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Show SHELL CREEK. Letter From Kfw Mining Cain p. SciiEU-TOK, Scpteruber 13, 1 871. Editor 'Elko Independent: Your corrcspontlent readied this camp two days aOi alter three days of the hardest hard-est travel, over pngebrush and high mountains, ho ever experienced. I found a lively little camp here, situated lor the uiual part in the old adobe buildinirfl formerly occupied by the Overland stage company, they having recently been sold fur ,;00 to Messrs. Ferguson & Stonehill, who are the proprietors of the town-site. There are already hero two Htores, two saloons, four restaurant, one brewery, one livery stable, and uo end of lodging-houses lodging-houses on the grand floor. I had the honor of being the guest of Messrs. Ferguson it Stoncbill, who very generously gen-erously invited uie to spread my blanket on llic soft sidis of the hard board floor ol' llteir office, which, I a.'snre you, was hugely enjoyed by me. Hehell Crock is divided into throe camps Hcholl reek proper, Queen's Springs, and .South Camp. 8chell Creok pro pi; r is situated ou the ridfe of a hiyli mouniain, a few miles from Hehelltown, and the i'act of its being the oi iginal location has caused considerable con-siderable excitement. The Summit, McMahon and Woodburn, are among the best mines of tho camp the last named being owned by Messrs. Chandler Chand-ler & Woodburn, of Elko, who, by the way, deserve great, erodit lor their indomitable in-domitable perseverance and energy in developing their mines under all their adverse circumstances -r- being poor men. They have built a grade from tho bottom of the ravine up to the Woodburn mine, a d:stancc of over two miles, and are taking out some very rich ore. The time is not far distant when they will reap a rich reward re-ward lor their industry. Queen's Springs is situated four miles from Schelltown, nnd has some good mines. The following are among the most noted, and aro rich in mineral: liattlcr's Pride, El Captain, and San Francisco. The miner's here teel somewhat elated over the fact that there is a considerable quantity of gold in their ores. j South Camp, or Ruby Hill, is situated situ-ated twelve miles south of Schelltown, and its mines bid lair to surpass thoso of tho other camps in richness and quality of mineral. The town-sito was located by Mr. Bradshaw, who is also interested in some very rich mines here. The principal mines are tho Lookout, Rattler's Joy, Silver Wealth and Washington. Negotiations aro now pending for the sale of the Lookout and Silver Wealth mines to a White Pino company. This camp, being so far from Schelltown, that being the residence of the recorder, Mr. Muncey, is about to segregate, and the miners have called a meeting for that purpose. But to return to the merits of the camps: Business is at its height for this season, but money i3 soarco with the miners, and will continue so until oapital comes into the camp. Gov, Blasdcl is about to bring in a mill to crush custom rock. Lots are selling at from $:j0 to $2(J0, Tho town site is well laid out, and is watered by living springs, running in ditches through all the streets. An abundant supply ol timber can be had fur the chopping. |