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Show BANKERS. FIRSTSATMAIEA5K0F UTAH. (Successors to Ilutsey, Danler , Co.) WAEBBNEnBSKT, C. L. DaHLKR, President. , Vice Prest. Aktuost Qodbb. Cashier. Salt Lake City, Utah ; Also conneotinK oflioos at OBilon nndCorinno, Utah, and Virglniaand llolona, Montana. Dealers In Gold Dust, Coin and Currency, Draw KxohatiBTO on Now York. Chicago, St. Louifl, Omaba, Donvor, tjtin tranciaco, and ail par La of Europe. Collections Promptly AUcurfctl To. mil Bank of Deseret, Succoesor to HOOPER, ELDREDGE & Co., Corner East Ttniplo and Fint South Street, SH.TLAKT! HTTY. UTAH. PAID UP CAPITAL, - $100,000. UtlGnAM YOUNO. PrcsiJont,! II. S ELDItEnGI-3, Viool'rea. VVM. II. HOOPEli. IVM. JENNINGS, - Uireulors. JOHN 8HAH1', iKAMUttZ LITTLi:, h. S. HILLS, Casbior, ) Deal ill 4JOLD DUST, COIN, EXCHANGK, LAND WARRANTS, COLi-LEGE COLi-LEGE SCRIP, AC. Collections made and promptly remitted, re-mitted, FOREIGN EXCHANGE FOR SALE. WELLS, FARGO & CO,, Express Forwarders, Bankers, and DEALERS IN EXCHANGE. Druts on Europe, and all the principal prin-cipal aiics of tfie United States. JCUKOPEAN COLLECTIONS Promptly attendod to. Kmt Temple St., Salt Lake City. TUEO. V. TRACY, Agont, U'hos. K. Jones, A. W.Whit HANKING I-IOUSK or , WHITIG CO., EAST TEMPLE STREET, am Rait LaltnCity. fiiEDlG.AL, 'I' A I T dh SMITH, .1'IIYSICIANS AND BUKOiiOt), Odlce at Cioilbe'i Drug Store, juyji Salt Lako Citr. J. D. THOMPSON, M. D., LiRte oi Cariou City, Nevadn, Oilers bis profosatonM Eorvicos to the peoiilo of Salt LnkoCtty. liositlonoo at CapL ly-lor's, ly-lor's, Hall' block soutli il W'ulkor Bros, a tore, Kii.t Tm pie Bt root. JuStl ; 0. C. DRMSBY, M. D. J'llVSICliAN, SUltOKON AND UKUUOIBT, ll BU:UHA9I C1TV, UTAH. 1 11. SI3I3IOAS, M. !., Fhysician, Surgeon and Accoucheur, Oflio-JIain Street. ;! Over Taylor i Cutler's store. DU. A. FOWLEH, VUl'SICIAN AND SURGEON, OfEoo ovor tho Co-oporativo Drut Store, jml iYIain Stroot, S. L. City ,t. M. to. h D. BKNEIIIOT, SURtitONS AND PHYSICIANS, Offioo Over Odlilor Bro'a Aluxio Euiporiam. 5l . W.F. ANDERSON, M.U. H J. filEHAHDS, M.D, Smgcona nntl Phyaicinus, OHice". for llio roflont. nt llioir rosinotlvo ri-jtJcnooj iu iho l.ltii and IT lb Warda. DR. GROVES, tuiim? Dntt.t, 4ntce 4iil Soutli St., SU Lk City. I'll roo doors Wet of Itovoro ItoudO, Half .a Wimk Kaat of Iho lilophiint Bloro. uri-ici nouRB pmni u x.u. to 5p,u. ml 1 LEGAL, JONATHAN C. ROYLE, ATXOKNE Y-AT-LA W , Suit Lake City, Utnh. OfBcc Oodho Biiilrfiair. 