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Show BfR'iLARV, Tic M'i ' d ha'l oi Mr. Charles Trowbridge was entered by thieves on Wednesday morning about 2 o'clock, and thirty-two billiard balls, sixteen boxes of cigars, some money and a silver tray were stolen. Mr. Heath, the private watchman on the block in which the hall ia situated, was on his rounds, and at the hour mentioned, upon entering the narrow alley on the north side of tho hall, he heard a noise as of some persons handling hand-ling billiard balls. Thinking to capture cap-ture the thieves, he attempted to enter the hall by a side door of which he had the key, but the thieves who it seems were then prepared to leave, ran out by the back door as soon as they heard the noise made by Mr. Heath in attempting at-tempting to enter the side door. The officer thought he could head them ofi by running around to the rear of the (building, but found the door that opens from the alley into the rear closed. He then went around in front and down East Temple street to Walker's Wal-ker's corner, where he saw the thieves, one going east and one west; after speaking to the first he rapidly followed fol-lowed the second, suspecting him to I have the plunder, and continued the 1 pursuit, which became a race, to a I house owned by Joseph Home in the 14th Ward, where he came up j with and arrested the thief, who proved be one Henry Horton. Bringing his prisoner up the street he transferred him to the custody cus-tody of policemen Ilingwood and Smith. Then finding Mr. Trowbridge, he in company with that gentleman returned to the house at which he had arrested Horton, and proceeded to fish from the well on the lot the billiard balls and silver tray, Horton having already informed him that he had thrown the plunder in the well just before be-fore his arrest. In the meantime Mr. Heath had encountered and arrested thief number one whom he recognized as the man he had spoken to in front ofW'alker's, and delivered him into custody. As writs of hibcas corpus aro not now so fashionable as they were a short time since, it is hoped that this pair of burglars will receive their deserts. |