OCR Text |
Show LOCAL NEWS. Commercial. Salt Lake City, Jan. 31. (jui.D. liuyinz, 1)7; selling, JO'A Wasted. A girl as cook and laun-dro?. laun-dro?. Apply to y.Aj Tuomas Fitch. Lopoisii9 for Gkstlemks within fivo minutes walk of tlio Post Oilicc. .Enquire at this cilice. jliT. Largest stock of clothing at Sicgol Bro's.' oil) Cutting. & Co'a California Canned Fruits and Jellies aro tho best in tho market. Ask your grocer for Lhcm. Co TO tho Crystal l'alaco, 78 Alain street, for Furniture, Jiodding; Crockery, Crock-ery, China, GIss,iSilverwiirc tiud household house-hold goods generally. dl7 Tub Summit Coal company aro selling sell-ing their coal at -10 at tho U. C. depot, 11 delivered in tho main part of tho city. Tlio best in tho nmrkut. jiS CnoiiE Missouri APPLES at wholesale-. Iinjuiro of C. 11. Uarratt, 7b Main street. j It) Coal Oil at tho Pioneer Lamp Store. d:iO Gents Attention. Ed, Harris, at' tho Little Cioar Stork "round the corner," keeps tho best imported liav-ana liav-ana and Domestic Cigars, Tobacco and Motions. Como and judge for yourselves. your-selves. Three doors cast of Post OUioo. s2ti Overcoats, at cost, utSiegul Bro's. olO Fine Furnishing Goods at Siegol Bro's olO j Wanted. A plasterer to plaster a i cistern. Apply to i joU Thomas Fitcii. Free of Cost Our Trial LAMPS I Como and got ono everybody, at tho ; Pionoor Lamp Storo. d30 ! Largf ;-t 'ck of lino and Heavy boots al jSiegel tiro's. o-J-1 I Dkikd 1' bach km. Wo shall give ih j highest price- for clean, well dried fruit, at our Provision Department, at Jno. K. ClawsoTi's, wc?t of Theatre. ! augl H. B. Ci.awso-, SupL i ! Flue 1ni"rante. Mr. 11. R. I Mann has accepted the agency of the ! Triumph, Andes and Amazon fire insurance in-surance companies, of Cincinnati, and jwill present their claims to our busi-1 j ncss men. He is an energetic and re- j , liable gentleman, and these compan lies have a capital of nearly three mil-i lians, with a tirst-cla.- reputation as bi-iov in every sene rc-pocsiUe. We have no njed to commend Mr. Mann to a l"j-iness commuuity where he it ( so well known; and the condition of the companies he will take pleasure in giv-, giv-, ing all desired explanation coucerning. .See tho advertisement ei-cwhere in I thla issue. Fashionablo llats at Siegcl Bro's. olO A Great Tosic. HEGE.MAN'3 COKD1AL ELIXIlt OF CAL1SAYA BAKK. A pleasant cordial which strengthens and improves Digestion, n excellent preventive of Fevers, Fever and Ague, etc, and a great Renovator and Tonic for invalids and debilitated persons. per-sons. Heokman & Co., Hew York, Sole Manufacturers. Sold by all Druggisls. s2ti Furniture. Just received.at Henry Dinwoodey's, 000 CANE SEATED CHAIRS. To bo sold very cheap for cash. jl7 HOTEL ARRIVALS. Jan. 31. TOWKSEND HOUSE. ET Stetson. N Y; W H Allen, Camp Floyd; II McConnell and wife, City; Henry Field, Ogden; L P Sanger, San-ger, Ills. I departures and arrivals 1 By Wines & KimbalVs Stages. Leave Offi co of Wella, forgo & Co. duily, alT ft.m. arrive at i p.m. Jan. 31. TO OPHIR, STOCKTON & CAMP FLOYD. 