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Show Tub Japanese. Prince or prime minister lwakura, with lto and the Japaucsc embassy, ore coming to Salt Lake. So it is asserted. The (.!. D. Aleck fooled us; three days preparing buffalo for "jerking" seemed to have been enough of western life for him, and so ho turned baok; but the Japs are to look in upou us without fail. Ou Tuesday night last the city council appointed a committee, consisting of .Judge llaydon, George (. Cannon, Win. Jennings, Thomas Fitch, John Sharp, Theodore McKean, S. W. Kichards and John T. Cainc, to meet and exten 1 a proper welcome to them. Tho California legislature did the same for the embassy with regard to Saerameuto, but stipulated that the freedom of the city should not entail anycxpcn.o nor put anyone to ineon-venicucj, ineon-venicucj, which was liberal for a Republican Re-publican hgis'a'.uro towards tho almond-eyed sens and daughters of the rich aui powerful Japanese empire. But as this embassy comprises men ol the highest rank, men of enlarged anc liberal views, and men who have come to this country to increase their know ' ledge and tUeusthen friendly relation; between the two countries, let us givi them fitting welcome, not as Mongo ! lians, nor yet as nobles, but as highl; ; intelligent gontLmcn come to visit i j foreign country in th: intero-t-; of com 1 pc;oj ar.d espandng know o 'go |