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Show Ciiromos. GKANI) KKKB KS.Ul-M'UON KS.Ul-M'UON OF CUIIOMOS at easturn price;', including Praim'a ami others, opun to tho public at tlio Pioneer Art Gallery. f-xj (J. K. SAVAflB. Partiks desiromof making trips on tho steamer LAUY OP TUB LAKh hud belter do so at onco. as sho w ill discontinue dis-continue running in a few day. Gents Attention. KJ. Unrris, at tlio Little Cioar Store "round the corner," keep tho best imported Havana Hav-ana and Domestic Cigurs, Tobacco and isolione. Uonio and judgo lor your-tolvei. your-tolvei. Three, doors east of Post Oillcc. Consumption, Scrofula, lire. IIKGK-UAN'S GEN UINK C'OL) 1,1V-K 1,1V-K it OIL. Our Cod Liver Oil is warranted war-ranted PUKE NEWFOUNDLAND OIL. It baa stood tho lest of over twenty years' experience, and can be relied on in every particular. Manufactured Manu-factured by Ueoeuan & Co., chemists and druggists, New York, find soluL by nil druggists. sL7 Uark Business Chance. For sale, llie California Store, Main street, with rot twenty-five front, a hundred and sixty-live feet deep. Apply to E. It. Shoebridge, on tho premises, or at the Ukliald oflico. s21 Cuttino & Co'8 California Canned Fruits and Jellies are tho boat in tho market. Ask your grocor for them. pKiisoi'S wno are Bald, or who are troubled with thin hair, should see mo at Culder Bro'B Book Store. b12 O. W. Stayner, Agent. Diamond SrRiNo Wagons, suitablo for family carriages, good timber, well ironed and lirst-class workmanship, FUJI SALE CHEAP, at tho Council Mouse yard. adv Peaches. Wo aro prepared to purchase pur-chase any qunlity of well dried PEACHES, for which wo will pay in cash tho highest price- paid in this ni'irkot. To UiOHO who have from 600 to 1,000 lb?., wo can oll'or special inducements induce-ments through our Colorado and No-brnskn No-brnskn connections. Jiiaos, Lkchteniikrh & Co., .sl:t Main Street. Express Waoon3 fur sale at tho Council liouso yard. Warranted a tirst-cluss article. Timber and work-1 work-1 Dianship guaranteed. ndv The Cheapest and Best House to buy Furnituro 13 at Urunton's Furniture Warehouse-, 3d South street. Spring Maltrasses a specialty. aug2 Dried Peaches. Wo respectfully respectful-ly call attention to tho advantages of drying tho surplus stock of P EACH IiS. We shall givo tho- highest price for clean, well dried fruit, at our Provision Department, hue It of Emyo-rium Emyo-rium Buildings. aug-l J. B. CLAWSON.Supt. Have you soon tho Stratford collar? Derby bus them, Miun-st., near cor. of 1st South-st. siW Projectors should cs.imino the STUDEBAKEK SPKING WAuOXS, at the Council Houso Yard, bol'oro purchasing pur-chasing elsewhere; they arc just what they want- . , adv Studeuaker SPUING WAGONS. Timber nnd workmanship warranted. For ealo cheap at tho Council House yard. adv Furniture, Crockery, Glus-s and Silverware, etc. Tho largest slock west of Chicago at tho Crystal Palace. auglo Bakhatt & Co. Liqut SpRrNO Waqons, suitable for grocers and provision doalers; just the thing for running around town delivering deliver-ing goods. adv Proclamation to the Public -1 do hereby issue this, my Proclamation, to tho traveling public : Parties visiting Salt Lako City and going east on the U.P.K. It., will tlnd it to ilioir advantage to Icavo Halt Lake City on Lho evening train nnd remain over at Ogdcn at night, thereby having hav-ing a good night's rest, and