2tl Floor. Rcsi-donco Rcsi-donco on 3d K;ut atroet, bctwecii South und 1st South slrc-ou. -'J S. P. McCurJ. C. II. Morgan MuCUUDY MOHGAN, Attvrneys-at-Law, Ovpick ivUi doors cast of Heuald Office, a23 SALT LAKE C1TV. 1-' ) 'V U 11 Si MANN, A 1 1 u r ii e y s-a t - L. a v , Oilico, First South St., Fourlli door oast of Hoopor. Eldredgo k Co'a Bank. Salt Lnito Citj'. uUu Warner Earl I, I''- M. Smith. HA K LL ii. SMITH, , A T T O H N K Y S A T L A V , SALT L.VKB CITY, Kiwt Tomi'lo itroct, una aour eoulli 01 D OO O 1 K it , ATTOliNKI" AND (JUUSIiLLOlt, OlUce Exchange ami Hearting KOOIUU, Itll-Utllllri. ju'iS SALT T.AKK CITY. J. 11. iieiHiislcaJ, M. (iirkpatrick HEMPSTEAD & KIRKPATRICK, Atioriieys-at-Law, Main Stroot, opiBito Wells. Ji'argo Si Co., SALT LAlkB.ClTY, C. U. Hompatead. U.S.Att'y forUUb. ; i. SNOW. E. D. HOOF, SNOW & HOGK, Mtornoyi and Counselor at Law fcilt l.;ku Cily, Uah. Oilico at Btiow's corner. 1st awl Street. Jn6 NOTARIES PUBLIC, a. s7gould & SON, CONVEYANCERS, 49- Mining Dccda, AGroomonLs and Bonds for Deeds. Mortgages. Powers of Attorney. Leases. Contracts and other instruments ot writing drawn with accuracy and dispatch. JS- Bllnlng Couipanlci Incorporated, Incorpora-ted, under the Laws of Utah. A. S. COULD, iind COMMISSIONER OF DEEDS for New York, Massachusetts, Pennsylva-uia,Ohio, Pennsylva-uia,Ohio, Illinois, Iowa, Nebraska, Wyoming, Montana, Nevada, CalLtbrma, and other . States . and Tr ritories. East Temple St., near Wells, Fargo tfc Co., Salt Lake City. mil CONVEYANCER. Deeds, Mortgages, Contract and nil kinds of Legal Instruments Instru-ments drawn. MIMNG AND OTIIElt COMPANIES COM-PANIES incorporated under the LAWS OF UTAH. Office, E..st Tomi'lo Street, over U-W. Davis' store. TliSTIMONIALi. San Franci.'co, July, Wo, tho undoraignod, uko (treat ieaauro in rooommondtbK J). A. W. ULDbli, lu all thoso who may need the sorvicea ol a Dentist, aa a thoroughly competent and skillful operator, and ono in whom we have implicit confidence, both as a Dentist anil a gentlcmnn. Dr. II. Ai-stis, Dentist. Drs. llonr.RTS & Fuhkland. Dentists. B. II. McDonald &. Co., DrugRiat3, OFFICE In Seventies Hall Building First East Street, SALT LAlCli CJ.T1', ST. WARKS SCHOOLS. ST. MARK'S GRAMMAR SCHOOL For Girls and Boys, 3d South St., near East Temple St. ST. MARICSSCHOOL For Glrla. St. BlAUK'j CHURCH, 1st South St. COLLEGE SCRIP! PREEMPXORS will save $10 on each quarter section by buying Agricultural College Scrip. Auply to THE BANK. OF DESERET, 15 Sucacssor to Hooper, Eldrodgo & Co Dried Fruit! Wc are rtcsirous of jm'-cliusins jm'-cliusins nil of (he, D;ii'd Fruit Croji of tlsis Territory. Terri-tory. Wc mm PAY IN GASH The Highest Price Paid in tiie Market for i EE. EX ai; u APRICOT ' i PEACHES, Wo (iro tlesirous of employing j AGENTS IN EVERY i ETTLEMiNT, To wliom A liboi'ii! Oiinuiiissioii will bo ; allowed. 