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Show THEATRE. THIS EVENING, Engagement of tho poimlar young Tragedian, E. T. STETSON In the Oreat Sensation of tho ajte Cliaf. Foster's immensely fuccossftil Drama of NECK AND NECK! Recently performed jn New York to ovcrflowinjt houses, ami since in the nrincipnl cities of tho Union, iind pronounced pro-nounced by tho Press and Public the Greatest Sensation of tho Day. It abounds with Sensational Effect?, includinn a Public Execution on the Scaffold ! The Most Stnrlllnfr Scene Ever Presented ou the Singe I The Grand Portraiture of an Express Train about to be Shattered to Atoms In tho Quarry, when it is preserved by a miracle. Those with numersus other Thrilling Situations, Sit-uations, render this ihe innst intensely interesting in-teresting Drainaover offered to the public THITIMPH Andes, Amazon, FIRE imiMCE CO.'S, CINCINNATI. Capital - nearly $3,000,000. Itcllnble Underwriting. Perfect Indemnity. W e ask Fair Kates and Promise to Pay Just Losses. Risks taken throughout Utah H. R. MANN, A&ent, SALT LAKE CITY. Office Taylor's Euildin. Room No. 2, op- r, PositoSalt Luko House. P. O. Box 551. i CRUSHER FOR SALE. A Ro. :i, Double Action, Gates Crustier, for sale clienp. Apply t 31 0 mi 1 5 M. EVA.VJ, Jol P. 0. Box, a. Salt Lako City LOST AND REWARD. LOST, at the Ocden Depot, or on the car; between ami .ali Like City, an Unyx Sleeve Bui ten. bearing initials T. K . tte first letter in litrtan test. The findar ,"111 be rewarded by leaving the sui at the fownsend House. jji j Patronize Home Mnstry ! j XT T.A. HI GHAOKER FACTORY HPHE uadersitned are nw jrr-ired to Batter Cracker, j Piculn. Soil Crackeri, Boilon (ricktri. ; Ulngcr Snap.. MORTON A: CO.. tt iide iliin street. aw Jri Sonth. . j.t I THOS. DAV1ES, United States Mineral Surveyor ; and Civil Engineer, jO'So. IS Iwlor'i Hotel, Salt Lake City MISCELLANEOUS. SELLING OFF! Now is the Time to get litu fttius ! Our rcmaiDtDg stock of LADIES' FURS! Will bo sold regardless of cost. ALSO FA.NCY DRESS GOODS, LI.N'SEYS, FLANNELS, JEANS. WOOLEN GOODS, HOODS, NUBIAS, j SCARFS, HOSIERY, ETC. T.'CBilmr with n fjilemli-J Hi-tortuicut of LADIES' WINTER HATS and BOMETS AND MILLINERY GOODS, Of all kindi, which will bo sold at cost to make room for a large stock of Spring and Summer Goods. W. B. WILKINSON'S, No. 85 East Temple Street NEW GOODS! GUT OF THE BLOCKADE! Z, C. IsK. I. CLOTHING DEPARTMENT litis roooived n FINK LOT OF Cnssimeree, Brontk'loths, Doeskins. A splendid assort mon t of CARRIAGE RUGS and HORSE BLANKETS. A great variety of cloth insra-, BOOTS AND SHOES, FINE BEAVER SUITS; And UNDER CLOTHING: A lot of VERY CHEAP BLANKETS A InrfiP, heavy ) Krt CALL AND EXAMINE THEM. GRAND HOTEL, On Market, New Montgomery and ccooiid Btrocts, SAW FB.AWCISCO, OAXj. JOHNSON & Co., PRorKirroits. jb IIDDINGTON'S Of Two Blocks boh tli of tHe U. C. It.. R, Depot anil next to Wm Jen-nlngi' Jen-nlngi' Tannery. Tho y.rd is kept constantly supplied by several fimr-milis with A Full Assortment of Native Lumber. W. E. solicits tho patronage of his old friends, and by punctuality and dilieenco in ; business hopes to merit a share ef public support. FOR S All K In the l.Mh War,!, one block and a half wf,t of the U. C. H. R.. a mall hou-e ;tnd half lot. with fiae orchard. For particulars enguiro of ang25 WM. EDDINOTON. LUMBERYARD. All Kinds, of Lumber DOORS, WINDOWS, BLINDS, MOULD LNGS, SHINGLES, LATHS, CRAIN AT WHOLESALE. 