so bo freh for travel at ti o'clock a.m., when the daily cxpross train leaves this depot. At tho Ogden Uouso wo ollbr as good accommodations ac-commodations a3 &ny houso wost of Omaha. Free busses, at every train to and from the depot. adv John Mahon, Proprietor. COAL ! COAL! Having purchased (lie Spriggs Coal Mine We are prep a red to supply tills Justly celebrated WEBER COAL ly car load or retntl. Depot nt V. C. 11. It. Yard. OlUuvi Kielmnge and Heading Uoouu, BATEMAN & BUEL. aUg8 W. II. UlttD, Agent. HO FOR THE liDY OFJHE LAKE! Uutil farther notice the Stcumer "Ijidy oftlic lke" Will inako FLEASMHE USPS, EVERY 1W; (Sundays excepted,) At 10 a.m. anil 2 p. m,. running down to Potlit's, remaining there oliout ono hour, and return at 1 1. ui. and 6 i, w. Fare for the Round Trip,S2.00 Including Carriage Fare. Liberal Diuconnt to FamlHen. CnrrinKCS will call daily at tho principal hotels to tako passengers to and from lho S team or. i Parties coDtomplnting un excursion should malto nrninBoments tho day previous and procure tickets at lho office of J. W, Young. Refreshments can be obtained ou Board. nun 27 GREEN PEACHES None but tho best and largest, for ship- icont. J.W.SKELL, i s27 Idaho Store, 2nd South Street. JOHN TAYLOR & BRO., Merchant Tailors, COJIiUERCIAL STREET, KEEP constantly on hind a choice assortment assort-ment of J-'KKNCH, ENGLISH ml AMEK1CAM Cloths, Cassimeres, Vestings, Etq., Of the finest cjualiti 03 and latest stylos, which no make ui to order in tho most fashionable , and approved manner. r-PATllONAGE SOLlCITED'SSj SCOTT, DUNHAM CO,,' Wholesale anil Retail Dealers IRON AND STEEL WEIGHT'S PICKS, IRON BARROWS AND ALL KINDS OF MINING TOOLS. Wrought Tuyers, Pipe and all kinds of Fittings for Furnaces and Mills. II AUD WARE, BELLOWS, ANVILS, : ' AND OTHER v: BLACKSMITH TOOLS, IRON PIPE, , PIPE FITTINGS. BRASS GOODS, RUBBER PACKING. AUENT3 FOR Hooker Pumps, Fairbanks' Scales, Fireproof Safes, G, S. Lubricating Oil, A No. I Fire Brick, c ALL LOW FOR CASH. s2S - " LADIES' EMPORIUM OF FASHION FIRST SOUTH ST., SALT LAKE CITY. A lurgo and choice assortment of FALL GOODS, Consistins of II ATS, lSOKIiT.S, FEATHERS, VELVET FLOWERS, LACES, GLOVES, LIN UN COLLARS, CUFFS, HANDKERCHIEFS, Perfumery, Notions, &c. Ladies', Misses' and Children's Suits, Underclothing, &c, in great variety. Illinery ' aM DressniiiiE In a!l its brandies. MRs. siTENHOUsfli: Hiu removed IxTPSldlillnlmient to tlio building formerly ivciiplo'l l.y tlio "Daily Ttlegmidi." Mr.i. S. returns lluukM for former lutronape and rcirpciruUy solicit a :oniinn,ini-o of lho mimo. CHEAP PARS. I have an overstock of liuo CALIFORNIA PEARS, which I will Belt flii-np hy (ho hax-. J. V. NNKLL, s27 RoTero House ooraer, 2nd South St- MISCELLANEOUS. FLAtfTAIiON BITTER WILL Purify Uie Itlood and Invigorate the Body, TllG blood is to the flosb what rain is to the pass, Why s it tnat Plantation Bitters Bit-ters outsell all others? liCCtlUSC it promotes digestion 1 BCCailSe it is the beBt appetizer ever discovered ! Because it purifieB the blood by removing the acrid secretions of the stomach 1 BCCaUSC it imparts vigor and vitality vi-tality to the whole circulatory system, aod thus cures dyspepsia ! BCCaUSe it puts new life into a lazy Liver ! BCCailSe the most delicate ladios can use it 1 BCCaUSe those ladies who have used it, all agreo that, by cleansing the blood from all impurities, it at once imparts