'RICA LECHTENBERG&Co. I Main Slrtot, s, I,. Hiy. ; JimU HOTELS, ETC. TO WNSEND HOUSE, SALT LAKE CITY. THE LEADING HOTEL .OF UTAH. JAMES TOWNSEN D, PROPRIETOR. This House is centrally and pleasantly located, lo-cated, well furnished, and has accommodations accommoda-tions for 150 fucats. THE lHlOPlUETORis now preparlnit to build larKo additiond to his JJotsI, wliitfh when finished, will ron -or it tho Most Complete Establishment iu tho ItOlkY i110l'iTAI. KKtllON ! I mil AMERICAN HOTEL, A Select and First-Class House. ONE Ul.OVki. EASTOFTIIKATHK, SAir IjAKW gitv; TcrniHS3,0)-irr ilny. Board without with-out room SlJ.OU per wvcU. UntliM Cica to gucatH. J.C.LirTLK, juu'2-l Proprietor. OQUIRRH HOUSE, Corner Main and Locust streets, i TOUELE CITY, UTAH. ; Good Accoynmodution for l''amilica. a2U E.B.KOOTK, Proprietor. GRAND RESTAURANT, GODDARD'S BUILDING, EAST TEMPLE STREET. JUST OElSTEr)- This establishment is elegantly farnishod, keeps supplied with tho dolioacics of tho soition and Ltiu best Lao inurkot .allords, and cmfilois nono but FIRST-CLASS COOKS. Dinner scrrod and dishes cooked to ordor in tto best stylo und at tho lowest tales. i'resh siUmun, cod uud rookQah rccoived daily. " ' . , Chocolate, ice-cream, cakes, &e., in tho ovonina, lorladio. in iiriv.ito rooms. rf ,,mi aue"'1 P1ILL. MA11GETTS lias opened his now establishment on FIRST SOUTH ST., Between the Co-op- Storoand the Townaond House. Nearly opposite the New Meat Market. For tho sale of ENGLISH and SCOTH ALES AND POUTER. Jotile's iitono Alo, gknuisk. Wholesale and Retail. A splendid assortment of Tobacco and Cib'ars. Tlie Old Strtud on Second Soutli Street Ih still in full ltl.nt. aug CALIFORMA BREWERY SALOON, Ooiniiier'ciill Wtrcct. Lager Beer and Ale,wliolesakand retai HENRY WAGENER. BREWER, BEfrtIS & CO., Chicago auil Omaliu LA&ER BEEE, ALE AND PORTER, WUOXESALE AND BKTAIL, Families sui)piicd by the 'iuart, or in quantities quan-tities to suit. Choico Clgara always on hand ; also, Llmlmrgor sud SwIm CUeuse fur Lunch, and at wholksai-b, Uoddnrd's BuildiDB.huHcmont, Main strcot, one door south ot i'irit National Lank, juyl DUE WE R & LAP II AM. LAGER BEER SALOON I WAQENEn'S CELEBRATED 1vls'&y Beer, Ale AND POllTMi, U 11 ilar Wooamausee'i Building, First door north of Wells, Fargo's. nuglO . II. TllUHDT dfc CO. ciTMIQ00RlSTOBEi Koop conatantly on hand. Wholesale and Retail, Choice Imported LIQUORS AND WINES, At Lowest Ratos. fiROESDECK'S BUILDINGS, n17 Emt Tsmpli Street. $75,000 CUREBN O Y. A GRAND GIFT CONCERT Will bo srvon at . : INDEPENDENCE HALL, SALT LAKE CITY, U.T., OCTOBER 1 3, 1871. CHURCH &COV During the Concert 1,3 IT Gins will be distributed unions ticket liolelcrs niiiouiillng to S'J&tf 00 In Currency as follows: 1 Oia of Currency 815,000 00 1 " " ' ! 1U.IXX) 00 1 " " 5,1J0 00 1 2,000 00 ;t 81.01)0 each 3.000 00 5 . m " . 20 W 5 , ::ihj " l.sto 00 " nu " ' ." i"0 " j 6.000 oo UK) !' :". rA ' 5.000 00 An) :) " H.OOO 00 .o " nu " 17,000 00 1,7 fxii" amouniing to 875,000 00 The will ho deposited in tho First National Uank of Utah previous to tho dJ of drawing, Tho ilriiwiiis will (al;o jilaco iiuil tho gins l3 iiwunlcd IQ a iii mn'-r jirfcidi'ly aiioilar lo tbut ol tlio Corii-iiii ti" m F.rtiti Cisco, in aid of the Murcuutiln Librury, und under tlio SnorviDlou ol n Coumiillw) ol Siull