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Show EXAMINATION IN TIIK MUHDKIl I c-n kcic. The court convened ycsierduy morning morn-ing in Woodmansee's hall, the Liberal Institute being closed. The hall was crowded. A Williim C. lteeve sworn Besides at Deer Creek. Wad in this city, on the 2'ind of October, 'Od. Kept a store on the north-east corner of Third South and Katt Temple t-lrccts. lie slept in the store. Home time in the night soe parties came to his door on Kast Temp!.; ?trH-i, and he heard a low lay, "All still here," aod , another aubwcixd, '.'Ve.-t, it tcewa to be." The persons then went onandin a very lew minutes he heard a pistol shot and immediately opened lhi door on Kast Temple street and looked out; saw two or three person running east on the sidewalk ihey ran pat Char-' lie King's hoii'-e. Did not notice their dres; tlu-y wer; runninir across the street wheu witness tfrst sdw them; it was about 11 o'clock at nighl; did cot I notice any peculiarity in the tone cf voice in which the remarks were made near the house; could not identify ar.y of the pcr.-ons or form any impression as to who they were, or who mado tho call, "All still;" one man appeared to bo above the s.toie; seemed to be dressed in dark dolhing; believe policemen po-licemen wore stars at that time; do not know that he wore a star; could not nay what he had on hu head; judge there were from live lo seven persons on the street, three running ca.st, one or two Eoulh aud one or two west. Those running west run on the south side of tho street on tho sidewalk; those that ran south were on the eust side of tho street on the sidewalk; they were running run-ning very fast; could recognize none of the parties; teo no oue in court that I can recogoizo as any of the perrons I saw on that night. Gen. Maxwell said that he desired to nsk a question, which would probably prob-ably be objected to by tho defense; but he hoped they would courteously permit per-mit it to bo put; as it would come in in the trial. Ho wished to ask the witness wit-ness whether he had ever led anyone to believo that ho could identify the prisoners. pris-oners. The defense objected und the objection objec-tion was sustained. On cross examination the witness said that the first thing that attracted his attention on that evening was somo one talking in a low tone of voice, almost al-most in a whisper; they did not try to open the door, but came to it and apparently ap-parently listened. His head was on tho counter in tho front part of the store, his head was not more than six or seven feet from the door; after he ! heard the shot went to front door on ' East Temple street and opened it paiti- ally but did not go out; saw two or three j men running east; saw parties crossing j East Temple street; then ran to side j door on Third South street, and looked out; saw two or three men going east; paw no ono running north; saw two or ', three running south on east side of East i Temple street, when he looked out of j front door; had been living in this city i then something over two year?, in business and pretty well acquainted with business men; did not know Blythe; knew Toms pretty well at that lime; the night wan a bright one; believed be-lieved that he also knew Alexander Burt. Be-direct Toms lived south of him, but did not know where ho lived. Tho tones of the voice heard at tho , store left no impression upon the witness wit-ness as to the identity of the speaker, speak-er, and had had no delinito impression upon the subject siuco that time. The prosecution asked n oontinuance till this morning to enablo their last witness, who it was expected would identify the other parties to the murder, mur-der, to reach the city, and the court adjourned to lu o'clock this morning. |