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Show ILly W. U.Xolerftih.J DISUltACKITUL. SCKKKS AT A KE-1 KE-1 V n I, I C A ST , '1' K C O S V E A" - New York, 28. Special accounts represent that tho opening scenes of the Syracuse convention were of a shameful character. One report states, that when the delegates gathered at 1 the hall tfiey fonnd the doors barred, bolted aud guarded by. several policemen obstructing their ontranco. A ory ub at once .set up of "lias the' custom house brought its marshal hero?" A voice was hfard in the crowd: "Are there any Catling guns here r"' When the door opened at half past eleven, a rush commenced i which was met from the inside. i Chairs and table-legs wore freely used I by the defenders of the citadel, and ; lists and canes by the attacking parly. ! At last one of the latter drew a pistol, but before he could use it h; was 1 felled lo the floor by a blow from the back of one of the iron scats, laying his cheek open aud putting him hors dn combat. At this juncture a dc- tachmcnt of police arrived and no doubt prevented mnoh bloodshed, as" ' the attacking force wus constantly in- : creasing in numbers, and tho resist- , anco from within could uot have been ' maintained much longer. Another dispatch says that a gang of New York roughs came into town during the night, and early in the morning it was evident there would be serious trouble if not actual bloodshed. At the opening of tho door, about half past eleven, when the confusion began, several revolver's were drawn ; and flourished by parlies in the crowd ' outside, while those inside tore the loose furniture apart, and stood ready ' with legs of tables and chairs to club ! the intruders. "Put down those pistols I" "Don't shoot !" don't shoot!" ''Kill the eon of a !" "Kill him !" "Jilow his brains out !" "Open the door!" "Not a damned one of you will got in 1" "You'll all get in 1" Aud similar ejaculations more expressive ex-pressive than elegant were indulged in, until the place seemed worse than bedlam. bed-lam. There was much surprise last night among the Crccloy adherents in this oity, at tho course taken by the convention. con-vention. Expressions ofdissatisfaction at tho apparent timidity shown by the Greeley faction of the delegation was very general, as it was believed they would have defeated the Conklin party had they acted with becoming ! boldness. |