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Show LK(i ISI, IT'VB. Jan. 31, 1612. COI.NC1L. Council met pursuant to adjournment. adjourn-ment. Councilor Suiojt, chairman of the committee on municipal incorporations, incorpora-tions, to whom was referred (11. F. 4.) "An act designating the time of holding hold-ing the first election for city officers for Washington city in Washington county," coun-ty," reported the same back with amendments and recommended its passage. The bill was read as amended amend-ed and passed; and wa.s sent to the house lor concurrence in the amendments. amend-ments. (II. F. 13.) "An act further defining the duiies of superintendent of the Salt Lake and Wan.-bip wagon road, and repealing certain acts relating thereto," I was taken up on its second reading, amended, and passed; and was sent to the house for their concurrence. Councilor Harrington, chairman of the committee on judiciary, to whom was referred (0. F. 1) "An act defin-1 ing the time of commencing civil j action"," reported the same back, I ametded, and recommended its pas-1 sage. The report was accepted and ! the bill passed. A communication was received from the house announcing their non-concurrence in council amendments to (II. F. 4.) also the adoption by the house of a "joint resolution for holding a con vention to frame a constitution, &o." The resolution was read and concurred in. Council adjourned till Thursday, ' Feb. I, at 1 p.m. no use. j House met at 1 p.m., pursuant to j adjournment; roll called; quorum pros- ' ent. I Mr. liowberry presented a petition i from W. H. Lee, and 170 others, citi-; zens of Tooele county, praying for the , establishment of free schools by taxa-' tion read and referred. ' Mr. Wright presented a remonstrance remon-strance against the organization of a new county out of Box Elder county, ; signed by II. K. Perry and eight hundred hun-dred citizens of said Box Elder county; read and referred. A message iiom the council announced an-nounced that (C. F. 5) "an act estab- ; fishing precinct and district pounds, 1 &c," had passed the council. The bill was read and referred. Mr. Rich, of the committee on claims and appropriations, to whom was referred the report of the auditor of public accounts, in relation to the; amount needed for stationery for the i auditor's office, recommended that the sum be incorporpted in the general ap-! propriation bill. Report accepted and j the committee instructed accordingly. ' Mr. Kockwood presented the financial finan-cial report of Salt Lake county for tho years 1S09-70; referred. j On motion of Mr. Rowbcrry the . committee on claini3 and appropria- tious were instructed to insert in the 1 Territorial appropriation bill, the sum of five hundred dollars to pay the ex-, penso ol'locating the university lands and incidental expenses connected, therewith. Mr. Kichards presented tho annual report ol' the superintendent of common com-mon schools for ilie Territory of Utah, which was read and referred to the' committee on education, and 1,000 copies ordered printed. Mr. Pitchl'orth moved that in con-. sidcration of the many petitious in favor of tho establishment of free schools by taxation, that the house meet as a committee of the whole to i consider this important subject on ' Friday evening next a 0:30. Carried. . A message was received from the council announcing that tho council had amended and passed the act in rc-' lation to the holding an election in . Washington city, Washington county. The amendments were notconcurrcd in ; which in point of fact disposes of the bill. Mr. Taylor, of tho committee to whom was referred the governor's veto me.;age of the convention bill, reported re-ported a resolution, which sets forth that tho statements in the message are not sound in reason, and are false and a direct insult, to tho people of the Territory; which was adopted by a unanimous vole as the sense of the house on the veto message. Mr. Taylor, from tho committee to draft a joint resolution with regard to i electing delegates to ji convention to frame a State constitution, etc., reported re-ported a resolution in substance the same as the bill vetoed by tho govcr-, nor, which was adopted. j A message from tho council announced an-nounced that tho council had amended and passed "An act defining the duties of the superintendent of tho Salt Lako : and Wanship wagon road company." ! Tho amendments weic not concurred in, and a committee of conferonce was ; rciiucstcd. i Mr. Kich, chairman of the commit-; fee on claims, etc., to whom was referred re-ferred the petition of S. Bingham, reported re-ported adversely to it, considering that tho county court of Weber county ; should adjudicate the petitioner's claim. Mr. Bock wood asked permission to introduce on Thursday' a bill for "an act amending the city charters throughout through-out the Territory." Leave granted. Minutes read and accepted, and tho house adjourned until 1 p.m., of Feb. 1st. |