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Show MEDICAL. J. D. THOMPSON, Art. D., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, OTcr? his profe-nional ,crvicea to the people of Salt Lake City, Residence at JJilivar Hobt-rts' brick house, oppoiito SU Mark's Chuicb. ivi 0. C. ORMSBY, M.D. I'iiYSIUIAN, SUKGEOX ASD DKUGGIST, UUltillA.n CITY. UTAH. J. I. fa. F. D. BENEDICT, BURGEONS AND PHYSICIANS, Office Over CilJcr Bro'a Musio Emporium. .1 W. F. ANOEffiO'l, M.B. H.J. RSCRM3S, M.D. Surgeons auil Physicians, Office, for the present, at their respective residences in Liio Uih andlTih Wariia. ni rrr-K DR. GROVES, 5aM Dentist, Dfllee Und Soulll St., Salt Luk City. Throo doors Wcsi of ltavoro House, half a block East of the Elephant Sloro. OPflCI HOURS JBOK i) A. If. TO 5 P.M. ml batksTbates! Warm Spring Unths ! Private and Pliutgc. Tlirae Mlpti.-nts, t-atbi are opc to iho pnlHo at nil sen-vim. Tlioir nit-jiciual properties nro no widely k:n.wn tlint tt In nelKj tti oiinine-ato them. Bwi'lw the Private liattia, ibe nrtj and hfttiJsomp-Is hfttiJsomp-Is mmisliciJ I'luni; Datiia far Liiii'j and Crull'.-i. i. rt nn ciu. II. AllSOLP. .1" NEW MEDICAL TOR ! "THE PHILOSOPHY Of MARRIAGE." For tlic Debilitated Nervous Sj ifcm. DR. JORDAN.of tho Anntornicnl Museum. 31S Montgomery street (near Calilor-nia), Calilor-nia), tan Francisco, California, has published pub-lished four of his most important and instructive in-structive Lecture.' in a. neat volumo lor those who cannot attend tho Lectures at tho Museum. Mu-seum. Lvery Unmiirried and Married man should read and study those important Lectures for tho uood of hiiusolf and off- 'liy addressing tho Secretary of tho Anatomical Ana-tomical Museum, San Francisco, and enclosing enclos-ing Tweoty-t'ivo Cents in Postage Stamps to pay postaRO, tho llook will bo forwarded to any part 01 tho States or Torrit orica. Dr. Jordan can bo consult c4 by letter. da HOTELS, ETC. TOWNSEND HOUSE, SALT LAKE CITY. THE LEADING HOTEL OP UTAH. JAMES TOWNSEND PROPRIETOR. This House is centrally and pleasantly located, lo-cated, woll furnished, and haa accommodations accommoda-tions for 18 0 cuosts. THE PROPRIETOR is bow preparing to build large addition to hia llotel, whiah when uniahod, will ronJ it tho Most Complete Establishment in tho KOfKY MOUNTAIN REGION ! mil AMERICAN HOTEL, A Select and First-Class House. OMR BLOCK EAST OP THEATRE, SALT LAKH CITY. Terms 83.00 per day. Board wltli-ont wltli-ont room per week. Until free to guests. J. C, L1TTLH, jun'2-1 Proprietor. TAYLOR'S HOTEL, OK THE EU ROPE AN PLAN, EAST TEMPLE STREET, IVest Side. Rooms Newly Furnished UY THE SINGLE KIUIIT, WEEKLY OH M0NTI1LY, On tho mosl reasonable terms. TAYLOlt & CUTLEK, Proprietors. nil Washington House 'JL'Mrtl font!i Street, ' ,S -V Li T LAKE GIT "V Uonrd and Lodging, per Week $0 50 Day Uonrd " 0 00 FrcucU .Spring Beds " a 00 Uedn, per Klnht - - 50 DlcnU - - aji Taylor's Hotel Restaurant, ON the Kuropcan Plan, is now iron and is sui'i liod with every delicacy f the kc;iiu. Mcala nt all hours. Uvsters in ovory stvl,-. Supper Parties ftipplicd on .h..rl ii-tio.