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Show PACIFIC COAST XEWS. TJIUiD II.SPAT(J1I. CALIFOUNIA. liailey's Kaneh, H7. Jas. Morgan was severely injured by being thrown from his horse, and was not found until un-til fourteen hours afterward. There is little hope of his recovery. OKEtiON. Portland, -SJ.U. S. marshal Young, ( ' while arresting a Cliinaman last evening, even-ing, wua resisted by a number of t'hj-namfn, t'hj-namfn, and one of the party named hu tiu was shot badly, by the marshal. A coroner's jury fully exhonerated niarshal Young. The election in Walla i Walla county upon the proposition to : . pay interest on J0O,UUO bonds, for the .Walla Walla and Columbia raihfKid, r wis decided adversely. i. AllIZONA. San Picgo, '11. Private eonespon- . ; denco, dated Camp Grant, Ibt, says, 1 Vincent Oollyer arrived at thut plaeo on the Pith inst. The tame day an order was issued by the department, warning any party of citizens who approached ap-proached nearer than ten miles of the ' po-t, thut they should bo tired upon by ihe troops. A party of prospectors from Tucson who had traveled thirty miles without water and could only ob- , lain water by passing through Camp . (J rant to the river, were ordered oil", j , Three cannon were brought out. shot-1 shot-1 ted, and placed in a oommanding position, po-sition, the long roll beaten, and the troops put in rcaditiessfor action. The commanding officers woro fully advised , by captain Dunno, U. 8. A., Dr. Wil-1 bur, and others, that the citizens were on a peaceable mission and willing to surrender their arms; anything to get 1 water, but they were not permitted to . approach. A limited supply of water was furnished them by the commander. I t is reported that governor Hall'urd and his party were about to come, aud it was declared that ho would be treated tho same as IliO Tucson pros- j : peelors had been. NKVADA. ' Virginia, 127. This afternoon ' Sipiircs aud Willis, two of the escaped j ' couviels, were captured by officers j Lackey, Downey, Atchison. Couistock j and Ifarpin, at the fort in Seven Mile ; canon. They are now en route to their , old quarters. , Carson. 27. Sheriff Atchison aud party will arrive this evening about ii p. iu., with two of the escaped con-j viets. Squires and Willis. Six of the convicts passed near Wellington this morning; officers from the latter place i arc in pursuit. 1; f - HIWOND DISPATCH. j 4JAL.11 Oil Nl A. Sau Praneisco, 2$. Tho defeat of lien. Butler is editorially commented on with great satisfaction by tho Alta, Cuff and Chronicle. "The board of fire underwriters dc cide that the great destruction of property by tho late fire on Market street was due wholly to gross mismanagement mis-management of tho lire department, and lhe lack of suffioient -and suitable hose. . . . The remains of M. M. Y. McLaughlin, McLaugh-lin, deputy U, S; marshal, and a member mem-ber of the firm of McLaughlin & Brewer, of San l'rancisoo, shot by Henry Uerkc, near Ohico, will be brought here for interment. The U. S. marshal yesterday ejected eleven settlers from llancho Cone Madeira del Presidio, near the Sfate prison, Marine county,' the Mexican ; grant of which was recently confirmed I to the assignees of Ball, the grantee. San Praneisco, 128, At Trinity -church to-day, Miss Bella Hall, daughter of Samuel Hall, an old Oali-, Oali-, Ibrniau, was married to Dr. Sage of I this city, in the presence of a large and fashionable assembly. ! Tom Mooney, late president of the j defunct California building, savings and loan company, whose unexpected I departure on a tour of Europe loct i year created noma UucasiueSS amon I the depositors, has deeded all his real I estate to the trustees, surrendered his bank books, and has been released from ! all liabilities by consent. He ill j probably return in season to run for governor next term. Stocks of all weakened to-day, and after the board Ely, whioh closed at So, declined to 83 on the street. The Phoenix has levied an assessment of fifty cents per share. This has been a buisy day at the Merchant's Exchange, four ships arrived ar-rived from Liverpool and three liom New York. '. The proceeds of working of the Raymond Ray-mond and Ely mine, for September, is estimated at $195,000, or $0,500 per day, of whioh $150,000 or thereabouts 1 will be net profit. This is something i unprecedented in silver mining opera- lions on this coast, , , -ludgo Stanloy to-day, on the petition of the property holders, issued an order for tho Montgomery avenue commissioners commis-sioners to show oause why they should uol be compelled to file their final re- : port immediately. The order is returnable re-turnable on Saturday next. The schedule of rates for teas from this point east, given yesterday, was for entire car loads; ibr less than twenty-live packages the rate to .New York is -il cents per ponnd, which ) amounts to a complete prohibition of j shipments by dealers here to merchants . east, throwing the entire trade into the i hands of two or three great houses here and in Chicago. Vallcjo, 2a. The U. S. ship Call-jornui Call-jornui has been repainted and the rigging rig-ging and machinery etc. put in first-class first-class order, preparatory to leaving hero next week as the flagship of admiral ad-miral Winslow. The two Valencia brothers were to-day sentenced, by judge Wallace, to bo hanged, November Novem-ber 24th, at Fairfield, for the murder . of Joseph W. Hewitt. Ohico, 28. The largest attendance of any day at the fair was to-day. The running race, for three year olds, best two in three, was won by "Nellie Browu;" the double team trot wae ruled out. The show of thorough bred stock is the fiuestin this district' San Jose, 28. G. Koderques, who was arrested at Mayficld on the charge ; of robbing the VLalia stage, August j luth, was examined to-day, and the ! case set ibr Saturday. Ilia brother was arrested on the same charge and is now on his way here. Los Angeles, 28. The Watson surveying sur-veying party of the Southern Coast K It. , arc camped near this city. Next week they will run a line to San Bcr-nardiiiii. It is reported that Procipo and Moieaiio, the noted highwaymen who escaped near Santa Kosa, were seen yesterday in the canon of the Mission San Fernando, coming toward this city. Sun Diego, 23. At Juhau city one halt interest in the McMahon mill and Uedujan mine was bought by A. W. Whitney, of San Pranciaco. S P. lv. iUuu, Lhe inventor of the steam stamp mill, bus bought three mines iu San Felipe canon, and v. ill erect a mill as soon as the machinery can be bv- uiht Lo the ground. SEVADA. Eureka, 2$ The Eureka tSuituirl haslbecu sold to Geo. V Ca-idy and company. There was a liyhtiall of suow to-day. Dayton, 28. Burgess and Healy, stock ranchers, caught Bath, Chapman, Chap-man, Clill'ord and Parsons, convicts, yesterday, nr Walker lake. Car.-.o:i, 2s. Xlie party from Aurora, Au-rora, searching for the mining pony-rider, pony-rider, returned to-day. They found : the rider's bor.-e twcniy miles from I where Hightmer's party had thr I fight with die envieis. Tho horse I hadboen shot and it i.s la'red the ridci is killed aud his body secreted. The four convicts captured by ranehmer near alker lake w. rc brought iu thh evening and lodged in the State pri-on. ! The treasury Kind ca--e was decided in favor of the bjnd.-tneii ih;s even ing in the district ejurt. Much suow tell on the iuHUiiinii south of town to-day. |