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Show (.'itimTMA. Littles' FURS at Coal, dl'j DUSFOHD & tSOSrt. Train Abbivso. wKh O. W .Dia , ,,.tU FOR CIIKtSTM A3 RAIHINS, ; tTKKANTS. tKKUL,KS3 KAISlNb, CITRON LKMON PBKL, tflUS ami , H full stock of the eh.ct good id town. - " 1-,AVI;- dl'j . . i (Iravd Covcobdia. Bau. will he sir-on sir-on at tlie Skating Rink on Friday aiglit, Dec. '-'H. Tickeii at $'-'-0O; to b9 had j from member. dtrJ j UR0CKR1K3AT WnOLKJAl-E, to close i Broncorn. C. R. Kirhatt, li Main J street. dl'J l Kx.vminz the now style PRINT'S Al.-kxih Al.-kxih Hat, just recoivod by U Cons t Hie California Stork. din Kortt-Ftve Dollar sniu reduced to $40; $4(1 suits to $36; $;t2 suits to $2' suit to &&, at Diriiy's, 42 Main street. d!7 Faiiiio.vable Hataand Caps. ' dlH JJCNTORD S3 SoSTrt. j For fine White and Woolen Shirts : (to to SieRol Bro's. olO More New Arrival, Four car- ! Inads of No. 1FHRN1TTKK. FAR- LOR and BEDROOM 3BTH complete ! mid elegant. I 1 ex poet in three or four dav3 four! cur-loRdu of COMMON KUKN'lTURK of llio beH fpiBlity. d.r II. DlNWOODKY. ; LEfir,. Mr. V. P. Appleby, attor- noy-at-law, places his card in the IIkhau) this morning. He has provided pro-vided himself with suitable blanks and in prepared to draw up deolaratory i statements for titles to city lots. His ofhea is on East Temple itreet, first door north of the Commerce building. Head the advertisement. : . ; Tiik rr.iCE to buy pour tools and Slioei. DosroRtt & Hons. dm Kusliinnable Hals at ftlcgd Bro's. olO Dried P baches. Wo shall givotho j highest price for cloan, ivoll dried fruit, at our Provision Department, j uL Jno It. (Jluwuon'a. wosl of Ihofttre. I fiiig-l H, B. Clawsos, Hupt. Raiib Business Chance. For sale, i the California Store-, Main street, with j lot twonly-tivo front, a hundred and j sixty-fivo feet dooj. Apply to K B, 1 tthuebridgo, oa tho promises, or at tho j Our llattoia L)uNKORn & tioss. dl'.i 'J'liK KxMiiitAp'r Portrait t alien at CARTER'S GALLKKY aro appreciated appre-ciated by every person. Call and see tlmm. N.B. Tho only gnll'Ty where they tira inkon in Salt Lake City. cl 10 ForSvle .'J5 bbla. JSUUS; 10 ,000 lbs. OATS; Urowor, Bciuii & Co'i Ale, Boor und PORTliJt, aud Booth's Baltimore Balti-more OYSTEltS, For Sale at Whole-fiilo Whole-fiilo by Browor i Liipham, Qoddurd's Building, in Buseuiout, Main it., Suit L:il,o City, Utah- ill Overcoats, a tioe ateortmout, at Eiogcl Bruti. olO Gents' Gloves and Gonts' Furmsu-inos, Furmsu-inos, Very Cheap, at (U'.f DnyroRo vfc Sons. (i. M. OttS(;er'b lasland best painting paint-ing "Tho ftvoiiing Gun" now on exhibition ex-hibition at tho Pioneer rt Gal lory. Como and see It. 1'j A Great Tonic. 11 KG HMAN'3 CORDIAL KLIX1H OF CAHSAYA UARK. A pleasant cordial which strengthens ana improves DlRestion, nn excellent prevontivo of Fevers, Fever and Aguo, etc., and a great Renovator and Tonio for invalids and debilitated persons. per-sons. II kcikm an ifc Co., N ow York. I Sole Manufacturer. Sold by all 1 Drugim' s'2'i ! Fine Furni.