11 C Chambers, Mr Benedict, J 31 Murphy, Mr Clinton. FROM OPHIR STOCKTON & CAMP FLOYD. Dr A W Smith, S B McOall, Thos King, H Durkee, C Iba, J 11 Allen. Wlioleanle Produce Market. Salt Lau lit bald Owes, Jauunry Ti, lST'i Flour, ? cwt 8 3 50 3 75 Wheat, " sucked 2 25 Barley, " " 2 Oata. " " 2 25 Potatoes, ?bu 'JO Onione. " - 1 00 Corn, cob, " 75 SO Corn, shelt'd, fl owt 2 10 Corn ileal. " 2 75 ,1 00 Bran. " 1 75 Shorts, 1 75 2 00 Beans, f, lb 5 Butter, " fresh 40 Chccso, " 19 llama. " . 18 Bacon, " l.'i Beef. " 10 Pork. " 10 Million." 15 Kkhs, dos 35 Chickens, ench - 1 50 Uny, (Hon 25 00 Coal, " 8 0010 GO Wood, ?cord 10 00 Hides, ouch 3 5f i 00 Duel m Gceso " 2 00(31 2 50 Turkeys." 2 IWtiS 2 50 Wild Ducks, licr pair 50 Babbits 30 OGDEN DIRECTORY. First-class Business Houses. MlSRCHANTSi Wnlker Broilicrs, Z ton' Co-op. Mcrtailllle Institution, Jnmes Horrucki, C. Woolmanscc, F. Aucrbuoli & liro. HOTEL. Ogilctt House, John Mnlioo, Troiiriotor. LIVERY STABLE, D. G. Nelson, Propriotor. nlO If . -r-H cc I lu ii cd .5 bd3 t d ; s rr3 i iE si PQ ir cc S I ( , , s 3 " O I Ph - PS 'ff HOUSK. The bill ir. reference to nppeals to the1 supremo cwurt, after discussion, passed; substantially ns reported. Bingham unsuccessfully un-successfully strove to havo tho hill modified mod-ified bo us to restrict writs of error to capital offense;, claiming that if it applied ap-plied to mere penitentiary cnses,it would delay and impede justico in the case of tho Mormon prosecutions. A sharp debate followed ori.tho report of the committeo of waysand menus concerning con-cerning secretary Boulweli's operations with the syndicate, Beck giving figures to show that the funding of tho loan a.t the rate already paid would yield tho syndicate, us ' compensation, twenty-four twenty-four millions of dollars; and that tin-adoption tin-adoption of tho majority report would bo uii order to Boutwcll to fund the thirteen hundred and lifly millions yet to be placed on the market, on the same tenns;and through Lhe same agents as tho hundred and thirty-live millions ajrcuciy funded. Brooks, of JN ew York, another member mem-ber of tho committee of ways and means, asked Dawfc if tho pending resolution was adopted by the nouso, if tho Eecrc-tary Eecrc-tary of the treasury would regard it as necessary for him to go on 'ii tho ttunu way with the rest of the lonn7 Dawes replied thiit tho secretary would be assured as-sured by tho adoption of tho rc.-oiutior. that in no respect had he violated the la w. Cox, who ottered the resolution on which tho investigation was bis id, argued ar-gued against, the po,i;,ou takun' by the secretary of the troasury and by the committee of ways and means. 11 f charged the syndicate with being a pack of cormorants who should bo stripped at once. Kerr offered an autcudmotii, ln:it in the opinion of the bouse the secretary of tho tp'-aury, in negotiating, had increased in-creased the debt moro tiian was necessary neces-sary or proper, and had incurred expenses ex-penses contrary to law. Without tho debate coii'.ir, t a co6b tho house adjourned. Csrtleld ouggestion that tho home-stofl home-stofl l bill bo EO amended that thedatc of settlement