-. Tfrnis to ault tlio tlmcl. ia.tUK tt (iOOU.M AX, Hew Commercial Mm Booms, Comiiieiclnt Street, 0'pt'itcC!i'riniin Hjikery, Suit Luke City C. W.TAPPAN. Proprietor. v I K M ALL NHillT. sptliiK ltt-,1-.. c(. tM);IiI,iiiI Sl.,.0 lo sJ.UU per Week. Silicic Unom, If.', prr M)li S.l.r.U loSl.jU per Weik. Ol.i ITT All HOTEL.. Main Sired, 0(;1H;. W.c o.'f.'y jirt.lclu.is Uome iti the City, 0.iniil-H lo ud ft'ii. nil tr.Lii,-. EUDEY &. WILLIAMS, ':T l',.',n..o. CENTRAL HOUSE LIT rLK COTTONWOOD, T. Y. Puller, Proprietor. To the Public-This houto is now rcSttc nn I opon f.r travclor- :it rciuoe 1 r.iic- lizard ind Lidi(mK. lv week, ikl.tW-Mealj, ikl.tW-Mealj, Beds, 75o. Moais At all hour LEGAL. C, 9. HiSLT. C. K. G1LCHEI3T. II.U'UY & GIIXUR1ST, ATTO R X FA'S-AT-L A W, And Solicitors in Chancery, OEre-Main Street. Salt Lako City. TJ, T, n15 L) . C O O P K R, ATTORNEY A2sD C0U2TSZLL0B, OIice Eichnuge and Reading ltooma, nt-slalr. iuil SALT LASS C1TT. CASH FOR MINES! Enquire of n:xii ivx. iiLvnt, Attoniey-at-Law and Mining Agents OVFTCK : Ovur 97 Kiml-aH's Ulock, with C. SI. IUwIlt-.P. IUwIlt-.P. 0. Box ISO, dl W1I. Y. LOVKLL; II. A. HEED, J-OVKLL & REED, .-1 TTO II NE YS-A T- LA W, nlt Luke City, Utali, Will practice in all the courts in tho Territory. Ter-ritory. Utuco, front room, T.iylor's hoto'. Jli P. L. WILLIAUS. LRCEASD VOUNQ WILLIAMS & YOUNG, A T T 0 li N E Y S - A T - L A W , Salt Tjaiio Jily. jl2 GKOUCE C. BATES, ,1 TTORNE Y-AT-LA W. C. ?InO, HAWLEY, Attorney -at-Law, Clerk of the Supreme Courlaiid Icrnlorial Librarian. J. W. IIAS1CI-S. Office in'Kimbairs block, near U.S. M ar-jU ar-jU ih:tl'o oilice. WM. P. APPLEBY, A.ttoiuey-nt-Ija"w, RAVING provided himself with suitablo Blanks, ii prepared to draw up Declaratory Statements of Applicants Appli-cants lor Deed lo Ully Lou. Olfico-East Temple Street, first door north of Commerce Building. ull) JOHN U. MILNEK, A T T 0 K N E Y - A T - L A AV , Provo City, Utnli. Collections made in tho 1st and 2nd Judicial Judi-cial Diitncis. . Special attention given to Minin? caao.i. Ullico at rciiuenco. Cotro bt. Provo City, jo Warner Enrll, J?. M. Smith. KAKLL & S3IITU, A T T 0 It iS E Y S AT LAW, SALT LAKE CITY, East Templo Street, ono door south ol au liodljc's Storo DANIEL S. DANA, A T T 0 11 N E Y - A T-L A W, Salt Lake City, Utah. Offico west side of East Temple Street. . E-I'ccial attention given to fllllS liU-cation. liU-cation. dJ Wm- HAYDON, (Luto JuJko of -llh District Court, Kovadn,! AT T 0 K N E Y-A T-L A W, Room So.l. Trowbridjio Building, E.ist Temple Tem-ple atrcot, oppoiito Ltio Salt LaKe ilouie. nl 1. M. 15 AIisT731, A T T O B N B Y - A T - L A W , Ofiice, Kimball's Block, S, L. City. Spocial attention given to rules, Negotiations, Negotia-tions, Salt-d or Lui.iUoiULO ALunnjc Claims and Real Estato. . Collodions mado or business done la any part of tho United Sutui by AssojiaUon ol r el i ablo Attorneys. Ji!L 0. Ii. liompstoad, M. ii-irkpatrick HEMPSTEAD & KIRKPATR1CK, Attomeya-at-Law, Main Street, opposite Wolla, Fargo A Co., SALT LAKE CITY, fw) Z, SNOW. E- D. nOOB. SNOW & UOGE, n.ttorneyo