tuuwn citi;iis ol Suit Lake City. 00,000 TlukcU will bo sold at SJ.jO avli. Tho ticket will admit tbo barcr to tho Concert. Tickets for Rail at all tho piiucipft.1 busiucss liguacs of tbo Tun Itury. All ordura for tickets ami ilrafld for niouoy to bo addressed lo CIIUK.CU CO., I. 0. Box &i7 Sat Lnko City, U.T. J.ivll 0 AT S FOR SALE by the CAR LOAD OR RETAIL. , THOS, R. JONES & CO., liftir-n-lilnrk South of V. C. Depot. fur a ORGANS. ! ORGANS! ORGANS 7 1 DAVNES & CO., For Utah Territory, for Iho solo or tho eclo-br.ilud eclo-br.ilud 'SMITH'S AMERICAN CABINET 0KGANS Reneelfully invito tho moinhcrs of Iho-Alttiiciil Iho-Alttiiciil i'rofe.-sioii and lhe l'ublic uoiiorally tocidl at their JHudU Itoonu, FIRST SOUTH STREET, Two doors east of tho Post Oilico, Salt Lnke Cily. and examine their splendid stock o OruiH. and learn the unpreeedciiledly LO n l'UlOtSat which they oiler thorn htr siilo, ll,e prices being from twenty in lUlriy iter tent lower ihan they can bo bouKUl in any other houso in Utah Dayues .V. Co. I do not oiler Ino SMITH OKOaNS at ihce low nuurcit because they arc, as somo would have it believed, a poorly niaouiaclured and consequently cheiiiJ insirumout; lor, lor excellence ex-cellence of workmanship they nave no pu.e-rioci, pu.e-rioci, wbilo in strength, purity and -weeLii ess of tone, Lhoy cunllenc tli .ror:du to produco any instrument eiu;il to Ibeiu. The cause ol their ; LOW RATES Is easily explained: They hayo no local i'-enia Whom tbey PAY TO PUFF Umr wares; and besides this, they navo resolved to nlnco thoso boautitul instruments within ILo reach of all, and will du so by doing what no other house in Utah pretends to do, namely. shuriuB With their iiairotu iho eoui mission allowed by tbo manufacturers. Act-nig Act-nig on this principle, they oiler their instruments instru-ments at twenty per cent, less than -ora retail numes, besido paying tho lreitcht to tho railway terminus in this city, isuariuileo-ine isuariuileo-ine every insttuinunt sold sound and iroo ot damat'O. They will sell a Parlor urtfan, with olonaut Black W alnut .Case, i ivo olopd. Troinulo and Kncc-swoll, for H 10. Iho eastern east-ern retail price being SI to. An insirumeut for a school or mcctinB-houso, with power sufficient, lor fifty singers, wilU sovon clop, tiub-liass, Octavo. Coupler, Ireuiulo and Knco-swell, lor ISO, tho eastern j.nc lor iho samo instrument boinn S2i. , In proof that tho American Ort-un is all they represent, they reler purchasers tu tho followiuL' well-known geuUemun San some D. L. Uavis, A. Minor, John bharp, b. W. boars and W. S. Uodbe, also Mrs. b-Kimball, b-Kimball, all of this city; U. Uenro.d. ot sal Creek. Juab county; T.ataynor, Oadeu, tho Fishburn Choir, Bnghaui City. Dayncs Jc Co. will also sell every other description of first-class Musical Merchandise Merchan-dise iroin a Piauotorto to a Violin burnt', at the same