.-S AT lArV. Ak-enia for .'urcliime ami bum ui .Ulnci & Luiiris, mo. U. Utrij, Salt I uln- I'll', ..AKLW . UIlMtHt.L.J t I nil. ru harli, a. M.numb, tA ! A. .VHITII, iTi U ii N K V A T LAW, SALT I.AkS UITT, irt S 'uu :tn:i. j-. .m 11 ,lJ 1a No i Km.t..;i ii lILFoRU. s. . kA.f, ,iTiLFORD!& MA titi.. l T T (( it .1 I. V h - A 1 - 1. A H , .i. rirm Siiulli Mrrti, 6 '.ti. Kusbufouth. o. A .Mount Rust) iruugh &. Murritt, v r t u k n i: v a a i' L a w , Null I.nke ( Ity, I li.li. OfTn-o. I( Smith Street, tirt buildtut "-t J we ret Lank corner, ocl.i .' M. lHVlm. -. i, yu.t UNIttl tlAYDON iJIUMIl'.lr, ATTORNEYS - AT - LA W'J SALT la ii i i v. Office over Is i National Hunk of Ltnb. aT2 i n Hemp'tcvL M.Kakpattlck, HEMPSTEAD & KIRKPATRICK, Altui lir)i.al-l.an , Main Ptreel. oppii'e H ci'. Purso A Co. TRIUNE BAKERY Cracier Mmur..tory, Door hrlnvr Wk,r llmur, JUalB Slitcl, halt Lake tliy. We bare now received our CRACKER MACHINE With all tbo Lmi.r.vm-iiM. anH aie ma.ir.i: I M I Y I'i l'i LU1.N 1 KIM'S OF CKACKLIUI. GALLACHER & CONS. Send for Prico Lit- Addre P. 0. TJ'iiWH. 1'O.IL! COIL!! ('OIL!!! fllK I'l 1.1. 1C A K 1. IILKLUY NHTJl'lEl) tiiti I ara I'm S -lo Ai-r m (r the OrM rnr-or. C--- a Salt J'." I'miMy liuyois ran'-ts.n l!ii fpIti lid ('"il by the t'.n or car loa'l by api.lj mc I" me. altluolli'.-e ot .1 . A. 1 "tint- -Tsll Lake City. J. Sam.Ki.P.L'cr.Hslo'fflun I. C.l! H. Ii-p'..(, II. (I. PARK. |