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Show As Bekorb. Wo find the following telegram in the Council Bluffs AW pareij, though it does nut appear in other newspapers among the regular dispatches: - . HALT I.AKK, September '! --Judge llnwlny of the supreme emirt has caused caus-ed IVum the wond judicial district a writ ol pruhitiiHon, agamsL nn: mi-mon mi-mon IJMiop, John it. M unlock, probate pro-bate judufl of Beaver county, restraining restrain-ing him from taking or exerci.-mi' either iu chanwjry or the common law jurisdiction, and confined him to simple probate business. Disregarding the decision of th - supreme court, Brigliam Young had direei'-d his bishops, who are the probate judgi, tu continue cliiiiic-.-ry ami common law juri.-dietimi. The argument of Jndgii Uawh-y in iTaiiing I lie writ, is most ixhauti and able. After tis deliver, it is "fid nnveral Mormons in pci-on thanked him for, it.. Il i-s a highly important decision. ' This nw.i could only have come from Heaver by telegraph at the time tfie di'puleh wa-t sent; and (he cWing seutenee is only true so far as. thai ,the sender of th-i ilispatch nn'd KuvTal Mjiiii"iis in pci. so n thunked the author onpiiitons for his argument. The in:ni who .sent (he di-p;ttch is another membnr of the asinine nice that defy I null in al! they say. While a bi.ihop nmy be a probate judge, ilu re hi no more connection between them than between this telegraphist and common sem-o and truth. The rest of the trashy Mull' that had lo be telegraphed tele-graphed overland, can go without comment: people here know how ri-dii:u!'u-!y fal-e thejse things are. |