the"rose-ttnt of health" to the check, and doea away with all cosmetics, emulsions and lotions for (he complexion 1 BeCailSC it bestows a frfesh and spotless complexion upon both sexes, simply by freeing the blood from all impurities ! Because it in a Htrengthoning morning tonic ! Ilecause it win cure chills and fever! ISccause t is a gentle alterative ! BeCailSC it corrects all the defects in the gastrio functions, and cures nervous constipation I Because it is always kept at its original standard I BCCailSC all of the Druggists and Wholesale Grocers know this, and -rccommand it I . BCCailSC all of its ingredients are pure ! Because its spirit base is pure Santa San-ta Cruz Rum 1 BCCaUSe Calhaya Bark constitutes consti-tutes its aromatic flavor I BeCaUSO it contains f)andeUont Lavender Floieers, Anise, Winter-green, Winter-green, Chamomile Flowers, with other well-known iugredients UBed ' by all scientific physicians for centuries cen-turies ! WIVES AUD MOTHERS, Only woman knows what women endure. : and if there is any moans of asutiKing tho distrosfl of body and mind which so many thousand experience, day niter duy, and week after week, with a fortitude which puts to shame the courage of man, who will deny that so groat n,bles3ipg lo the sex should bo found in every household ? Millions of Men have hoen benefitted by its use, but auiOBff tho fcoblo and tick, of tho opposite sunder, who, porlmps. uoed it moit, its virtues are not so widely known. This foremost remedy of tho age this Bpccific for every species of debility, general or local, constitutional or casual, is PLANTATION BITTERS. Ono right of woman at least, will bo conceded tho right of strengthening herself to sustain tho ills of which tho laws of naturo havo mude hor the unfortunate heiress. tny23 TotheLadies Ladies whose hair is falling off will Gnd a sure and Fnecdy remedy in the "GREAT UNKNOWN HAIR RESTORER." RE-STORER." It has, in some cases, prevented the hair fulling off in one application. is a purely vegetable preparation, and will hot color tho scalp, nor injuro the health. It will eradicate all dandruff, causing do unpleasant un-pleasant sensation to the bead It will strengthen the hair causipg it to grow rapidly and producing in a short time that glossy appearance which characterizes charac-terizes a healthy condition of the hair bulbs. It will also restore hair in all cases of baldness where tho bnlbs have not been entirely destroyed by disease. Try it and let it speak for itstflf. Ladies are calling to see me'ovcry day at Calder Bro'a Repository of Music, - Charles W. Stayner, Sole Agent for Utah. sl3 WATCHES & JEWELRY ! O. L. EL1ASON, TEGS to inform tho residents of Salt Lak City and Tlcinity, that he not only guarantees to properly It.epa.lr, Clean and Aljuit Wntcliea and Chronometer, but ho will make thorn or any part of thorn, to order, and warrant tho work. A new supply of ELGIN and SWISS "WATCHES juat received, which, ho will guarantee as reliablo tinio-kooperB. Prices to defy competition Romombor the address, Two door east of tlio Pescret Dank. SKATING RIffl, RICHARDS' HALL, Second SuuLu street, Salt Lake City. OPEN THIS EVENING, At lialf-imat Seven o'clock. i Ailmi.-'flon. - 25eta. ! Usoof Skates, - - - i'5cts. CALIFORNIA CHOP HOUSE ; AND OYSTER SALOON, BERNARDIS $ STEVENS, Prap'rt, EAST TEMPLE STREET, Tbroe doors bolow Second South St., SALT LAKE CITY. