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Show Hik Xnv York Italians. Those d.'-ti;u:e JuaDs, "kidnapped, deceived deceiv-ed ar.-I t i-very w.iy cruelly wronged" aev'Tiinii; to the sensational tele- sraph:e rvp'tts-but who really left th-ir ctir;try :'.r tht ir oa as well as their r--u-try 0.i. are rapidly work- ' ing io:o usifjl h-iUts, produble to themselvi-s and bct:eS:ul to their adopted country, Micy of iheai have gone sou'h to hand;- the shovel and rh.'- pie'-i upoj railroads and to enter : upon varion- SeUs of labor, while those still r::i::-g in the ciry of ew ; York h-ve proved themselves men of j initio in swingicg snow shovels dur- irg the bleekjces of the past tnon:h. U is ve.T evident that these ircmi-irrants, ircmi-irrants, Vc they decayed coblexen or laz.:anni. will prove just as valuable an a.qui-i;ion to the raaks of workers as the samo number from any other ceuDtry thin Italy, with jat as few vaabondii or cut-throau io their ranks, notwithstanding the alarming hue and cry about "bloodthirsty ban-ditti" ban-ditti" and "asswhins of the Btiletto." |