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Show TUB TTAUa'URTHERK AT LOGA.1 The Utah .j;t! ::j i.i'r ., L.-r!.. steadily movirk' ' n- A di.-patch b the We-tcrn Unioo wire from Corinn last nicht, which appears elwwhere says that work has commenced on the exten i.Tn to Cerinne. A- d another li-pa'ch received tiiili later, by Dccret wire, intViuis ua tlut the line is finished finish-ed to Litran. Wo -acknow'e gc the receipt of an invitation from general uperintendeDt Nibley tj t-Lo a irip oer tie lino (o the capital of (,'aene coonty, and liioueh L.uii.e.-H renders it impo.-.--ible for us to do so immediately we cbal: act uton tho invitation at the earliest opportunity. And the Wurk of pushirg the road northward towards Franklin i3 being continued. By the middle of spring the Utah Northern will be in a cood tion to carry the Montana freight, acd to forward all freight for Montana from San Fraocisco, via Corinne and narrow gauge, north to beyend the Idaho boundary. |