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Show Masonic Hall. Tho Masonic , brotherhood of this city havo rented I for fivo years the cntLro upper story of Trowbridge's building, East Temple street, at $150 per month, and are . having it superbly furnished and deco-I deco-I rated, under the superintendence of I Col. W. M. Johng and Capt. T. II. I Bates. The cnliro tloor is divided into six apartments, including the grand hall, there being ou the left, on reaching the landing, a room for a library li-brary where the regalia will also be j kept, with two reception rooms; and j on the right a coal and lamp room and the tyler's room. The h ill is G j x 27 j feet, and is now in the possession of the upholsterers and painters, the magnificent carpet which covers it, hav-jing hav-jing becu brought from New York and i laid down at a cost of about $750. The emblematical paintings arc being excellently ex-cellently executed, and the hall will present an elegant appcaranco when .finished. |