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Show TELEGRAMS. NIGHT REPORT. I'OUEIGIV. l'rotc-ttmtl League la tivt-mnny. Berlin, A Protestant league is in course of formation throughoutGo r-many, r-many, tho object of which is the expulsion ex-pulsion of tho Jesuits from the country. ' Knv Front Loudon. London, 2S. The iron miners in Staffordshire havo been conceded by their employers an advance of ten per cent, in wages, and are to bo given a further incrcaso as iron rises. The brig Manly was wrecked to-day on Drogheda bar, in plain sight of the life-boatmen who refused to assist them. During tho prevalence of the gale six men were carried off the hulk by the surf and drowned. A lady put off from shore in a small boat, and at the risk of her own life saved one man left on board the vessel. Tcrrlbto Five Damp Uxploaloii. Berne, "J.S. A terrible explosion from lire damp occurred to-dny in ono of tho mines of Stanton Urisones, Switzerland, by which thirty persons were killed. Bavaria. Munich, The kingdom of Bavaria Ba-varia is about to recall its ambassadors ambassa-dors from foreign states, and will in luturo be represented only as a portion of the German Empire. |