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Show LIGHTNING FLASHES. I' 1 1 lltht thousand troops have sailed 1 rum Cadiz fur Cuba. ' The steamer Cit-i Anticerj has jrived at .- York. , The steamers from New York to 'lurupe are heavily freighted. . The boiler of the steam-hip Ama.oii I xpluded on Tuesday, at Bordeaux, I 'ranee, kilhng two men. ' Henry W. !ray, republican, w 1 leete i to the senate ol' Pennsylvania, i rum the fourth district in Phiiadel- 1 Jiia, by lJ hj majority. 1 The New York Ji'-publieau genera! ( o:i.mittee, on'l'uesday evenine, elected lohn 'j. Tuwusend president, and j lohnJ. O'Brien secretary. j At the meeting held in Loudon, ; rm sday cveniiPL', to raise means u.; end an expedition in search of Dr. ; jiviug-itone, jL-i.UutJ were subscribed. In Ivini-'sloo, New York, yesterday, i Miss PuwK r was awarded $4,wtiu Lgainst Mr. Martin because he prombj-:d prombj-:d tu marry her and then backed out. A tchyram from Washington says be Hun. J. K. Doolittle, now in that ,-ity, is eoulideut of the auec:ss of the "new movement," aud that senator 1'iunibull wid lc nominated fur the pre.-ideiK-y. The grand jury of the court of gener-il gener-il notions in New York, are in a piandary whether to rdind, or not, indictments in-dictments against the "ring." They have no time to procure witnesse.-s, as their term expires on Saturday. Many persons charged, in the accounts ac-counts of the New Y'ork city departments, depart-ments, with furnishing supplies, say that lliey never received the amounts charged to them, and did not furnish all the supplies with which they arc credited. The Saginaw salt producers are in Washington lobbying against a reduction reduc-tion of duties on salt, aud the representatives repre-sentatives of other interests are also endeavoring to keep up tho dutica of their respective specialities." The commissioner of appeals decided, decid-ed, yesterday, in the suit of Kawson t. the Pennsylvania railroad company, that a limitation by ticket J of liability for baggage lost, to $lUO is nota contract, con-tract, and awarded plaintiff $-1,000 damages. Tho governor of Now York says, in response to a resolution of the house, that there were sovcral instances in the last legislature in which olauses that were never passed were inserted in bills before being presented to him for his signature. A London telegram says that public opinion there, hopes but littlcfrom the Ciencva conference, and that no English Eng-lish cabinet could survive a submission to tho American demand that indireot damages should be allowed to American Ameri-can claimants, and that no parliament would ever vote money to pay such claims. |