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. IS 1 MISCELLANEOUS. A CHOICE LOT states" flour iOR SALE BY II. WALLACE. SUSTAIN HOME MANUFACTURE Th. Beit ud tit. Ch.Kp.at I Han You Trl.d Tn.ral ANTI-DYSPEPTI C, COMPOUND BONESET PlttS. Home-made and purely regetable. Twenty-five cents per box Twenty-fire Pilli. Warranted to Bivo satisfaction. They relieve Jaundice, Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Indiges-tion, Liver Complaint, Headache. Loss of Appetite and Foul Stomach, will break up Colds, Povera, Coughs, and Purify the Blood. They will Cleanse tbo Stoiuoah, Renovate the System, and dispel Di.-eoao- Are fcood in all eases whore Physio is needed. Try a box. You will like them, and never want any other sort, They are Tonio, Cathartic and Expectorant. Expec-torant. OPTHALMIC BALSAM, Or Eye Balm. Valuable in most Diseases of the Eyes., Removes Re-moves I nil urn mat ion, Strengthens tho Sight, and Weak or Drooping Litis, and is generally hoaling and strengthening to tbo sight, but causes no pain. It is also good for Toiler, Ringworm and bad Soros. Only Twenty-five Cents per Box. And sold at Zion's Co-oporative Stores and by other agents throughout the Territory, also sold at wholesale or furnished on commission com-mission to responsible agents. If those med-ioinesarenot med-ioinesarenot kept at your storos, ask your morohant to order them at onoe. CONKLIN SALVE. A valuable remedy for Outs. Bruises, Wounds, Soros, Burns, Scalds, and for Weak or Lame Back, Side or Breast, and for many other Mseo. These and other home-made family modi-einos modi-einos are prepared by J. E. JOHNSON, St. George, Utah, N 0 - a HERALD Job Printing OFFICE i CIRCULARS, LETTER HEADS, BILL HEADS, STATEMENTS, CARDS. BOOKS, ORDER BOOKS, RECEIPT BOOIfS, ' BLANK BOOKS, CHECK BOOKS. CERTIFICATES RECORDERS1 BLANKS, LEGAL BLANKS, OHEOKB, ETC. HANDBILLS, POSTERS, DODGERS, SIIOWCARDS. ILL KINDS OF JOB WORK Lqiic ttifirU'dan style. j MISCELLANEOUS. Wi. SHIRES. COMMISSION MERCHANT, i i GENEKAL DEALER , i r Utah, California aud Foreign FRUITS, PRODUCE, FANCY GROCERIES, VEGETABLES, POULTRY j i i And all kinds of SEEDS. A fine supply of CANNED FRUITS. Orders from the Mines and Country Towns solicited, which will receive prompt attention. EAST TEMPLE STREET, Opposite Bishop Hunter's, SALT LAKB CITY. e30 RAILROAD SHOPS. A. HOPPER & CO, Second South Street, i ! Ilovlf Block Ktit RtTtr House, I SALT LAKE CITY. 4 WACO ft! CARRIAGE WORK, Of all Descriptions. BLACKSMITHING t In all its Branches. i i i ! COACH PALTLG i AND 'carriage painting A SPECIALTY. COACH AND CARRIAGE TRIMMING. Horse Shoeing ! Tn a Style to suit all. i A. HOPPEXL i B. ZABBIfiTtTB. f8 SAN FRANCISCO TRAOt Jvdm fipmuic, John Brnnux, O.O.Ohpnui. j J. & J. SPRUANCE, Importort ftnd rhc lende Dwltri la WINES AND LIQUORS, )K 415 FROST STREET, j "5. C. lOWSO" &CO., j lOiMdlOS FRONT STREET. 8 AN FRANCISCO, CAL. j Offer the finest and most complete j stock on the Pacific coast. ' Itefor to H. B. CLAWSON. Snp'l of j J. BAUM & CO., Importers and Manufacturers of MEN'S &, BOY'S CLOTHING UUa Snniome St., Ban Fmnrltco. 45 ffl in ry Int., Kew Vork. (V BHUTAN, H0LBR00X & CO Importers uid DesJcrs in Stoves Sc Ranges, i SKEETIROH &TIH PLATE, Copper, Zinc Sheet Lead, Wire, ; pumps, Load And Iron PIxdo. Tools nnd Mftchinory indGencntl HOUSE FURNISHING HARDWARE', i Embracing Plain. Jkpanned, Planished j and bumped Ware, Sfoi. Ill I 13 California ft lid Noi. 17 . 