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Show A Klmaukahle 1'CAi'fi. An accidental acci-dental ci'i'lo.-ion of a ten pound box of "Hercules" powder occurred in a vabin on Lion hill, in Ophir mining di.-ttict on Monday, by which Mr. .I.uvb II. Sprout was blown up and badly burned and otherwise irjured, but was fortunate in escaping with un-1 un-1 Token limbs and life. The box of the powder wa.s lelt near the cooking stove, within about two Ibet of it, but as thought, tutlioiciuly distant to avoid ihu danger ot" explosion. Mr. Sprout had iono to his cibiti to cook dinner, and bad alter finishing his cooking, and while awaiting tho arrival of his punnets, taken a scat with his left loot near the box of powder and the right partly under tho stove. While in this po.-itiou and intently engaged in perusing a newspaper, tho box ot powder exploded, the force of tho ex-pluMon ex-pluMon shattering the stove into atoms, blowing the building into fiagmcntSJ and sending Mr. Sprout, like a bomb tioni a mortar, up into the air. How high he went ho does not know, but when he found himself he was ou the ground with his body badiy burned I'm tu head to foot, and a few bruises and o.'tituoious. Tho .-tool upon which Ik was sitting waa shivcied into tooth j :eks, and his moat serious injuries rc-,-ulud from splinter wounds. 11c was attended by Dr. Stuart, under whose care he is doing well, and will soon recover, re-cover, an instance of a very reuiark-ablo reuiark-ablo escape. |