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Show Pr-.TE-uR KOWLKR AT Til OLD T a 11 k kn acl B. A t the reiui'-t ol' a UrijM number of citizens, l'mfc-sor l-'.jwitr will repent three of his must p ipular lean re; ;U the Old Tabernacle, :i- f.jllows: 'rid;tv, afli-rnoon, February J1, uL --0 o'clock, to ladies only. 8ub-ji-a : "Female Health and lietmty K-elorcd.'' K-elorcd.'' FriJav evunitif;, to ladies and n'.lcmen, un "L'jvl, CotirL-hip and .Matrimony."' Saturday evening, to Kent lumen only. Subject: "Manhood ius Strenfftb, Impairment and Keslorj-tion.'' Keslorj-tion.'' iiVcninff lectures at hulf-pa-t 7 o'clock. Admission, !io cents. The profr-ij-or can bo consulted at the Towns- end house- during the week. f 1 |