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Show A DESPERATE ADVENTURE. Quincy, Ilk, Sept. IS. One of the most daring and outrageous deeds known to crime was committed in the vicinity of Foloma station, about noon to-day, the particulars of which are as follows: Three weeks ago a man cal- ! ling himself Clark, visited the residence resi-dence of George Beggs, a highly respectable re-spectable farmer, living one mile east of Poloma, and pretended to Mrs. Beggs that he had viMted her to inform her that her husband was too intimate with a certain woman in Quinoy. She gave no heed to him, however, and gave him to understand that his company com-pany was not wanted, and he left. On last Saturday, he appeared in woman's attire, and asked her to go with him to have an interview with a gentleman in tho cornfield, some distance fiom the house. She refused, and ho lei t telling her that her husband was using her very badly, and that he wanted to tell her all. To day he came again in woman's clothes, entered the room noiselessly, threw some kind of drug in the little child's Ju.cc, sitting near its mother, and then treated the mother likewise, but she shut her eyes io time to save her sight. The fiend thcu attempted at-tempted to outrage her person. Drawing Draw-ing a revolver, the brave woman fought with despcrutc courage, and in the struggle got hold of a razor, which she used on the scoundrel rapi lly and effectively, ef-fectively, cutting his hands terribly, and forcing him to retreat. She did not discover his disguise until the struggle commenced, which revealed the lact that he is the same person who has visited her, as spoken of before. be-fore. He beat a hasty retreat; and has not yet been found, though all the neighborhood is aroused aud in pursuit, pur-suit, and when found he will certainly be lynched, Mrs. Boggs is reported to be a most beautiful woman. She and her husband came here from England Eng-land only a year ago. Lx. |