10 Davli SireeLs. MURPHY,G8ANT&G0. ImporLers of Amori;in anU European i j Staple mid Fancy i v -v- n r r -r r? UHI uUUUo, fSAN FRANCISCO, . CALIFORNIA, Call tho attention of the Trade to their large and complcto slook of FALL AND WINTER DRESS GOODS, ! Which thoy ;iro now rcceivins direct from ' European Manufacturers, comrritiinft ' in part I Prencli Merinos, Wool Salines, ' Wool Plulfls, Frauch uid Qurmiiu, Irish and French PopUns, Empreai ClQtUi, Tamlae, black and colored, Velveteens, Alpacas, black anil colored, SILKS, VELVETS, RIBBONS, ALSO GLOVES, Kid, Buck, Berlin (Ladies', Misses', GenU') Gents' Underwear . And all kinds of Gents' Furnishing Goods. Hosiery, complcto In till its branches, Willie Good m, Unit'laerclilcfM, Shirting iilueus, Qiillm, whilH and colored, JJnmnaki, browu loom nnd Mriu licd, Towels, Iluck, Diaper, Turkish. Nnpktns and Doylies, j4 Ktc, K(c, Klc. THE BANK of CALIFORNIA SAN FRANCISCO. D. 0. MILLS, - PRESIDKNT. W. 0. K ALSTON, - OASHIKR. Capital Paid t'p, - G,quUjOOU. DRAW DIRECT AND ISSUE LETTERS of Credit on all the principal cities of tho (8 World. WiLMERDINQ & KELLOGO, Importers and Jobbers of Wines and Liquors, 2H 4 216 MONT STKEET, i SAN FRANCISCO. Git AND ; HOT-IS L On Market. Kow Monigomory and Uoaond SLreeu, SiUtf PRAJ7CISCO, CAL. JOHNSON & Co., Propkiltobs, DAVSSSOfi 'x bo., I IMPORTERS OK AMERICAN, KNfiljISII, FllKNCll AND GERMAN FANCY GOODS, Small Wares, Podcet Qntlery, Perfumery, Yankee Notions Stationery, Dress Trimmings, White Goods, Millinery Goodst Hosiery, Linen U'dkchft, Gents' Furnishing Goods, Etc Cor. SulltT aud Sansome Sis., J28 -SAN FRANCISCO, JNO. 6. HODGE & CO., IMPOUIUUS Wholesale Stationers, Seep tUo Inrgcit Rtc-ok of Stall nnevy. Blank Book, School llooka, 1'lnyliiff Cnrds, Wrap, ping Papers, Ticines, Pocket Cutlery, &c., d'e, On th PnrlflcOowt.whtch thejar propnrod to ncll oitlior forOolJ or Currency at price thitt will odor inducements lor bujora nuywloro wost f tlie Rocky MounUIui. 327, 329 4 331 SANSOME STKEET, mil 8o.d Fraeclflco, LOCKE & MOMACl'E, IliPQBTEE3 07 STOVES AND METALS, UXhUFAOTDREJiB OP j ASO DEALERS IS House Furnishing Hardware Tinner's Tools and Machines; AGKNT8 FOR Agricultural Steam Boilers, 119 nnd 114 llallery Street, (a7 SAN FKANCIKCO. IIF.1TII & .millk;.i, MUUFACTDREUS 0?' WHITE LEAD, Zinc and Colors, 170 & 172 Randolph street, ' C1UCAGO. I anil SAN FRAMCiSCO TRADE. THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER. r- ? bi - - 1 1 1 ti I I TUB GREAT CALIFORNIA VEGETABLE BLOOD PURIFIER. nllill IN Till-: SI HliHA NKVADA Mountains, ii. t! e u.n;Jcrful Slite a Ciiifornia. srow an herb l.-tig known lo tho Indiana hs .-m :!-. nr.- c.ir.- Mr lllll.'UMA-TlM. lllll.'UMA-TlM. linrr. NEi'ltAI.'llA, . n-l v.l .hj-eis. .hj-eis. in uny w;iy iiTinpiak: tr-.Ui; iiudu ritip of (he bluo.J. Sfit ik-i' h M IctiKlMiruiiKlit to licht it virmc ami ol this p.ncnt licrb ha.-! cuiupomulf I VKiiUA S X1 A, h reii-ralion reii-ralion lor tho l'KK.MAN K.M CL HL ut Scrofnla, Salt Kliauni, and all Krnp-tlvc Krnp-tlvc ami Cutaneoita lXftcases. (live i m T H i a I o ninl i.riiMiicnt relief in liV.--r,r.KlA. KKYsIJ'Kl.vn iiing Worm, TuiB.tr?. Bil. SctKi Head. I'-icersnna Son-; er:i li nil? frnm ihejstom i I traces of mercurial lieiou. IT IS PURtL V: GiiTABLt , It :s thcref.iro peculiarly suituble f..r it'e by fcninU-s Hinl i-bil.lrni us a ISLUUD 1'L'IU-FIEK 1'L'IU-FIEK and KKSuVATOK. niOTUKKS " Wlio to find a nr-l.Mno pecul.ir'y aJn)'d lo Oic.