-hiug Goods at Siogel Bro's I olO ! Cutting & Co s California Canned Fruits aud Jollio aro tuo bet iu ibe market. Ak vour grocer for them. i y Fort Hoots ami huoi-:s go to the -M:ii i-j i-j nioih Bool, S!ioi and lint Store. ! dU 1 ) it N ford & Son LargL'at stoek of clothing at Sieel Bro's. uUJ Nsw Books. Arrived to-day volumes of the (tandard poels hand- , EomHy bound, JuU Lhe thing for the I holiday. (all BUj !oe theui ftl I Dwysr s Bookstore. d!5 Down. 2-j per cent oft" fiiriiiluro, silver, china, gla?', crockery and holiday holi-day good nt the Crystal Palace, 78 Main street. dlT Barratt & Co. Gents Attention. Kd. Harris, at tho JjITtlk Cioab 8trb "round the corner," keeps the best imported Havana Hav-ana and Domestic Cignr?, Tobacco and Notions. Como and judge for your-solvea. your-solvea. Throe doors onit of PobI Offlco. e2V Gentlemen in Want of underwear will ilnd it to their advantage to call on Derby, 42 Main street. dl? Large ftuo.k of line and heavy boot at Hitfgel tiro's. o'M There is a message at the Deseret tolegraph office for C. G. Romans. OGDEN DIRECTORY. ! i-'i'i'.it-duis Jimuicss itause. i MERCHANTS i Walker Lli-ollicr, 'luu'a Co-o. Mercantile Initlintlon, I Jninci Ilorrocks, I C Woodmnnirr, K. Aucrbnck 4t JJro. I H OTl'.L, URtlrit llona, JoLd MaIiuh, I'i tprietur. LIVERY STABLE. d. a, Nciteut Fropriinr. I NOTICE BMQUEflTTAX PAYERS. Tlio Tcriiiori.il ,iml County T.,x.! of ti.ilt T.nko Coniity, tor llio year IsTl. have lon si.nc bc:i duoil layablo; aril dcJiBi--ei.t? are hereby notiutd that, it" liieir laxe ar r."t p.. wiiouut iljlay tUcy ttlII iio foiJected with t.', according in th- rrnvicua of . law. H. J. UOLDISG, Asseisor auid Collacter, I 4JS Salt Lko aaus MISCELLANEOUS. Are lnliir;eJ and proscribed by more leaJ-Ine leaJ-Ine PhyeK-ians than any other tunic ur fi iai-utuiit iai-utuiit now ia u-;e. They are a SURE PRt VliNTIVE f..r ifavcr and Aaue. loiaraiit-tenu. loiaraiit-tenu. BlHDUicei.-1 ai-d all diordera arnitur I'ruui mia?mtiu ojU. ILey are aiealy recommend'-i n an anM-dysr-eriir, nnd In cases ot indigestion are invuluable af an ap-jjt'Llzer ap-jjt'Llzer and rcaporni, and in aa-ca of General Gen-eral Debility they hnve never in a Eitifile tnjtasct failed ia producing the mo it hanjiy reaulta. They are particularly besskilul to HViLZ. strenftbeolns the body, i&vic-orntinj i&vic-orntinj tho mini und living tone and elas-tirity elas-tirity to t, ie whole system. The 11011 K IllITKBS are compounded with tbe Krcaf eit care, ond nu Tunia Stimniant ha ever been oflered to tho public so ple.isant to th k Ti-jTr, and at tho flame time eombiains to mony remedial asont?. indorsed by the mc'liaal fraicrnity ua tbo bt-it known to the Pharmaropo?in. t co;lit litilo to give them a lair trial, and Every Family HiouM Uave a Bottle. We a.k avery one to rend the folio wine j certificates from uiuny ol the most euiineiU phviicia.ns