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Show UEIVKUAL. Tilt; New York Republican. Syracuse, 2S. Tho Republican convention con-vention reassembled at 10.30 a.m. Isaao 11. Bailey, of New York, declared de-clared the rejected delegation wcro the instruments of Tammany. He thought nothing was lost by their withdrawal, and called up tlio resolution allowing the remaining delegation a full vote. Alter some discussion it was announced that the resolution had been withdrawn. A permanent organization was effected by the election of Andrew D. White, president; and the convention then proceeded to the nominations. G. H. Scribncr was nominated for secretary of state; U. K. Hopkins, comptroller; Thomas E. Haines, treasurer; Francis C. Barlow, attorney general, receiving a vote of IS'.)- to lo9 for Henry Smith; E. Ii. Roberts was nominated for state engineer and surveyor; Win. Barklcy, canal commissioner; Thomas Kirkpat-rick, Kirkpat-rick, state prison inspector. Resolutions Resolu-tions were adopted endorsing the administration admin-istration of Grant; reciting the beneficial benefici-al results of his policy; denouncing fraud and corruption in the New York city government; the course of the authorities au-thorities with regard to the Orange prooession, aud holding the Democratic party responsible. They call on congress con-gress to continue to reduce taxation, and favor a tariff to produce the needed revenue with the least injury to the people, and at the same timo protect home manufactures. They approve 1 the election laws of the lato congress, iiivor legislation for the benefit of the laborers of the South, declare the people peo-ple have the right by legislation to prohibit the sale of liquor, iiivor cheap transportation from the wcot to the east, denounce the Democratic management man-agement of lho canals and favor a reduction of toll?, offer congratulation on the recent Republican victories, adjure tho Republicans of the State to settle their differences and endorse the nominees. A strictly prohibitory resolution was offered with reterenoe to the sale of liquors, but it received only ono vote. The convention then adjourned. Conk-ling Conk-ling made a speech and said the withdrawing with-drawing delegations would return. The Greeley delegation met at nine o'clock, when a number of bittor speeches were made, and then it adjourned ad-journed till eleven. On reassembling, it organized with Sinclair Tousey president. pre-sident. Andrews, Hutchinson and Gen, Palmer made speeches strongly denouncing the Conkling party, and particularly Andrew White, tlio president presi-dent of the convention. Andrews fjaid ho had been told that secretary Fish was to resign, and White, if he succeeded suc-ceeded in controlling the convention, would be appointed in his place. Palmer Pal-mer declared White was made president presi-dent of tho convention to get an endorsement en-dorsement of the San Domingo job. The meeting appointed a committee to issue an address, and call a State convention, con-vention, ii' advisable, and then adjourn-od.. adjourn-od.. , , ;, ,j; :, " ,,, r.:.. ? The Washington Treaty Coninils-nlnn. Washington, 2$. No cases will be heard by the United States and British claims commission before December. The rules adopted do not exclude any claims having the color of justice. The claims of British subjects residing in the South during the late war will not exceed live million dollars. New Yorlc Intelligence. New York, 28. The Brooklyn police po-lice department report one case of yellow fever in that city. Deputy coufptroller Green has determined deter-mined to distribute the printing of his department, formerly done by the New York printing association, among a number ofnrintinc establishments. Tho report that Thompson A. Dunn, a well known Tammany politician, has been arrested for suspected complicity with the voucher robbery, proves to be incorrect. The remains of tho lalp Charles Scribnor arrived hero yesterday. The funeral will take place on Friday. A (trims Accepts. . Boston, 2S. John tjuinoy Adams has written a letter accepting the Democratic nomination for governor of Massachusetts. lluinorcil Fuiluic. ! 1 Philadelphia, ' 2S. It is rumored 1 that the firm of Charles Vizin & Go. I has failed. ; Iiitoidlnry Fir (i. Hudson, N: ' X". ' 28. The hosiery mills of George W. Phillips, Philmont, were burned last night, with a loss of ' $20,000 : No insurance. The fire ! was incendiary. Sjicrcli by Uoiilwcll. 1 Cincinnati, 2S. Secretary Boutwell addressed a very largo Republican 1 meeting at Mozart llali this evening; : ex-sccrctary Cox presided. The secretary's secre-tary's speech was mainly devoted to ' financial matters, embracing an clabo-; clabo-; rate review of tlio results of the finan-1 finan-1 eial policy of tho Republican parly since it came into power, and particu-! particu-! larly during tho past few years. He compared tho financial resolution of i the Ohio Democratic convention, with I the policy now being pursued by the ' administration, and declared that it : was difficult to conceive a proposition fraught with such evil to all classes aa that pavenlcd by the Democratic patty of Ohio. Ho declared the first duty wa-i to provide fur the payment of the public debt in coin or its equivalent, equiva-lent, next lor a considerable annual reduction of it. Delay transferred the burden more and more from property to labor, postponed (lie time for natio;i".l independence at home and powerful influence abroad, rui aided immigration and hindered tho settle-men' settle-men' u f new States; while payment freed capital lor other uses, lowered the interest rate, showed the superiority superior-ity of our country and institutions, and l gave America a new claim to be the icader and teacher of mankiud, Sttti'hh- Heavy Froxl. Clii'-ao, 2S. Joshua S. Moore, a prominent and wealthy citizen of Jackou ii!c, Ills., committed suicide in that place to-day by taking strychnine strych-nine d'-irin;; temporary insanity. The weather is extremely cold for the season. Thoro was a heavy frost ; last night. |