and Counselor! at Law Salt Laku City, Utah. Offlcoftt Euow'a corner, 1st Last Street. Ju6 JONATHAN C. RQYLE, AXTORNEY-AT-LAW, Salt Lake City, Utah. Office Over First National Bank. Residence Resi-dence on 3d East Street, between Couth and 1st south streets. tJJ I' J T C II & M ANN, AttoiEieys-at-Law, Oukc, First South St., Fourth door oast of Hooper, Eldroduo & Co'a Bntt. iiu.lt Laie Cay. a-o KOTftKtES PUBLIC. A. S. G0UL1) & SON, CONVEYAN CER3, J- MinijiK Deeds. ARroomcnta and Bonds for Deeds. MorUaKi-s, Powers of Attornoy, Leases, ContrncU and other instruments ol writing drawn with accuraoy and dispatcti. -SlIntiiR Coinpanlt" Incorporated Incorpora-ted under the LnwiofUUU. A. S. GOULD, RTOTAIIY rUlHL.IC and COMAIISSIONER OF DEEDS tor New York, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, Pennsylva-nia, Ohio, iiiiuoi.s Iowa, Nebraska, Wyoming, Moutana, iNevada, CaHtbrnia, and other States and Territories. Ter-ritories. East T&nyb St., near HVV, Fargo L Co., Salt Lalie City. mil ' . Wh.Ci.attos. S.J.Tonassks, Notary Public. Couvoyaucer. CLAYTON & JONASSON 1)AY strict attention lo tho collection of moucy iu " purla of tho woxld. They also draw or acknowledge all kinds 1 of instruments in writing. Sit I nl n tent Ion eiven to t he dr lwinn of WUU an. I Ttstiimrniory Uxcii- Loain nck-otiatc!. Mines, lLu.-c. and K--.il ol all kiuus boanUt, sdd or . loi-cl. I uroi pni iii ton and l'n r I nc mill t1 I liier f ovcry .)e.-.'ri'tioii dr.wn in strict Jitcoi tliincc wiih iho laws ot Utah- 1 OKKirK- l'minli door south ol GU'll(' Corner. nil , llDHACK l'C)'J"L'lr.U, REAL ESTATE AGENT. lnvf ui'"i i e:iri'i"iit!y dnwn up fT Hi" nli un l I.. . ii us of Hi m 1 itnJ U)U, Stores, uiMto: .m l l.t..U. I'M"' ,---i.itl. OVKICtr-N". T-vlr' ItnLIdinp, opprH-iU SaIi L.ikt Uv.iio, Sail Liko City. Ui Private Hospital. Uth Ward, Salt Lake City, 1 W. F. ANDi:r.50N. M.D. - Tropricto Terms, invari.ihly in advance, for Biia.rd, Medicina and Medical attendance. ilj i.y to -i par weel BANKERS. Tho(. R. Jones. A. W. White BANKING HOUSE or A. W. WHITE . CO., F.AST TEMPLE STREET, a30 Salt Lake City. FMIATlil. Bill BP UTAH, (Succcnori to llueiey, Daliler A. Co.) VS'ARRitsIIcsaitT. C. L. Dahlr, President. Vice Profit. Asthost Godb5, Cashier. Salt Lake City, Utuh ; Also connecting offices at Opdon andCorinne, Utah, and Virginia and Helena, Montana. Dealers in Gold Dust, Coin, and Currency, Draw Exchange on New York, Chicago, St. Louis. Umaha, Denr, San Eraacisoo, and all parts of Europe. Collections Promptly Attended To. mil Robert Anderson, Thos. P. Akers ROBERT ANDERSON & CO., JlLXKBJiS, US, EAST T E II P L E STREET, Salt Lako City. jl3 Bank of Deseret, HOOPER, ELDREDGE & Co., Corner Eut Temple and First South Streeta, PALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. PAID UP CAPITAL, - S100.000. Bit TG HAM Y0TjNG.Prcsidant,1 11. S. ELDltEDGE, VicoPres. WM. II. HOOPElt. WM. JENNINGS, Dircotore. JOHN SHARP, FEKAMOliZ LITTLE, L. S. HILLS, Cajihior, J Deal iu GOLD DUST, COIN, EXCHANGE, LAND WAUllANTtt. COLLEGE COL-LEGE SCIill', dtc. Collections made and promptly remitted, re-mitted, FOREIGN