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Show OFFICIAL DIKKCTORY. I USITKD STATUS OFFICERS FOR UTAH : QoTemor Uor,o L. Wol. OrogOD. BocreUrj-argo A. Dlck. DtivU. Chief J ml' c J- u- McKwin, Now York. AnocUlo Justice 0. V. Strickland, Micb., end 0. M. IUwl7. I"- Mirths I M. T. Patrick, Nebraska. U. B. Attorney C. II. Hempstead, CoJ. Surreyor-Oeooral C. C. ClomonU, T-vl. Receiver of Public Monty! J. B. Overton, Pa. RoKiiar of Land Ofllco QoOTgo R. Maxwell Web. 0. S. Awwr- Cey, of Clifru!.i. U. 8. Collector 0. J. Holli.ler, CuI. TKHKlTUItlAL OFFICERS : Dolujjte o Contcnws Wm. II. Hooper. Atteruoj-leneral ZerublMbel Snow. Marshal J.D.T. M. AllNt-.r. Auditor-Win. CUyloi.. Truwuror J.imi's Jack. Buporint.'u.Ioiii ol Omiiuou Soliool Hobert L. SALT LA k K COUNT X OFFICERS : Probite JuJ;e, Kliss Bmilli. Bfloctmon, ll-ut.en Miller, Kiac M. SI wart D.ivnl llriiu.u. Corutior.H. S. lhaiio. fllieriff, R. T. llurtuii. Prosecuting Attorney, Z. Snow. Aate-uor aud Collector, It. J. Guiding. Treasurer, Tlieoloro Mrn. County Clork, E. W. East. County Kecordvr, Edwin D. Wool ley. School Superintendent, Robert L. Campbell. CITY OFFICERS : JJiTOB. Daniel II. Wells. A L dm M Kir. lit Municipal Ward, Iwc Oroc. 2nd . " tUnmolW. Richards. 3rd " " A. II. Raleigh. Itn " " Jolor Clinton. Alb " " A. C. Pyper. Councilors. II. T. Burton, Tlieodoro McKoau, Thomas Jen-ttus, Jen-ttus, Hebcr P. Kimball, Henry Grow, John Clark, rhomu MtUllftOJ, John R. Winder, Lowli S. 'IfJlJ. It'jconler Robert Campbell, l'rnasuror Paul A. Schetller. Marshal John D. T. McAllister. Auditor of Public Accounts Robert Campbell. AMeuor and Collector John R. Winder, dupervisor of Streets Isaac 0 roo. Surveyor Jesse W. Fox. Board of School Inspectors Professor J. R Pi.rk. Robert L. Campbell, Henry I. Dorcmuf. 3 riler of Weight and Measures Nathan Davis C iptain of Police Andrew Burt. Water Master Iaaac Qroo. luspector of Buildings A. H. Raleigh. " " Wood and Lumber II. DinwooUey " " Liquors Robert Campbell. " " Provisions Jesse 0. Little. tinaraDllne Physician Jeter Clinton. Chief Engineer Firo Department John D. T. McAllister. Board of Examining Physicians Doctors lV. 9 Amloraon, J. B. Ormsby, Jeter Clinton. City Market Mat tar Andrew Burt. " Sexton Joseph B. Taylor. " Stock Inspector II. J. Faust. Superintendent Insane Asylum and Hospital rhoodore lie Keen. Physician Insano Asylum and HospiUI Jeter Clinton. 7 EX CI TIEWE3. 1st Muulcipal Ward Levi Ritor. 2nd " " Samuel Turn bow. ird " " Gideon H. 0. Gibbs. 4th " " Millon Atwood. 6th " " W.o. A. Smoot. |