in tbo oounrri": nr. Luuis. July IbTd. .1 vf A. Jirrs.ix Jt Co.: ttentlomen Aa you have communicated communica-ted to the medical irofwsion llio receiiio of tbe "Home ilittera ' it cannot, ttiurelure, bu coDBiderod aa a eeoret or patent medicine, no patent baring been taken for it. Wo have eiamined tbe formula lor making lhe"lomo llittera," and unhesitatingly any the combination combi-nation ia one of rara excellence, all the articles arti-cles used in ita composition are tbe batit of the cluaa to whijh they belong, being highly Tonio, Stimulant, Stomachic, Carminative and tliglly Laxiitire. Tho mode of preparing- thorn is Etrlutly in acoordnnce with the rules of pharmacy. Having used them in our private practice, we take pleasure in reoom-m reoom-m fading- them to all persona desirous of taking ta-king Bittere, aa being the bett Tonic and Stimulant now offer eo to tbe public. L.CH.UcuiLiMEBi, M.U. 0. t. PORTEn, M.D AlFKtD Uucock, H.li. 0. Qirici, M.D. Dim McDowill, M-I). C. A. Waec, M.D. J.O. WaiTiitiLL, M.D. Dr.0. V. F. Ltnuio, X. A. Clabs, M.D. B. (1. Moses, M.D. W. A. Wtioox, M.D. UcauKRT pRiNJt, U. 8. Marine BosplUl, St. Louis, Mo.. Oct. S, 1570. Js. a. Jackuu.n, i Co. : 1 have examined exam-ined tbe formula ior making the"iloiio Stomach Bitterp,"and used them in tho Hospital Hos-pital for the laat four months. I consider them tbe mot valuable ton it) and stimulant stimu-lant now la Dia, L. MlLCBtR, St. Lona, July ti, ls7t, Jas. A. Jackson, Co, Having eiamined the formula from which your eelebrated"Stomach Bitters, "aro prepared, prepa-red, baring witnessed the method of combining com-bining the different ingredients, wo can safely recommend the ji itii tho best tonic with which w are acgiiaintod. From the groat care with wbiub tbey aro campouiided. and from the ohoico materials whioh enter Into them, we have no doubt that they will prove, aa they deserve to be, tho most popular tonio and stimulant in uee. Htupeotfully youra, T.J. Vasiini, iLlt. T. 0. ooiisvocK, M.D. W cheerfully cont ur with every word contained con-tained in th above testimonial. JuHN CuKZkLMA, -M.D. J'fUN' UtRTMiS.U.D CuaI, VAinsu, M.D. Jous T.Tkxcli, M.D I U.B. WiLKin, U.K. K.C, KASRi.rs, M.D CurcrartAri, Oct. IU, U70, Meaira, W. B. Kn-i Kn-i dt A Co,: Agonti iiouia Bitters"; Uents ' Agreeable to your request, I have examinod ! the formula, of the "Heme Stomach Bittere,' I and ffnd tbe remedies it contains such as are I ia general uee by the Medical Profession. Tbay are ecienlilioally and pleasantly eom- bined, and .is stimulating tonics will he i found especially adapted aa corroborants to the treatment of low or UebditAted stages of the system, whet her arising from impaired digestion di-gestion or from mtilnrious diaeusoa. i Da. J. L. VlITIEUH, L, A. JiUEB, M. D., i K. B. Wirst, Ctitinl-I, C. T. SmrsuN, U. U., W. T. TiUAk'KRUO, M. I)., 8. P. Runshb, M. D., J. J. Qciss, M. D., 0. H. Mcscrou, M D., I J. U. BfCKLV, M.D., it. W. Hiolcr, M. I)., j