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Show It Won't Do. Tho following article, which is going the rounds of the press, won't do to publish in a juvenile ju-venile work, for the purpose of teaching teach-ing Hole boys to keep their faces clean. The ol'tner we see it the mnrc convinced con-vinced we arc that it won't do ! "A small child in Flinois climbed up upon a chair to wipe its face on a hanging toweL The chair slipped, and the child natch inn in the towel was handed by the neck and died.'' It' that chiid had been climbing np to ?te:i! a j:im, it would have been all richt, but be wan'L lie w.is a nice dean little child and wanted to wipe his f.u-e, and got han;.:ed. Cleanliness was the cans: of bis death. lie wa an iulant uiariyr. It is a comfort tc relic el that, he is a cherub now, ant: keep. his leathers clean without run- ing any rik. -S'. E- Eigaio. |