on United States eurveyed lands may count after the survey as pari of tho period of tho five year:, actual occupation requisite toward establishing establish-ing a bora M-ad claim, wii concurred in, and GaroelJ, Clejrit and Mernil wero appointed a sub committee to confer con-fer with the committees on Territories and public lands upon the subject. Tne Territorial delegates arc fully organised or-ganised in commute", with gov ei nor McCormick, oi" Aruoiia, chairman, and I. II. P.eiily, of Calitornia, clerk, ar.d will meet regularly hereafter during the fC'-ir-n, on Mondny, for th" con--idtTiup.n nd discus-ion of mai'.-rs. pertaining per-taining to iho 'lernlorici. j CxLORIOTS SEWS For the Ladies ! :MRS. C0LEBR00K Is now SELLING OFF ! At her iVcjo Store, A CHOICE ASSORTMENT OF HATS A.VD BONNETS rM? j a rM.'' , 1 To make room for Spring fashions. 1 d!5 1 SILVER AND PLATED WARE Wo bavo JUST RECEIVED An elegant assortment of Choice Silver and riatcd Ware, Combining tho nn.l OKNAMKNTAL. Aho (lie b:iliicco cf cur XM AS NOVELTIES All of wh:ch we off-r nt a Suiiill Advance on Cost. t-if Sec Show IFiWoio. T38 RETAIL DRYGQODS DEP'T z. a. hmc, i. j25 II. B. ClawsoD, Supt. The Place to Buy voun GLAZED SASH, BLINDS, AX D PANEL DOORS, Fur Jualily aud l'rii'c, Imported or Home-made, 18 AT LATIMER. TAYLOR &,C0!S PLANING MILL, Snsli nnil Duor Fiiclory, One block wc.it of Tabernacle. MUSEUM j AND HE NADER IE. .Opposite the cntr?vne to tho Tabernacle. JOHN W. VOl'Ml, - Pri. j AdmU-iou, 60 elf. Children, 10 u Open from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. ' A'ttlTt ninrrxli, PrtrlfurlloD. ton. crtilon and Cryata.lt tatlout. Home l'rvducl. -Vit're rtnrf JTvreiyn ( u-I u-I ritiaUUs, Ac. Componnd tlcctro-Magnciio Aj'pa-; Aj'pa-; , ralua, &e. - Prif. T. I. n .. . o i 7-T.fc.. SAN FRANCISCO TRACE. A, C. DIETZ & CO. :-07KR3 or PAINTS, OILS, Varnishes and Lamps, Ko. 22 FROST SIKEFT. E. MART'N & CO. Wholesale Licssr Dealers, 40 8 Front Street, Snn Frnnrliio ! Proprietors of .MILLER'S EXTIU OLD BOVKUO.N And solo asents for j 1. F. CUTTER'S EXTRA OLD 33US2CN rilifc':S 1 Conjinaily on hand. full aiortuieui of all ihn ! Standard Drauil ofWhUklrt, Klne UriLiKilea : Foreign and Domestic Wlntm, m5 Bttttr. Cordial., Ac. i THE BANK of CALIFORNIA j SAN FIIANC1SCO. i D.O.MILLS, - PRESIDKN'T. W. C RALSTON, CASliii:M. ! Capital Palrl Up, - 95,000,0(10. J DRAW DIRECT AND ISSUE LETTERS 1 of Credit on all the principal oicies of the 1 fS World. j COMMISSION MERCHANT? ! 304 and a 06 California St., San Fraiiclaco, - - California, i Particular attention paid to thf Ciling ot orders lor avory description of morehnn.iia, n23 Sal ofOm, Ac, Ac. A. J. CiltlFFITIJ, Dealer in fojgl ft!! fcindj 0T SALMON AMD HERRINGS. 