W. R. Woodwabb, M. D,, 0. A. DousHTVpM.D. Chicaso, bept. SU, 1570, J. 1-. Smitii, Hhj-; j j We have examined the formula of tlio'X'ele-; tlio'X'ele-; brated Slomaeh Bittere," and find it to be 1 ! composed of articlos that arc conwide red the I best touit-a used by the Medical Profession. : and one of tlie beat bitters we know ot ia use. ! Very respectfully, II. 8. Hadx, M. D., B. HuVu-ab, M. D., J. 1J. Walklb, M. U., U. A. Mabim:k, or si am 8. JJAENE3, M. D. For Sale by all Drugglata A Grocera. Jaa. A. JACKSON & Co., Prop'ra, Laboratory 100 & 107 N. 2d St., JiiM4 St. LOUIS, MO. The Place to Buy YOUH GLAZED SASH, BLINDS, PANEL DOORS, For Quality and Price, Imported or Home-made, IS AT LATIMER. TAYLOR & GO'S 1'l.ANlNU .MILL, Sasli nml IJoor Pacloiy, One block wesL of Tabernacle. ,117 NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS, Ol'FlOB 01- The EtairKA Misimi Company or IItam,1! tialt Lako City. Ulah. Doo. 2d, 1H71. The first annunl moelinK ortho stockholders stockhold-ers of this company will bo held at the otlico ol tho company in thin city, on Tuo.day, January Uth, 1S72, ill 10 o'clock, a.m., for the election of seven Trustccc. to ?orve for the ensuiox year, and tho transaction of such other buaine.'s a may come btlore the mecl- 'DK' WM.H. WOOD, dl Secretary and Tre usurer. CHENERY, SOUTHER & CO,, Importers and Jobbers of VOKK1UN AND DOHIESTIC BRANDIES, WINES, AND LiaUORS, :i 1 1 Clay Street, SU Frauclaco. lylB Attention Miners I WANTED GOOD AH(K3iTIKKItOUS (iALK.VA OH1C9 ait SCffiUNER!S SMELTING-FURNACE, SMELTING-FURNACE, At Union Fori, Little Cottonwood. BATHS, BATHS! Warm Spring Balhs ! prlTSita and Plunge. I Bie? eelj-attil '-alia a. op"1 't r-ol lic l alt , seus. TtiJr wHi.-inal propertie ro so ilftly known Ujal tt U lo numerate Uim. BnaiilM xht Privat Batb, tir ivgr and h&n.)oiup-I h&n.)oiup-I Ij romlibM) Plna: Batha f.,r I aud eatlCMB ar Mf opaa. II. ARK OLD. I all MISCELLANEOUS, C A B D TO THE LADIES. FASHIONABLE MILLINERY ESTABLISHMENT. Mrs. Colebrook 'W i-!i to inform bor iiumt-nnis friends, l!:it hc will open in a lew days in her NEW STORE, '"iw- doors south of li.r o'd scan.', witb a nry choii-c elcctioD of LADIES HATS ..L Jusi R-m-ivL-d and n.iw Lcini; oiiouvd, a very elegant lot of Feathers, Flowers Laces? Mrs. C. returns her sincere thanks for the liberal patronage she has received re-ceived heretofore, and respectfully solicits so-licits a continuance of the same. Z G JVC. Xi dij HO! FOR CHRISTMAS! Toys! Toys! Toys! TOYS FOR THE MILLION The Largest ami Fiufst Assorl-uient Assorl-uient cf Toys fver broii jlil lo this City ! CALL AND SEE THEM ! FANCY GOODS Of every description, luliablc for CHRISTMAS PRESENTS! HOLIDAY GROCERIES, (Jandicji, NuU, .to. FANCY DRESS GOODS And I'm icy Notions, A caoicu lot, at VV. B. WILKINSON'S, No. 85 East Rumple Street. A Fine Lot of Wluss Slimlt-s foA-Wx foA-Wx Frnlt or Flovvcrif. a23 CHRISTMAS! I THE MAMMOTH Boot,ShoeandHat STOBE, DUNFORD & SONS llinc on haii'l, und are constantly receiving re-ceiving a larKo and variod stock of BOOTS Aim SHOES Hats and Caps, GENTS' GLOVES, Gents' Furnishings, i;rc, Which they are Selling at a Small . Advance ou Kasteni Cost FOR THE HOLIDAYS! LADIES' AND CUILDIlEN'o FURS AT COST! I THE EAGLE WORKS MANUFACTURING COMPANY CHICAGO. Slnniji Mill", Hock BrrnUcrk, nml nil oilier latent Improvfrt Mlnliiff Mnrtiiurrj-, C r.