'T. R. JONES, I i HiU-bloci south of U.C. Depot, MISCELLANEOUS. " mil; Arc in receipt of tho new editions of tho ( Standard Authors Each complete in ono royal octavo vol.. bound in tho moot approved stylo, and at tho UaprececLeuterl Low Price , OF Cloth extra - 2.00 Library Si:3cp - 2.75 Wo havo, to select from, tho finest and lari,';t stock of SCHOOL REWARDS Ever brought into tho country, embracing em-bracing tho publications of L. Prang & Co., T. .Nelson & Sons, American Tract Society, &c. OurStook of MUSICAL GOODS Is complete, and consists, in part, of 0( tho latest improved styles : OEGAITS Of tho best makers; W B C-i at JkT From Italy, Franco and Germany. Guitars, Banjos, Flutes, Accordeons, Concertinas, Harmonicans, Received and expected daily, a lart'O and splendid stock of MASON & HAMLIN'S CELEBRATED ORGANS Embracing Ten Different Styfos which ice offer at Manufacturers' Trices Delivered in this city. IF1 O JEl $125. Fire Octavo, Double Heed, Five Stops, (Viola, Diapason, JUeloda. Flute, Tremulant,) with two sets vibrators throughout, ono of four feet pitch and ono of eight feot ; from prepared metal and riveted with iron, and not merely stamped out of brass. . Tremulant and Knee Swell ; self-adjusting reed valves; improved bellows. Solid black walnut caso. throughout, paneled front and sides, with carved mouldings and ornaments, orna-ments, carved antes. WARRANTED IN EVERY RESPECT FOR FIVE YEARS, and Only $125. Wo rospectfully solicit the public pub-lic to call and examine our goods For the Holidays Z.U.UUUlRONAND STEEL At C. II. Bassett's. Oppoaits Bait LaJc Houi. til 6 LEGAL SUMMONS. In tho District Co.rt"of the Third Judicial District of the Territory of Utah. Salt Lnko County, " Scptombor Torm, Win. b. G,dbe and Fred- A.D. 1871. crick A.Mitchell, part- I ntrs, doing business under tho liriu name nnrl stylo of liotlbo & Mitchell. Plu in tiffs, Thomas B. li.'stonhouso. Defendant. J The People of the Territory of Utah send U reeling ; To THOMAS B. II. STENITOUSE. ' Defendant, You are hereby required to nipearm on action brought against you by tho above named Point ill'j, in tho District Court of tho Third Judicial District of tho Territory of Utah, aud to answer tho complaint tiled therein within ten days (exclusive of the day of service) alter tho servico on you of this summons if served within this county; or. if served out of this county, but in this district, dis-trict, w.thin twenty days; otherwise within forty days or judgment by defualt will bo taken amunst you, according to tho ira?cr ' ol .-aid complaint. Tho said action is broujrbt to recover the sum of duo from defendant to plaintifli for Roods, wares and merchandise old and delivered (said sum being dm and payablo on the 20th day of May, lSd9), to-Bcthcr to-Bcthcr with lesal interest thereon as set ont . in the complaint on file herein and cost of suit. And you are hereby notified that if you fail to appear and an-wer tho saij cni-phunt cni-phunt as above required, the said plaintiffs ' will t.ikejudEiucnt against you for said sum of SUi.to, with t.