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Show j IKL1.GS. lln Wa-.Jotnll ltU!lilud? Wllalcd. j Mfii ul'Ciri-Qics Hatters and hoo-. t luaktro. He that Uo proud to a.-k b too rood I to receive. j The dead to the bier, and the living to good cheer. II cannot speak well that cannot hold his tun.ue. The only man in the world who doesn't deserve a loaf The loaler. An elephant is the most sagacious of all travelers, hecaucs he never takes his eyes off his trunk. Much hard talk and had blood would be saved il' people would always stop to weigh before they blame others. Southern colored revivalists have adapted tho touching hymn, "Shoo Fly" to a pvalm; the lirst line reads, "Sa-tan, don't bod dor me." .Punch's mental philosophy: What U mind? No mailer. What is matter? mat-ter? Nevermind. What is the material ma-terial of the soul? It U immaterial. Kenan, who has been lecturing in Paris on the "Hook of Job," is advised ad-vised by the Patriot to come to Washington Wash-ington and lecture on tho "book of jobs." A tojxr sneered at a young- mau for wearing spectacles, when the latter said: "It is better to use glasses over the nose, as l do, than under the nose, as you do." The Hamilton, O., Telegraph has a column articlo describing how Fisk shot himself while attempting to draw a pistol from his pocket. It thinks this line of del'ense will acquit Stokes. I protest against the unfair distribution distribu-tion of tho world's work, which can only be well done when every man and woman is fitted to work, left free to choose the field in which to work, and condemned by public opinion if they refuse to work. LCclia Burliegh. The eye of ago looks mock into my heart! The voice of'ago echoes mournfully mourn-fully through it! The heavy head and palsied hand of age plead irresistibly for its sympathies; I venerate old age; and I love not the man who can look without emotion upon tho sunset of lifb, when the dusk of evening begins to gather over the watery eye, and the shadows of twilight grow broader and deeper upon tho underslanding, Longfellow. Tho Wyndhams barely realized expenses ex-penses in iWemphis, while Lydia Thompson and her blondes, who succeeded suc-ceeded them, reaped a rich harvest. A local critic aceouuts for it thus: Not soft ilerodiaa, when with winning 1 tread, Her nimble feet danced off another's head; Nor Cleopatra on her galley's deck. Displayed so much of leg or moro of neck. Upon tho trial for divorce, one ol the witnesses was asked whether ho had spoken to any of tho jury since tho trial commenced. "Yes, sir, I spoko to Mr. ," pointing to a juryman with a face as red as n blood beet. "What did you say to him?" Witness seemed reluctant to tell. Tho attorney insisted upon an answer. "Well," said the witness, "I told him that he had a pretty red face to sit on a jury to decide whether a man was a habitual habit-ual drunkard or not." |