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Show 8KNATK. Conklin oS'orod a reaoluLion directi ng th rctrenchmnt committee to invest" ' gate Schurz' charges of fraud in Ike ! Saw Tor!: custom house. Its considor- 1 ation was postponod till the committee waa appomed. Anthony moved tbnt Buckingham. Pratt, Howe, Harlan, SUwurt, Poole and Bayard be appointed appoint-ed as the retrenchment committee. Sumner asked why tho senators who I originally moved the investigation were : net on the committee, which gave rise to a debate extending beyond the morning morn-ing hour, the unfinished bndinesa being 1 postponed to reach a vote. A largo number of bilh were introduced, intro-duced, including the following: To punish pun-ish bauk, insurance, etnto aud govern- ment orttcials for bribery and corrup-i corrup-i tion; Wilson, of Ohio, to prevent cruelty to animals in transit by K. li.; Htevou-lon, Htevou-lon, to prevent appointment of dishon- est and incompetent government orJici-. als, and making otEcers appointing and members of congress recommending Hi em, responsible lor their misconduct. Among the bills introduced and re-ferrod re-ferrod were tho following: To slioliflb export bonded warcliouses for tobacco and Bnnfl" and alao for repeal of the spocial tax on manufactures and dealers deal-ers in tobacco and cigurs; Blair, Mo., to legalize polygamist marriages in Utah nnd to dismiss nil criminal proceedings pro-ceedings in Utah against polygamiats; Talfe, for tho admission of Utah as a Stato. The bouse then tookup and adopted Cox's resolution directing the committee on library to inquire into tho whole subject of international copyright. copy-right. Thursday next was ordered to be devoted to general debate. McNoeloy oilorcd a resolution which was adopted inquiring into the cause of tho removal and tho condition of tho accounts ac-counts of general Bullock of tiie J-'rced-uicn's bureau. lloleman asked leave lo oiler a resolution reso-lution expressing the profound regret of the house at learning of tho severity to which the French government of which Thiers i3 President has pursued tho Communist prisoners. Pierce objected and lloleman moved to susnouti tha rules for tho reception ai.d '- .. Ut.WluUon: JJi3t wantodto" onS? Bn amendment condemning the atrocities of tho .Spanish government, but tho speaker speak-er ruled no amendment in order. The Honso refused to suspend the rules-yeas rules-yeas 75, nays 83; yeas mostly Democrats. Ioar then offered a resolution disavowing dis-avowing tho idoa of interfering in tho adiiirs of other governments, but, expressing expres-sing tho general sympathies of congress with all who have fought and fell for tho cause of civil liberty. Cox, wantod to amend bv condomnmfr ihn Spanish government for tho brutal execution exe-cution of the medical students in Havana. Ha-vana. Ruled out of order unanimously, and Hoar's resolution was adopted. Kellogg, of Connecticut, asked leave to olt'er a resolution requesting the oom-mittoo oom-mittoo on ways and means to roport a bill early in January for tho immediate repeal of the incomo tax and for the repeal re-peal of other Internal rovenuo taxes except ex-cept on liquors, cigars, tobacco and stamp?. Dawes askod that the resolution res-olution be referred to the committee on ways and means, as it did not give the committee any timo to consider th matter, mat-ter, but instructs It to roport a bill that will repeal all bank taxation and other taxes. Kellogg modified his resolution so ub to refor only the repeal of the income in-come tax and moved to suspend tho rules, 4 motion to adjourn was made and carried, lO'.t to yi. Tending; the voto Butler introduced a bill declaring women entitled to MiM'rago under tb 14th amendment of tho constitution, adjourned. |