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Show INDICTMENTS. For Hjuic diiyw rumor iVt-n luy 1 conwrniriff inli(:ttii:ni iuunti uk'"1- , )nminoiU citiwmB by the grand jury, j on tillered criminal charges; an J yesterday yester-day it was fri!f;ly kruiU-d around thai Kini arrets liad hacn made. That i iiidicMni:iit.s have wn ihaud w have : v.-ry little doubt, although iu: jrtMid jury proceeding are, as a matter ol j course, secret; lut no arrchts have b-ii made twr any tiffort in that direction attempted, up to tin: lmiir of Mils writing. For years charges ui' the blackest , character have been published aaiint ; the people of I'tuli and the most j prominent men in lhe Turritory. 'J'hose ehai'K'-s hav(.' hei-n ol'that irresponsible class which is, olicii lreely circulated , without aijy hii-.tni.imic evidence, and the only way to meet thein, mi lar, has j been a .-imple denial. Now, iTrcpoihs j are not ioeorrcel, there will be an op porlimiiy to eotil'roitt and refute ihciii ' in a palpable manner, and silt to the bottom the evidence upon which it is j declared they are made. I Tho weans by which iht jury was iuipumiuiuil and the plain intent to u,vt j toHuther .such a jury as would liud the indictments requivud, are not now un I dor discussion. While we hold the j jury was illegally impannclcd and thai its acls are not of le,u'al or binding tbrec, iho ttopIc of the Territory and our K-ading citizens are willing and ready to have every slander uttered, ovory pretended ehuino made, every alleged crime committed, subjected to tho fullest investigation, satisfied of the falsity of the testimony on which such indictments may have been found. And the present action of men who' have long sought to create troublo in tho Territory will recoil on themselves, and cover them with the obloipiy and contempt they so richly merit. Hut if, as alleged, indictments have been found against prominent gentlemen gentle-men ill this city, we demand, in behalf of their fair fame and spotless lives, that a fair and impartial trial bo speedily given, Delays in such a cao are not admissable. Justice claims promptness. And as the prosecution must be armed with all the testimony it uuu obtain, when it brings the matter to such an issue, lot tho testimony be placed before the world, that it may bo sifted and tested, and its value decided. |