-.Lcrcot as aforesaid and "Witness ifao lion. Jn?. B.McKan Judge, and tho Seal of the Dis- . tnct Court of the Third J udicial , ( 1 District, in and for the Territory j sxal- ol Utah, this JTth day of So vein-( vein-( J bcr, in the year of cur Lord, One ' ' 1 'lhuuijnd tifilit Hundred and . Seventy One. i c-l Wm. S. WALKER. Clerk. CENTRAL PACIFIC RAILED. OVEllLASU TRAINS. 1'j -:a- Enress ,Eprps I'.v n- C r iMiJy, JAN'. Ith. hi Iv, p,-r ?iin-liys TU MJ 5!!..UT. L.v efi- OnklM'l. 1S72. lOikland Liptd LEA VI tliM f.r.Bi.I a Ik IVE 4i-'pui " im ..8o Frn V m JJijui i i : ..Oaki- .. h.nj -jj 5 3S " i ZS - .... N :'" 1 f '-", l" V ' 1" i:, ' 2'Vtsi iik.r-sto --ipe: 1 "am lUlt; 6 IS " ...C'-lfal... l' s LEam; f; 9 10 ' Wiau'mn 116 pro -- li.'i m Buiirllunat 1 iS - -.3 C 1 !u?m ..i.iko.... Jtm S 3: a-.ijiin ..05i?D-.. 6';";,a 1 t-ivi I I "Ave A. a. TOWSK, I T. H. OCOr-MAS, Qta. Bopl I Om. fw gr tai Ticket Aft, Run the Blockade GRE1T KEDUCT10X LV Till PK1CEOF LIGHT! 3ood IS'e s for those (hut like a Brilliant, Clear ami Sale Lislit ! Large amval of PETROLEUM FLUID at The Pioneer Lamp Store, ONLY 2.50 FOli FIVE HALLOA. For ihosc that liko COAL Oil., wo havo retoived a large Slock, ol" nil qualities, aud at Hcduccd l'rices. Tho Largest Atsjrttucut oi' LAMP UOOUS iu tlio Termory. jio E. IRIEIESIE! &c CO. Solo AKonts for The DnnforlU Pctrolium Fluid. S9 1st South Street, half block West ot Tost Oiliee. FLOUR ! FLOUR! Families, SEakcrs, Minorx And all Others WANTIXU SHOULD BUV Wm . J ennings' XXX Flour TO BE HAD AT The Flour Warehouse on First South Street, between East and West Temple Streets, SALT LA-ZKiE CITY. No ftlour genuine, unless the mouth of tho sack is scaled by label "Wm. Jennings." j.'l WALKER BRO'S. JOHN TAYLOR & BRO., Merchant Tailors, COMMERCIAL STREET, KEEP eonstnntly on hand n cboieo afFort-mont afFort-mont ofKUKSCII, ENGLISH ud AMERICAN Cloths, Cassimeres, Vesting3,Etc, Of tho finest qualities and lolcst ntylcs, which wo mnko up to order in Lho moat fashionable and approved manner. -PATRONAGE SOLICITED" COALUOAL! Having purchased the Spriggs Coal Mine We are prepared to upply Uili Justly telebraicd VEBER COAL fcy cur Innd or retail. Depot at V. V. K. K- Vr.i. Ofllcci Exchange aud Reading Uonmi. i BATEMAN & BUEL. W. H. BIRD. AKnl. augzt I " Goal Oil and Naptha Depot BAY & CUjLMER, 8J East Tcmplo Street, -C3-ElIsrTS FOR FOREST CITY VARNISH AND OIL COMPANIES Gasoline 85 for Gas Machines, Do. 74 for Lamps. OCCIDENTAL BURJVLVG FLUID, The Best and Cheapest Light Ever Offered to the Public. This Fluid i5 of much HKAVIKK GHAVITY than any other Lumioal'luiJ ever offered in the market, approximating cloiely to that ot the bc;U qailKit' of COAL OIL, but yet rosresoicg DOUBLE the ILLUMINATING poier. It burns CLEAN WITHOUT SMOKE and cVi not char tic wicV, wWck will not require attention oitcuer than once a week". lhb, Fluid neede but cue triad to convioc; any j crson ol its superior advantages. advan-tages. WHOLESALE RETAIL AT Who want AGENTS in every settlement of tho Territory. jl7 |