-ulr.r S.-.-w Simb Kcpin--:. f!ri- y.:. I.atl-.f. riitncr. iJri i-. i iim nil oihcr Inri'i-- f.i i,ja;ijintr a! -'Iaii-("netm-ei-' I'rlrm, Plnn? nri'l .vi l.( m i ff-r mills end in:i-.'hiucry in:i-.'hiucry furm-he I. D. M. HURLBUT, Agent, Hummer's B.u l.n- Jlnn-e, I.-t Eat til-dl til-dl 0 CHASE, KAhFCRO & CO., 479 South Canal St., CUICAGO, H en dqn for Oils, Paints, uiass, Sc, MaoiitAjuiron of the cejiwtd WILSON Oil. TA N K . MISCELLANEOUS. THE WEED SEWING MACHINES For Family and Manufacturing Purposes, Ktuln. ly all itini is new and novel in iSib( ' AliU'UiBSs. They ure the laiest iti!rovd , ani linhio'l running ihuillc ninchiiio!' in lha , world. Bcuuiiful ut.ii coiupiu-t iu irirl and unexcelled m material And finish. Thry 5C everyihine from hico to beaver cloth in tho moat perfect manner. ttvry variety of He mm lit g, Kelltug, Quilting, Cording, RDflllng, Piping, Tubing, Prluglng, Hem Stitching etc., tail ly pel form cel. Straight Needle. No Cog-wheels, : NO VIKllATtSU SPHl.(i. Bvery M.tthine Warranted a Itepre.-cn'.cd. Saiesi-OOin Oit Flrsi SoulU Street Suit Lake City, opposite the New Heat lUnrkei. j IRA PFOUTZ, jiiylS A K COLLEGE SCRIP! ; pREEMPTORS will save $16 ou ; -t each quarter section by buying . Acricultnraf Colleee Scrip. Air1y to TUB BANK OF DKSEKET, 15 Successor to Uoopor, Eldrodso A Co i I $25 SAVED ISy Buying THE WILSON Lock Stitch Shuttle SEWING MACHINE AT J. Davxes & Co.'s Two dor. n.t of Po.t Oltlo., yAI.T LAKE CI'XY. Warranted for Five Years ! C'AL&JVZ SEli MEM. FIRE INSURANCE. Merchants' Ejchanee Buildlnt. Fire and Marine Insurance. CAPITAL, - . f 050,000. JOHN H. REDDTNOTON. - President. CIIAltLER It. H'lXlllY. - - - fiecrotiiry. OF). II. HOWA11I). - - Vfro-PrMident. N. II. EDDY, - - - Murine Secretory. H.U. DIUKLOW. - General Manager. H. R. MANN, Agent for Utah Territory, OHIce, uiultrtlic KcAdlng Hoomi, ju 28 tialtLftkeCfly SALT LAKE BRANCH OF THE Great Western -FIRE INSURANCE COT, OF CHICAGO. T1IKO. V. 1 rtAUV, Frt.iaent C. II. 8 VSliT r. ) IIK.VKV W.LAWIIKliE Ulrector. C11AS. L. UAltLKJl, J I MARSHALL. A C A KTEK, A ttorn.)-.. II. K. n A MS, M.ii.Ker. Under Salt Lake Reading Rooms. I A Branch of this SOUND and JIKU-i JIKU-i ABLE ! $5,000,000 COMPANY Having Ixxra orffarjiicd in our city, we are bow ready for business and oarn-I oarn-I estly solicit public patronage, gnarin-' gnarin-' teeing that all fire rwks wil! be can- cd l i fair rate. H. R. MANN, 1 h4 M&r. 3. 09 O O O within Ihc past year. 5f:ti:.