ratio; and lo prove that iho pro-ceuinit pro-ceuinit statements contain not a particle o exaggeration, tboy invito all-musicians ; mid tbo publio-to call oudi.rovo thoir truth by personal examination and inycaiigatioii. llomomborl J. DAYNES & CO., Dealers in Musical Instruments, Two Door. ISt orilio Po.t Oflloe, SALT LAKE CIIY. AKcnts for tho Celebrated Grover & Baker Sewing Machine v .1 LUMBER .YARDS. VL LUMBER COMP'Y, lucorporntcd July 17, 1BT1. CAPITAL STOCK, - - $75,000. Dealers in all kinds of BuildingMaterial LUMBER, . ' DOOHS, WINDOWS, VENETIAN BLINDS, ALL KINDS MOULDINGS, CI1ICO SUOAtt PINE, CEILING, : ; l SIDING, FLOORING. CALIFORNIA REDWOOD, ' ' RUSTIC SIDING, FLOORING, ETC., ETC., ETC. Orders for Mill Timbers promptly filled. DOORS, SASH, BLINDS AND MOULDINGS. Main St., five doors south ofWalkcr's All businosBdono through tho President of ., v tho Oompany. Onioo3 Lumber Yard, ono block south of Itailroad Dopot. E. II. BARRON, President. D. W. PARKHUHST, Secretary. CHARLES DAI1LER, juy2i Troasuror. LUMBERYARD. ; DOORS, rr J WINDOWS, BLINDS, " MOULDINGS ALL KINDS JF LUMBER. T. It. JONES & CO.,' - Ha,lf-a-blockHottlh of U. C. Dapot. tny3M EDDINGTON'S Two Blocks south of tlie V. C. R.R, Depot, and next to Win. Jennings' Jen-nings' Tannery. Tho yard Is kept constantly supplied by several sawmills with A Full Assortment of Native Lumber. W. E. solicits tho patronage of his old Mends, and by punctuality and dilinenoo in business hopes to merit a sharo ofpublic support. . FOR SALE -In tho l.'th Ward, ono block and a half went of tho 11. C. K. R., n i-mall hnu-o.md hnlf lot , vrifh fine orchard, tor particulars eiwuiro of anna's WM. EDDINflTON, EXPLANATION. WE very much regret that wo have been unable to supply the DEMAND SO SUDDENLY made upon us for tho HIASON & HAMLIN ORGANS, And think it is duo to ourselves and to our Patrons to eay that wo had Elclit Orgnui stored at tlie Utah Ceulrul Knllroail Depot liUeml-cl liUeml-cl for tlio opening of our Now IVT-uistio Hooms, But a few days heforo wo opened they worn ALL SOLD. Wo iuimodiiiteiy wroto to Mason & liamlin to ship us fifteen of their instruments. On reoolpt of our order they informed us that it was impossiblo lor them to forward any sooner than sii weeks, as, notwithetandioK they wcxo turning out nearly 200 CUBANS WEEK L if, They wore still S7G JtEJItXJ) their orders Wo havo increased our order; and aro now rocoiving weokly supplies and shall continuo to do so until our Stock is largo enough to furnish all demands. Wo trust that this oxplanation will bo an ovidonco 'rQ our patrons und admirers of the made, that wo havo taken nolivo stops to ayoid disappointment in tho future, CALDER BROTHERS. f2I STAR BAKERY. W have just received a largo supply of Choioo Flour, and auarunloo A GOOD, SWEET LOAF. FRESII If UTTER AND EtiGS, CORN MEAL, SHORTS, BRAN, GRAIN, Groceries aud Provisions, Every day, wholesale and retail. Families supplied. Buns, Cakes, dinger Snaps, always on hand. Five Doors Enst of Post Oftlcc. 