EXCHANGE FDR SALE, aia WELLS, FARGO & CO., Express Forwarders, Baukers, DEALERS IN EXCHANGE. Drafts on Jiurope, and all the principal prin-cipal cities of the United States. EUROPEAN 'COLLECTIONS Promptly attended to. Eait Temple St., Salt Late City. TIIEO. F. TRACY, Agent. Dill SEWING MACHINES. $25 SAVED Ky Buying- THE WILSOI Lock Stitch Shuttle SEWING MACHINE AT J. Daynes & Co.'s Two doors cn.t ofPo.t onlce, SALT LAKE CITY. Warranted for Five Years ! CALL AND SEE THEM. THE WEED SEWING MACHINES For Family and Manufacturing Piloses, Eiolnviv all thnt is now and nnvel in cwinc Machine. Thny are 'ho latest improved .in i lit; hie -1 ruimins shuttle iiiiichines in the world. Bciuwiul anu comp.i'-t iu icod-.d an.l unccened in material .mil Uui?h. lh';y sew evorythinc from l.ii-c in beaver cloth in the most pei Icct manner. Cvry vnrUiy or II r mm I np. Felling, y."llnK, Cordlntt, lldrtlliip, PIldiiK, TabtiiK, KrlnKitig, Hem StllehlnR etc., , easily iidirormcil. ' Straight Needle. Kt) Cog-wheels, VllIlLVTISG SPRIXG. ' Every Machine W arrant ei a Uei . evented Salesroom on First Somh Street Suit I.nke City, opolte the Sew r Meat Market. IRA PFOUTZ, i juy!3 Agent. NOW IS YOUR CHANCE FOR STOVES ! NOW IS YOUR CHANCE FOR STORES Over One Hundred Different Kinds and Styles to Select from, Inclnitlug tile Old Fivvorile., Charter Oak, New Era, Monitor, Inland Empire Superior, Etc., These as well as other varieties will be SOLD CHEAPER AT TUB Hardware Dep'nt OF Z. O. IsAL. I. THAN IN ASY OTHER HOUSE IN THIS TERRITORY. ;n. B. CLAWSOX, COLLEGE SCRIPI : pREEMPTORS will eavp $!6 on t J- each quarter section by buyine i Agricultural College Scrip. A,.,-lTtr. 15 SarvMUO; t. R , .pnr. Rl.1r4.itr J HARDWARE. Furnacemen Attention ! A 1 Fire Brick. SCOTT, DUNHAM & CO. 1BI AGENTS FT1B THI GOLDEN CITY FIH.K BRICK., Which are equal if not superior to the bsst Encli.'h. Sr eei.il rates civen hy the car load. OR BASSETT, HARDWARE STOEE All kin Is ol HEAVY HARD WAKE, iron au.l Kteel, Stoves and Tin Ware BLACKSMITH TOOLS, Agricultural Implements Aud mining Toola, At Lontit R.ti. OPPOSITE SALT LAKE HOUSE nib LEGISLATIVE Proceedings I WHEREAS We are to bo deprived of our regular regu-lar allowance of Penknives ; therefore, there-fore, RESOLVED That Scnscncy & Co. aro selling Stoves Cheaper than any other House in the city, for tho reason they are Closing Out. 5o. 8 Crescent Coal Stove, $32 50 " 8 National do. 35 00 " 8 States do. 42 50 " 9 "Wood Stoves of several kinds 35 00 Stove Pipe, per joint, 30 All kinds of TIN AND HARDWARE hi Proportion. Now is your Chance for Bargains SENSENEY&CO Owosilt W. F. d Co't Ofice, SALT LAKE CITY 11. A. K 12 YES, Agent SCOTT, DUAII.1.11 & CO., Wholesale and Retail Dealers IRON AND STEEL WRIGHT'S PICKS, IRON BARROWS AND ALL KINDS OF MINING TOOLS. Wrought Tuyers, Pipe and all kinds of Fittings for Furnaces and Mills. HARDWARE, BELLOWS, ANVILS, AND OTHER BLACKSMITH TOOLS, IRON PIPE, PIPE FITTINGS. BRASS GOODS, RUBBER PACKING. AOESTS FOR Hooker Pumps, Fairbanks' Scales, Fireproof Safvss, G. S. Lubricating Oil, A . WINES AND LIQUORS. fUrBiKOFSKY", Wholesale