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Show FOREIGN. From Pnrls Paris, "1. The director of tho official journal published under tlio control of the Commune, is sentenced to transportation. transpor-tation. In the national assembly to-day tho debate was begun on tho treaty of commerce com-merce with England. The people of tho towns of Air. Vichy, rlombiores, and Kargeh have petitioned the government for the abrogation abro-gation of the law against public gambling, gam-bling, and offer forty million francs per annum for tlio privilege of establishing gambling establishnicbus ftt those watering water-ing places. Anollirr Belgian Strike. Brussels, 01. Tho journeymen carpenters car-penters are on strike. The masters have closed their shops and the men are now parading the streets. There U no disturbance dis-turbance Ttinukntrl vlng Ceremonies. London, 31. Tho thanksgiving cere-i cere-i monies in St. Paul's, for tho recovery of the prince of "Wales, it is announced will take placo on the 2"Jth of Pebru- |