OCR Text |
Show Ayer's Cathartic Pills. For tho rclie A and euro of al aikL In thostomaoh r fv liver, and bow fiW-'s.t They or r1?. ' 1 SiTv n mild aporicn V Pr 110,1 lin cxcel 'Vl ' 'CDt I'ureativc rCan3 tai licinc imrel; k-. fy i vcBilhlo, the: s contain no mei cury or minora whatever. Much serious sickness and suf feriDK is i-rcvcnted by llieir liuicly use; an. every family should havo them on hand fo their iTotection iind relief, when required Long cxporionco has proved ihctn tn bo th safest, surest, and best of all tho J'dls wit whioh the market abounds. By their occa sicnal use, tho blood is purified, tho corruptions corrup-tions of tho system expelled, obstruction removed, mid tbo whole machinery of lifi 1 restored ti its he:illhy activity, intorna organs whii-h becouto clucred and slucgisl arc cleansed by A.;irr's J'itlt, and stimula led icto action. Thus incipient disease i. chanced into health, tho value of whict change, when reckoned on tbo vast multi tudes win cnjgy it, can hardly bo computed Their sucar-coatinc makes ihcm pleasant t t.-.l:c, and preserves their virtuc-unini'airci for any leiiRLh of lime, bo that they are eve: fresh. and perfectly reliable. Allhouel seorclnns, they aro loiKl, and operate with out disturbance to the coDS.titUtion, or diet or occupation. Full directions aro given on the wrappci to each box, bow to use them as a Famil Phy.-ic, and fir the followinK complaints which theso 1'ilt.f rapidly eurc: For t)) if nlii or lmliLstlon, Llsl IfssiKss, Languor and Loss of A tlic, they should bo taken moderately l st .mulate t he sLouiucS.uud its tore its beallhj tone and aenon. i'or Liver Cnmptnlnt and iU vnrioir i fymptomo. Ill I ions Ilemlnclic, Mt-t llciidnchc, Juiiinl Ire or (ri tn Sit k-ins-, Dillons Colic rnd itilioiii h'e-vera, h'e-vera, ilicy should he jiidici.iu-ly taken fo each C5SC, to c.irrc'l I ho disiased sieticn 0 removf IL-- .!.. t rv.v. tr.' uln.li r.iu-c it. For U) acnln y r Dlnri Ju. n, JU1 oni milddese i ccneritlly rrcniir.-l. Fr Klieuiiiail.in, i;.mt, Jr.nil I Halpitnliuii of Im- lit ni l, I'niii II tllt aide. Uck, as.l I...1H-, ,Ilty .-,,,,,:, 1 liu continu.i'ly taken, a.- n .uirfd. to lIuiii thediea.el a.-tion m" t'uu tj.-tiiu, ill Fit Uropnj- ;lQlj Uroi.i nl s I ln tbty .-houl 1 lie taken in liro and frenuen dt.:e.- Li 'r.-it:cc t ii.-elkct ol .iJi.l-'.h: p jrj;e Fnr Swinirfssloii, a l.!r-e d-.-e -limb i bo taken, it prtdueei the d- sired etlcct bj A: a Jthiwr iW, diii- rr Iwi '-ill- t" itoui'jIo difetiuu, and rtlieve tacttjiu- An i.. iM.4i.Ti3l d'.sc niiuti!.Ucs the ftoin-ah ftoin-ah :md lnw-l.,. r. tiTL.t appaitf. ;.n'i adv.iniisc'j: mrt n.i .-en- u- .;r.ia cti'-ai cxistJ. (Jul-who fd-r-il.ly wlII, often fina.- that a du;c lhv.-e J'' u.akCi nim !vl deoi tp-liy better, ir-ia thir cl.iQini.-und cl.iQini.-und renuvauen tiiiit on ihu di.-t-U. e a;,-paratu.-. PKLrARLLi LV Dr. J. C. AYKR t Co., Pinctltil Cbtuilili, .Oil';-., MASS., c. S. A. FOR ALK !IV ALLDKU'JtileTi EVEHYWIIERE Ear sale ai Z. V. M. I. Drug Dtpt |