82 WOODS Si K EATON. jgj r EM e S i So m GROCERIES & PROVISIONS. no: for CONFERENCE! TAYLOR 8c CUTLER Havo just received n now T Choice powder XXL Cheaper than ever sold in this Territory. Coffee, Sugar, Lye, Etc. DRESS GOODS, DKESS FLANNELS, SHAWLS, ' MERINOS, DELAINES, Etc., HATS, CAPS, BOOTS, SHOES. A lnrgc variety oi' CLOCKS To be sold cheaper than the cheapest. Store Opposite Salt Lake House. an (.'26 DAVIS' NEW STORE Is Now Open. Just Received, a large arrival of choice TEAS Direct from the Importers Also ft full stock of Staple and Fancy GROCERIES. We have EEDUCED our beat gunpowder gun-powder to $2 per pound. It cauuot be equalled. TRY IT ! TRY IT 1 C. W. DAVIS, Two Doors from Kimball & Lawrence i DAY & CULMER, ! i IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IX GEM1L MERCHANDISE, CONSISTING OK : DRV GOODS, 1 GROCERIES, 1 ' - HARDWARE, Uuom's. simF,lMTS, PROCI4.EKV, LA.HfS, GLASSWARE, JtC. CORDAGE, TWINES, , ' WOODENWARE, CAIiPETS, ' CRACKERS , BISCUITS, j TOBACCO, feC, &.C. i Which they olTer at prices that guarantee I satisfaction and defy competition. The choicest TEAS constantly on hnd of tho followiug kinds Gunpowder - - 81.75 to S3.SJ5 Yoiuic lly son - 1.00 to 1.50 Tycoon - 1.35 to 1.05 Footing ... 1.15 to 1.36 Pekoe - l.5 to l.0 Souchong - - - 00 to 1.00 . Diamond L. - 1-00 Natural Leaf - 00 tp 1.00 And the famous English I Mixed Tea. - ' 1.75 i Dealers in Toas will find it to thoir advantage ad-vantage to give us a call, bofore purchasing purchas-ing thoir Teas, as our facilities in this branch i of our businoBS cannot be ozcolled in the : city. own DANIEL GRENIG'S BAKERY AND GROCERY STORE, WEST SIDE COMMERCIAL STREET, Ner Sucond South Street, IS NOW IN FULL OPERATION Whoro ho will be pleasod to wait upon hi, triondi and patrons with Everything in the above Line CHEAPER THAN EVER, GIVE HIM A CALL IN 1I1S NEW RETREAT. tusrll GLOBE BAKERY, East Temple Street, first door north of Co-opvratlve Grocery Department, GOLIGHTLY&HARRIS Keep constantly on hand ZZ- GOOD FRESH BREAD Buns, Cakes, l'ies, Crackers, Elc. Fine Tariet7 of CONFECTIONERY, WholSHiile and Retail. Groceries, ; Flour, j Feed, &C.1 HARDWARE. The CUfapest and Bfst STOVES In the Clly, at W. HARRISON'S. rV Mnin-ft . oppifdto Bp. IIunter. ZU.UUUlRON AND STEEL At C. II. Jiassetfs. Opposite Salt Lake House. nI6 NOW IS YOUR CHANCE FOR STOVES ! SOW IS YOUR CHANCE FOR I ! jSTOYESj i i Over One Hundred Different Kinds and Styles to ! Select from, i Including the Old Favorite., Charter Oak, New Era, i ' Monitor, i Inland Empire Superior, Etc., These aa well as other varieties will be I SOLD CHEAPER AT TF1B Hardware Dep'nt ! OF Z. O. JSL. X. THAN IN ANY OTUER HOUSE IN TIIIS TERRITORY. II. U. CLAWSON, elT Superintendent. IlICUAUDS' IRON