113 Waahtngton Street. All kinds of Dnod, 6tnafcod and Pickled H 1 ; ooiuttAnlly on hond. J4 S. L. Stauley, John Sprancco, CO. Chapiiitn Spruance, Stanley & Co., Succesaora to II. Webster & Co. and J. & J. Sproanco Importer! and Whole ale Dealers In WE m LIQUORS, J4 10 FKOS'C STBKKT. COMMISSION MERCHANTS 48 Clay St., San Frnnclico, DKALKUS IX OllKCOK PRUDlCa, Aro coni-laatly In riycfij.t cf On'xon liiinic, llacon, L(.rJ. jJ-i!ii;o'i, Ac Starcli, or our own acJ Eo-iioto tansnfoctr.re tlvriiye on jh--1. Michael KiNK. T. N. Wakd. WAND, KANE & CO., Successors to Hunter, and . Co.) Importers and Wbolcralo Doalore in VLES AND LIQUORS. PropriotOi'B of Hunter's California Whoat Wliisltoy. Also Aiccnts for Joseph S. Finch's coUoratcd Pfiinsiivania RYE WHISKEY I 607 and GOU Front St., near Jackaon, SAN FRANCISCO. my 31 THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER, TUB GREAT CALIFORNIA VEGETABLE BLOOD PURIFIER. H 1(111 IN TUK SIERRA NEVADA Mountains, in tho wonderful eiato o California, Brow? iin herb Imig known to the Indinns as an uloli.to nro for UilEl'M A-Ilri.M. A-Ilri.M. U0'.)T, KfcirUALUIA. ntii all dis-otusos dis-otusos In any way 5irinKine from iminiritica of tlio blood. Kciftu'c ha at IciibiIi liroUKlit to licbt itfl virtue, and of thi fxjtoot lierb ha couipoundo.l VEK11A ?AN"I A , a preparation prepa-ration lor ibo IIiK.MA,-KSX CUKli of Scrorulc, Bait Ithcum, and all Krui tlvc anil Cutaneous Dlaenaaa. 'Jive? itnmftdintB nnrl tpcrmoncnl relief In DVbl'Kl'a'A. illVSI i'KL.Vf., Hintr Worm. Tumors, TJ o 1 1 ( . Scald llcn ij", U leers aril dor'. B; oradiralns Iroru tho sjelom all trucOB ol iiierouriat diaeaso. IT IS PURELY VEGETABLE, It i f ihercfora peculiarly guilnblo fOT nrn i(J1 females Bad ehildrni nt a Bi-UUD PUKI- f ILK and RENOVATOR. MOTH KKS Who wisih to find n mi'dieino ptrulinrlj-adapted ptrulinrlj-adapted to tlic cure ol 11 1, M uK.S ami hltl 1' HoNS in their chilJron, Kill liad a Rale find fure euro in YEKLA SANTA, Por sMr everywhere. moUIMOTO,1, IlOSTKTTEIl CV Aganla, 099 and 031 Market Sr.. Snn Krnticlioo, REDINGTCI HOSTETTER & CO. Import eri and Jrjbher" "I ruitKlGW AND DOJIKSTIL DRi'iis am) nnmm Kln Kaocullal Oil., Gum-, li.tr,l.f heedN, Floivcra, fjionmi, bklui, Fornii'tili tc, And all oinef biai lu oonnc-td with tha Whcl:lc and Kttail Irui '.anjiOs. Comtantly in reaiit, hy direct Imr'nttieD, of KaropeD and Asiatic pr"dti"t. Exclusivo Agents'for Guicksilyer, Iloite'lT'p IiiMerf, Urakf'-- i'l-.o-t'inn tiw: Wolf' vhnj,,,, S-lit,t r-. . Newell' PuIdj'xjbi ;iui, And ell th? la'litiB l';'.v:rtti r ?IMic1di beta AmciCdQ dad i-ujojeaa. ; 0; iers Prmp.ly andOarefally xutcj. . (Noa. 5 -HI and 6J1 Market Strael, Between Pint andSooond. 5i Fia.lOiSJ;:, Ci;-i ' : t- rniSCELLAKEOUS. P.KiK, I5KO.A; CO., 'leatsch and findings? I 33 nud 37 South Canal street, SUSTAIN HOME MANUFACTURE Tilt Uoti .ml (hp Clicnjicsi I lUvc ou I rled Tlit.l AM-i-a - v r KPnc, Gp::lj!:D B3"ic5ET FltU. noa-i--:y:i.Le ar 1 p"JT 'y vcpctable. Thevreii, ve J., ;n -ice. Dvsi.ep'ii, lclit-t-n. l.ivor C !! . .t. :i ..! .. he. L.,-.- of AM.oii'i V n I :, ;;.:! h. U1 Vr. it up O.'lds Fever, C.'u.-S.a::.! I'urify the lilood. They will CL-,-.- tho Si-m.ioh. Kenova; the sy.neui., P Are so.dm a! I ..o i'..y.-. - i L.i J. Try bos. u iisc t'r.ri;.H-..i uc-. or w.iai sr.j- other ort. They -re lo:i:c, C.t.i.trtie atid kxpeo-tornt. kxpeo-tornt. Twenty-five cer-.