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Show UllAOlX'S UTAH BIL.L. We append a synopsis of the bill introduced in-troduced by Mr. Crag in into the senato of the United States, through and by virtue of which we presume, he hopes and expects to arrange Utah affairs to tho entire satisfaction of his New Hampshire friends. We shall probably prob-ably refer to some of ir-f peculiar provisions pro-visions hereafter. Tho bill provides th:vt citineua only of the United States shall be competent to serve as grand or petit jurors in the Territory of Utuh. rrovi-'ion is made for the appointment of probate judges by the governor, and the (supreme court is authorized to make rulrs and regulations regu-lations as to the mode and ruimnor of taking and perfecting appeals from one court to nnoiher, .so that the fust rights of the parties uiity bo secured and preserved. pre-served. The militia of tho Territory is to be organized and disciplined in such maimer and ut such times as the governor thai! direct, and all the officers shall lie appointed and commissioned by the governor. Marriages may be solemnized only by jiiiiices of the supreme court or by justices of the peace duly appointed aud qualilied in their proper townships or preciuts, or by auy priest or minister of tiie gospel regularly ordained mid settled or established as such in said Territory, or by any bi.-b.oj) or elder iu toe so-called Aiormon cliurcn, between parties competent to enter into tho I marriage contract. Marriage is de- ciarcd a civil contract, aud no marriage I shall be contracted while cither of tho parties has a former wife or husband living in the United States or else- here, unless tho marriage with &ueh J . 1'jrmcr wile or husband shall have been dissolved. All persons being within 1 tho decrees of cou.-anguiuuy within : which mairiaged arc herein prohibited to residents of tho Territory aud de- ; dared to bo incestuous uul void, vhc iirAl intermarry with each other ot wjio shall commit adultery ur iuiniea-.: tiou with each other, shall be punished by imprisonment at hard labor in the penitentiary of the Territory not more i than fit'teen yonrs nor lcs than sis . months. , ; If any offieer authorized to solciiiauc '. marriage shall, knowingly and wilfully, sulcmnize a marriage between parties, i cither of whom is dUqualiiied to enter i into the masriacre coutract, he shall he 1 deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, anil upon conviction thereof before a court 1 having competent jurisdiction, ho shall pay a tine of not less than $l0U nor ; luure than $oW, r,nd stand committed 1 until the tine shaii I? p.iij. And if any person shall pn-uuio to solemnize a marriage who is uot authorized to do ; so, he shall be deemed guilty of a mi-j- demoanor, ud upon conviction thereof j before any court of conipou-nt jurisdie tinn, ?hall be piumhed by a tine of not exceeding if'joO nor iesi than ?lUU, or by imprisonment in tho ponitcni iary, nut exceeding six months nor les than one month, or by both, such Jim- and impri.-unmuil, al the discretion of the court. The bill provid'-s fur the punidi-Dii:ni punidi-Dii:ni of spiritual wite-?ca!in', and al-o fur the jmni-dimeiit of any person who shall knowingly and wilfully aid and ns-i.-t in, or be prsenl :it, llie ivrc-mony ivrc-mony of Mormoui-rn known as sealing, or spiritaul marriage. And if any person shall publicly or privately counsel, advise or persuade any man 1 or woman to commit the crime of polygamy, po-lygamy, such person shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and, upon conviction thereof, be fined in any sum not exceeding $500, or imprisoned, ar the discretion of tho court, for a term not exceeding twelve months. 1 : None but male citizens of the United States over twenty-one yearn of ago, and not disqualified by the conviction of some crim?, shall be competent voters. In prosecutions ibr polygamy proof of cohabitation by the accused, husband or wile, or the acknowledgment ol" the party accused of the existence of the : marital relation of husband or wife, shall bo suOieieut to sustain the prose-! cution. The bill also proposes to sup-1 pres the so-called legislature of De.se- ret. ...... |