WORKS, CHICAGO, ILL., Mnunfacturers,Oif PORTABLE & STATIONARY Engines, BLOWDKS, CRUSIIEKS And Machinery for Smelting Furnaces Contracts made for building Furnaces Furna-ces of Utah Fire Stone, Including Machinery, &c., sei up in complete running order. References Eureka Mining Company. Com-pany. Suit Lake Cltyi Utah Smelting Smelt-ing Company. Tingle. Address J. C. IHcluirds, Chicago. C. H. BASSETT, 3XTH-W HARDWARE STORE AH kinds of HEAVY HARDWARE, Iron and Steel Stoves and Tin Ware BLACKSMITH TOOLS, Agricultural Implements AnU mining Tools, At Lowtit Rstei, OPPOSITK SALT LAKK HOUSE n!6 EXCELSIOR COAL CCMP'V. ROCK SPRINGS, WYOMING TLB, . Bliilr, Hro. & Co., Propr's. TRAVEL. UTAH SOUTHERN RAILROAD. MIXED TRAINS JR. XT UNT ID JXXaT. Leaving the Utah Central Depot, Salt Lnke Cily, at 7.10 a.m., and Sandy Station, (nearest point to Little Cottonwood Canon,) at 0 p.m. SUNDAY TRAINS Leave L'IjiIi Ccnii.il Depot at 7:10 a.m. and 4:0 p.m , and S-nndy Ktation at 8 3 a in. ana 0 p.m. Salt Lake to Hi? Cotton wood Stu'.ion, fA-is li'.llo " " .StkHS ' " " SunJy " fl.10 Twcnty-fivo cent? additional will be charged whin the Saru ia cuIIccIl-J ou thu train. FERAMOH 7, LITTLK, Sri'KRlSTKXDKXT. I D. O. CALDKII, s5 Hon. Freight and Ticket. A Kent. GILMER & SALISBURY'S IIA11.Y STAGE LINES TIlllOUtJH Utah. South -cast Nevada & Montana, Mon-tana, Leaving Snlt Lnke City Dally, running run-ning .'Olllll to Tintio, American Fork, Mount Nebo, Sevier, St. George, Ulah; and I'ioelic, Nevada ; Pas h I ii g through Provo, Sprinirvilio, SpLinih Fork, Pay-son, Pay-son, Salt Cro.-k, Chicken Crick, Round Valley, Fillmore, Corn Creek, Heaver, Mincra-vilki, Mincra-vilki, ..( AU the principal tn, camps in southern Ut"K ..ltd -.i.','t c,it Nevada. Also leave Cnrlunr, I ' i. h ) h 1 1 y, runultig uouli ... Virginia Cily, Iol:r.u, R-uton, Deer Lodge, Cedm CV.k 1, m -, and passing through nil the principal towns and mining min-ing camps in Mou-tana, Mou-tana, 1MUNCIP,L OK PICK, Wells, Fargo & Co. Building, Lcn Winod, a. p. Kimball SALT LAKE, And Tintic Stage and Express LINE, RUNNING DAILY FROM L AI.B CITY, via LAKK TOW, TOOKLE CITY, STOCKTON AND OPIIIR. TO TlNTIfl. The route has been re-stockod with gi,pu-did gi,pu-did Concord Coaches. Guo, Stock, cmofiil ui.d attentive Drivers and every attention is imid to tho coiuf'yr l convenience ot ruiHum-.-gera. Gooa accommodations mi the rond. THROUGH RY DAYLIGHT. Cheap Fare and Quick Time. Oflloe at Wells, Fargo A. (Jo.'h, Snlt Lnke Clly, WINKS & KIMBALL, !,..., A-...... IN MAN LINE Or Iloynl Irlall Si earners, tin Hint; from Kew York Every Saturday AND Allena-xtc Tu;sdsije On bin Pmg, to blvorMl, fM) t75.00 6lceragc " " (cur.) au.OU Passage from Liverpool to New York Cabin, ... (i(,M $75.00 Btecrage, - - (Cui-rout;) 31.00 Roand Trip Tioketi usued at very low rate JO HJV C.DALM, Aut, Vj Broadway, Nct York, Or WILLIAM CALDKK. Aent. o2I Bait Lake City. Utah. |