OCR Text |
Show Arrival and Closing of Mails. AHXVAi8. rsst Throogh mall, dally, T;W pjn. Local Ojden, Echo City, Wasatch and Morgan county, dally, T:0 " Bnmailt and Wasatch oonnUes, Tuesday, aod ILnrsdsy, T:40 " West Through mall, daily, 10:10 ajn Local West Jordan and Herrlman, Thursday, T:10 pjn. Tooele co'y, dally, except Banday, S.-00 p-m. arantsrille, Saturday, 5-00 pjn North Idaho, Montana, Oregon and Washington Wash-ington Territory, dally, 10:10 ajn. Local Paris and Box Xlder oonntles, daily, 10:10 a.a? Oache conaty, Monday, Thursday and Bti.rdy, 10.10 s-m. Rich oounty, Monday and Thursday " Pcutb To I'iocha, daily T.10 p-m, St. Ceors and Ariaona, si tern ate dys, , 1:10 pn Sanpete oonuly, Taeeday, Ibunday and Batnrday, 7:10 p.m rli field and Cedar Valley, Friday, WA0 pjn 0L0S1SQ. Unst Throngh mH, daily, a PJ. Local Odio, Morgan county, Xeno C.tyaud Woaatch, daily, 9 " Etiiamlt and Wasatch oountlos, Monday and Weduosday, " Wtst California and Nevada, Through mall , and Oplen, dally, W " Ucal West Jordaa and Herrlman rhnredny, 30 -n ocwl, Stocilon and QTanUrllle, daily, eioi-i.tann.bty - "ottli UnlK Moutaua, Wathington and OreRon, daily, 1:30 p.m. Local Dais and Weber counties, diuly, " Bos Elderoounty, dally, 1:30 " Cache county, Sunday, Tuesday and T1mrsd.y, 1:30 Rich county, Tuesday and Thurs. 1:30 " I oi! I b Piecbe, etc., dally, W0 - SU George and Arlsona, alternate; days, fc30 " Sanpete county, Bnnday, Tuesday andiThuunUy, :30 " Falrfleld and Oodar Vy, Wednesday, 6:80 OFFiCl HOURS. (i,i;crl DelWory Oin imtn rt a.m. I to p.m Bun Uy, It to 1 p.m. M'.ney Order and Ro?ltry Depart men t open i. m 9 a.m. to i p."'. Oililde door iwu lu-ui 6 a.m. to B p.m. J. M. MOORS, I'ejtmaetor. |