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Show I'iie latest movement on Brihum's ) woiks wul, doubtless, compel that eiiietiam to surrender at discretion aud hie away to some more congenial clime. New York Ikrtdd, Sept. 22. 1 his is about as near correct as the X 'tfW York U.ntl.l ever geb wheu it - refers to L'iah allairs. The "chieftain" t alluded to has uo intention of hieing ' ! away, eoulHcm in his reel itude. and : in .u he will eouie out of the contest ) not only vicioiious but a. dear as an i - i. hoooiublv-, uu?k.UcJ aud liglueous j life can make him. Hut we have move pity for the Ht,iUi than any other' I sentiment. It has the ill fortune to j send here or selects for its eone-pon- , dents men who eeiu never able lo write the truth except by mistake; paid falsiliers, who seek double pay for ( their work pay livin the paper which employs them, and pay from their masters here whose tools they become. In thirty years of newspaper reading we have never met the scribblings of1 f any correspondent more utterly un- ' reliable, dishonorable, mendacious and , in every sense unworthy the contempt ( of a decent mau, than those of the fellow of low instincts and vile proclivi-i proclivi-i ties that occupies the po-dtion of Salt i Lake correspondent for the New York - Jl'jrahl at the present time. f |