-jrco: IU'MuKS Pii.i KUl'l'-T10NS KUl'l'-T10NS in ihcir ch'uaren, w.il finl n catc and sure cureiQ VKittiA SaSI'A, Kors-lo ! everywhere, i BBUl.?Vo., IIOSTBTTER . CO. Ageilta, a-A'J and 531 Market Kt., San Franclaco. REDINGTON, -HOSTETTER & CO. Importers and Jobbers of POKEION AND DUMKST1C DRUGS m CHEMICALS, Fine Eaocnt Inl Oils, Gnnis, Kood, Scetla, Klowtrn, Soiich, Sktits, FouinilcN, SicM And all other Staple connected with th M:holosalo and Retail Drug Business. Constantly in receipt, by direct Importation, of Kuropoan aud Asiatic producla. Exclusive Agents for Quicksilver, llostetter's Bitters, Drake's rinucitinn Bif'-rf, lVolf'Soiieiditm S-linapps, Knvell's l'ulinoiiiiry i;yrii. And all the lending Proprietary Mrdioinofi both Am or ion n n.uX Kuropoan. Orders Promptly nnd Cn'ofully Execufn l. Nos. 340 and 5,11 Market Street, Between Fitat and ScconJ, San Francisco, California. my Al ESTABLISHin IK 185L ARMES & DALLAM, Tmporlore, Jobbcri nnd fll ANUFACTUIIKUS OK Wood.sWiSiowWare BROOMS, PAll.S.TI-US, OllUKN-iiUryH lid, llAlVJ.lfi. 'MYIM..N tUKUAIll' I MATi:ill UTATluNKltV PAPl-R 1;AGS, t.IJ,0'rH lis '.riliNiH..IU . FKA'l'KltllDUSTlvHS KlsM- 1no tack li ., tl.n pins and halls. House ruruis'liiiig : Cioods. DIHKCr TMl'illlTrjt'Sof CASKKl'S FHOM LKADlNtl t! I'll M A N' AND l-'ItKNCit .Man ui'autl'u lilts. IGUktb vv thk bale or 8. F. K-rjiiffli..! Nfn'.-li (.'Miii.-.Tij'.i Mirtehe Americiiu Mi.'t;itid I in.1 U inpiinj 'n 1 wines. Dos tun flu.i Mills' Twur-s J.O O.jnr.iv A ''o.'- H-itiiiiTm-kli-, Ho.liiiBMviirtb A W hit .!) nn- li.iirs Slie-iu.u's liuin'..vt'l Ciuili-i i tii.rf'M.. 0. E. Uri-iw..ld .t .' fciuln-r Un.. i cm. I", iMo'uiiUKhLiu'H JJni.-lms, Our stock ia tlio hrjie-t un tlio Pucillu Const. It II 1 .in r 1'icil i t ie.i (r tn 'inu fftol u r i n t nnd iiunortinii eiiiibiu us lo S'jll at lowest, niurket jirico. . l-SF.SD FOB OATALOOUK. Nob. 915 &.U17 Snvramcnto tilrett SAN FRANCISCO. CHAMQEftS'S ENCYCLO PEDIA, A DICTIONAnr OF . UNIVERSAL KLUDGE For th 'ruple. Hevisctl KJition. iE'j-i.sstn oi" IS70-7, with Mups, l'Jaton and I'liiytavin.s. To bo com iilotnl in K'J Purls mnkinn 111 Volf. ol b'M iiiicc.i eucU. Illustrated with about Four Thoui-md En-uraviugn En-uraviugn mid Furty M:ijh. pniCR prr I'nrl, I nc 1 ml In a nnd llluati-atluiiM, 00 I.i iiIn, I'UUJK JJKU VOLUMK: Exlrn Cloth, bovelod Imnnls fO Lilirnry rucci. tnnrlilod cvIkc il lh Half Turkey Morocco ii Mown. H. II. KIM'S .V C). nro Hie Ac-nls for CliuiiilMTit'w Kiicyclopu .lla r i, I'ncific CniiM, nnd nr j.ublii.T.i mid importer im-porter .if oilier Ameri.Mii aud IjrittliKh Rlun-dard Rlun-dard nnd illUMirmci work?. AS-iKL'. N K W FO I V li A It KUUCATOIl, cw Kdiii'.n, Univoritil Proiiniii)"iiiic Ur;!i(pniiry uf Jti-oijnifciliy Jti-oijnifciliy and MytboloKy, by J. Tlionun, A-M., A-M., L.. li. Nnti'jnal Porlrnit IJtillury of KininonL AinerioaDH, 50 imrls nt ii) cents each. II. II. ICF.Y &, CO., ::'. Clay St.. ti.n Frunuiucu. Mr. U. Mavii now in Utah and will visit tai iliflrroiit vlnc'B to Mil i oil for tiv :irin. J'artits hitbi-cribiinf f r :iny of thoir works may rely upon buuu fuitbfjlly Eervod ovory month. Uodbi Oct ng on ilotmr, f7 SALT LAKE CITY. States Corn 2 Cts. per lb. OATS, BARLEY, ILOLIt, ETC., 7Ar PROPORTION, At UKU, II. KNOW LI) DN'S. lo Hwk C':iiliouii X? a, (uaii'l Island and other S'utts JJi auJ.n of PLO XJ For Sale, tiutf |