- per box Twenty-fire Pill. Ol'THALMIC BALSAM, Or Kye nalm. Valuable in most Diej?es of the Lyes. Re-m.ive Re-m.ive iuiiamiofltion. MrenR: hen? tho Sicht, and W c::k or Uroopinc Lioc. and iscenerally he.ilir.s ar.d sireiiKtiiecitis to the finht, but cau-ef no pain. It i? als good for Tetter, R,nnorLi auJ badSores. CONKHX SALVE. 0- ly Twenty-five Tent- per Box. A valu-.i'lv rtiiii-dy lur L'u;.-. bruise., our.df. Sores, Luru.-, soaM. ai.d for o;.k or Lume Lack, Sido or liroast. aud lor luauy other These and other home-made family medicines medi-cines aro prepared by J. El. JOHNSON, SI. Ueorxti I'luh And sold at Zion's Co-operative Store? and by ciacr .iKnts thr.uis-iiout tho Territ ay. nbo sold ai whok-.-alo or furnished on coiu-mi.-siou to rejpnUMbleapeiiLs. If theje medicine? med-icine? arc nut kept at your stores, ask your vnercbam to order thetu at niio. CHAF,1BE3'5 ENCYCLO PEDIA, A D1CTIOXARY OF UNIVERSAL KNOWLEDGE For the People. Kevtsod Ivi'uion. lie-issucof 1S70-7I, with Maps, l-'iates and Knp ravines. To bo completed in Sn Part?. making 10 VoI. of ;o pases eueh. Illu-trate 1 with -ibnut Four Thousand Kn-pravints Kn-pravints and Forty Mm v. PRICK (rr Pnrt, Inr In. If ncr "lapa aud 1 II ntt rm Ion, IVO Cnili. 1'IUCK TKH VOLUME: Extra Cloth, beveled boar Is W Library Seeep. tnarblod odpes Ii iXi Half Tuilu-y .Morooeo c so Mrrt. TT. TT. Kr YS lV CO. nre -he .Agents fir ('hmhtrs' Kn') i loiii ills r the l'a:itie C'.ast, and arn pubh-hers and iro-porters iro-porters of o her Amcrii'an aiid Eughsh standard stan-dard and illustrated woikp. CASSKL'S NKW I'OPHbAIl KOtCATOR, New Editien, Universal Prononneing Dictionary of ti-Orajjh ti-Orajjh and Mylholngy, by J. Thomas, A. Na,:ona! Portrait Gallery of Einiuent AiUfcriea!is,5u partd it tU cents each. I!. Tt. KEY it CO., 513 Clay St., tan Francifco. Vr H. May is p..w in l't i h ami will viit the I lb rent H ..-- t . i.,r tl, rina 1 urtrcs sub.-iTil)-:-.i: I r any ..' iheir works may rely upon bun faithl il y seie-i every month. 3rl- 3VEy-s-, (Joillit Ocui'oii iinn-f, b7 "ALT l..KK 1TV, FILL lJlPOltmiOX, 1871 FltlliDMAKIy, 22 and 21 BniUry strict, Baji Inraaoisoo BpI'Hl I.KAVi: 'nK'.U.L T1IK AT. tc-Mli -n ,.l t lie T U )V. l tlmr spirit-did spirit-did ST'li'K.coujpri.-iuK iu larl CUM I'LlvTU LINES of BitMjIic Shawis, Velveteens, Alextiiiiii'i',g Kid loves, Curlain A-i, Wliite gfitid., Tni'latiuis j Hnrepi'H, GuipiiK jio.I Kim-n r.m rs, Cotton L:iet, Luce i$oolsf iiii'.-lc up, I Iamb tit - i;mlroiil( iU'h, SilK iuhI VeMet Itiliboni, bl'k Coi'nCt, KUUIll .'ill WuV.'ll, Ilosii ry mill .ov , ilu, rotrou aiiii '0"l, IMerino I nilcmnir (or and (.-ljil'iioti, Ki (jiniim atiL Oma- nieiit, LatliiK' mi, (hit di en"t Kcutly MiHlc Sniu: Wiiith, 1w.-i1j.t with th-ir l'S(AL Fl'LL St. .i.l, ..)' K-t-p-i. and l)i.i,M'!tK .SMAI.LWA KKS ,.,,.1 Fj.ik y ;. ..!,-, tliy cii-.T at Jlyil..i)d I'nv.r. I'ur. bff in- nil our cf"lr- V IL- ir v. ri-'.i- i..:,. "t pr. in- Linn Mil uvr Um. V.nrnl So Hi 'I CiT.bi. d h r'd) ,!!! Nt pit'.- t H..n:j l,iv...; nl.lv V,llli tli.r. ! ..C tba i.-mlin;,- li'jiiM-a in K;w Yuik or I L-.Il.J-Tl. jJUl j HE.lTil & YilLLICO, I JI.'..NL-l'Ai,TUlil.na OF I WHITE LEAD, I Zinc ;uk1 Colors, i '. 103 Rimlr.lnh strpct. i ; .... |