Poolers IX WINES, LIQUORS, CIGAES AND TOBACCO, Second South Street, SALT LIKE CITY, Tbrco doors west of Walker Ero's. d5 B.W. Allex & Co., 1? Uroodwny, New York. BRANCH HOUSE, Under Post-Offlce, S. L. City. A genu for the Celebrated COLD SEAL WHISKY! . S. FOSTKR, Agent, CITY LI0O0B STORE; Keep congtuntlj on hitnd, Wholesale ami Retail Choice Imported LIQUORS AND WINES, At Lowest Rates. OROESBECK'S BTIL DINGS, nIT inaar Tempi Ktr(. WATCHMAKERS. r 1 CARL C. AS3IUSSEX, IMPORTER AND DKAI.KR IN Jewelry, Watches, AND DIAMONDS. Elgin Watches AT FACTORY PRICES. Just rccoivod a large, additional etook of NEW GOODS In great varioty nnl stylo. Tho public are rcneotfully invitoJ to cull and inspect thuiu ut CARL C. ASMUSSEN'S, East Temple Street, Ilnlf n tilock north of the KnRte Umporlum. d.U WATCHES &JEVELRY ! O. L. ELIASON, I E(JS to inform the residents of ii.iU Luke City and vicinity, that ho nut oniy Kuarantecs to properly Kilr,Clenn nml Ail J uiil Wnlclien ami Cliroiiomctera, bnt ho will mnko thorn or any i nrt of thein, to order, and warrant the work. A new supply df ELGIN and SWISS V A tCli liS ju,l ruc-ih -J, which ho will giHrant'-ii nlinlIu tituu-kooiiors. i'nt:v.b Uj duly cuinputilion Komoiiilicr tho n'l trej". Two doors at or I lie Dr.rr.l It- i k. TIME TABLE. BURLINGTON ROUTE. TO TH; Uir. NlRTH h'i'J i'jiJiH.A. No. 1. STATIONS. ' '. M Ail.. LeiTc OMAHA - j 4.Uj..ui. :...,'U w. Arrive BUltL.K'HON , ut. i' l .i'.in. " Mendola - - !ll-:r n.ia.' rn. " Chicago' C li. A tj ; p.m. .ui. ' IV.ri. ' - - J v.a.u, 1:'VM..U.. " Iu.n.lir'I.C.AW.i u.Op.iu. l;a.ui, " Cincinnati - - 11; p.m. J.ip.tn. " Lt'giiri- pnrt j J..U, ' L'.J'.ni. T 1- A- U 1 " C:ur,.r.,, 2 ! .M Vt. ,,, t 7-Thrr.uch Cnr. fr-ui Mi...,ufi Kivr : difwo. I ;, ii wii.-, CiDcinaiii. L'.jmu--I'tTt and Coluiul'Uf.1 C.-LLtrliof n' th'.-o p..iD' wirlj l,nc r.-id;ue ;r, ta" .ii.-1. Tt). .in 1 .-.-J- b Th i - i ' thn ""I, Shorieit, ulckeaL and t lifit ftouir. Jj.. r,,,; nr .Iffirnl, ij ; ,.l,.,;r, Tif'rrtr v;a ...,-, v .. .. , I ' ' .. i MISCELLANEOUS. THUOUGU BLOCKADE ! Teasdel & Co. Are now rcoivin an WTiic-e Quantity of l'll A1UU Winter Dress Goods, Dry Goods, llibbons, Furs and Motions, ALSO CHRISTMAS GROCERIES, STAPLE AND FAX'CY Coiifecticiisry, Fraits U Mi Til El BLEES SWLG iACULE SALESROOMS Are now open nml reple'o wiih a full as-torl as-torl is .-nt in nil ?iy-, a-k n.n Sod .;.-d by all to bo ouo oi tho loit Ai.ich.uea of tho day. Call and examine b fore purchasing Teasdel & Co.'s C3-E3STTS' FURNISHING DEFT Id now oi'cd ono door Eouth of tho Engl. Uouse. Clothing, Hats, Caps, Boots & Shoes, Carpets, Oil Cloths &. Waning. Ladies will do well to examine our etook o SHOES, BOOTTEES, SUPPERS, Teasdel & Co., EAGLE HOUSC Co, 07 mid li.i,K.ul Templo St., Wont side. Jnyltt RAILROAD SHOPS. ScGond SqjiIi Stieat, lllf Utock tilaat It ever Ilouaa, SALT LAKE CITY. Iw'A COI3 CARRIAGE M'OIIK, Of a!! Descriptions. BLAGKSniTHIHG In all its Kraiiclics. Agents for tho Fish Bros.. W. -nns, ' f Racine, Wise on. to.uii nmi AND CARRIAGE PAIRING A &p;;:i alty. COACH AND CAiil.lM.l." TKIMMCO. Horse vanning to |