-. A-:rnc:i'i. ,K;i:e l'.':h. 1-71. THE TftS e E R 31anufact;iriiii; Company. A.T THE "WOIiXjID'S FAIR Cjaf bj- itc 1 iats of tiiepto; :t Received the Great Award of ths Eishest Sales AeJ cave left all rival far behind, then.. Sold in 1870 127,833 Machines ! Sewing Machine Sales for IS70. "1'bf tnifiltaLle tonhicb t mauuf u-ttir. ofeR-iue m.ic'.ines aiiiinci .iion t-y tbo "worn" returns (: whita u ij- oi.ocui h,o fccct-..) o! lc ciaitu-ntturerf t T the year lalo to ;u, owners 01 lUe lcidtn iniiats. -in wai ti iIjcj- py a rov.my. Ar-oordini Ar-oordini to these rt lurof lie nu;ober tua- cLinte fo.d by Mcb iU3naiac;nr.-r IvO it a follow: The Singer - - IiiJ.3.T riorei.ee .... 17 ,vo Whevler i Wilssa .v...oS .uii(jai - - - Heve ... ;. t c (rover JL' Baker - 57. J i; , j, -e . . . Weed - I 1 ia!i:e A LrOU " 2 (1 WllcMJtflibb . Li.K'J r.ri.aa - - . ,:,) AmericaDUutiobo'c a OrcrtcaiiiinE i!soe .... ',!(; And fcvcrl other cuiuiAiiie4 woo sold a few inarbinev. It will be eea by this table that tlie popularity of the Mnji r uiacliltu a fnr re feeds (1ml of all oiheia, their lale t-ins one-half gi rnirr than even ihst of the famous "Wheeler Jt Wilson"' machine. This is owici; ie the fact that ti:e Mn'r Company have iaiety eonimcr.ce.l tuak inE. btfidea ihoir o'd und wcll-e tb! i,hed maniifaotariDR tu vcbioe, wUa: in kuown a their "iew t aiu 1 1- .Mcbl w hieb In hfIIIii at the rate. .f nine to ont bctlrnhau tlicli old aiyla. Tnoir tal sale; for S;i were S"' TSl .cschinea njain.M tbe lJT.&r. of ISTo, .hou lng autneiease of oue-liall in the latter year." "Now York Sud." Oiie-llalf of our Gigantic 8alcs, THREE-QUARTERS OF A MILLION IIacliiiies Sold, AND Jfj j JT E" IE : Jft 3 jl. JK . Wtrt md wtthlii the jmit three yeara. Untile tireatot 1nrveae or our ShUm our nil Other -line htn r, Uclmr AVItliin the lni( rnr. Tine la Inconteattlilc Proof that Uur Machioes Are tho lieat in the World. THE 1VEV FAMILY SKGEIt SEAVIaVG MACillMi iyi(h attachments for all kiiuls cf work, Ulatl r innins t.ureine favor in tho household, U ehowa by the rapidly In.rea'inr Hiilos, over all other inaehint.s. This Family Jlaciilne is now cupabls of a ranse sod variety ..f w.-rk uueh was only recently tliouRht inipoiblo m i.oriorm by 111 u-hi :cry WoeUim 'm.l'o in (how th.il it is the chcapcit. most beautiful, dulioiuely urratJKCil. Iiiticly attju-irj oiorated..-peedy,AliasiiiOtfthIy ruoniiiB 01" all tHe t'anily Sow ins M aoanie.-. li is reiiut ab:o nut only lirtho ranno nud vanoiy of i;s sowinc, but a-ioririo rnricty and a if ferent kiuds of toituro which it will szw with equal f.iciliiv aid pi-rreoti .n uMnn silk twist, liuon or cotton thread, hue nr co irso, making tho"inuTlojek.eil-eiamilo-atltch, alike on both sides of tho brio n-wn; tho o:ih- mhc)i wlcu is uinver-hv approved, or is nt all adapted tir lrt-clis -work. Ihun. beaver clotb, or Jcithi-r may be sown with great eircncth und umtoiuiity of flucu. ami. ia 11 jmnuprn inti willing and noi-er-wcuryins in-trument may bv adjumd tr tino uik mi jauit or cosr-a-uior tissue, or tho tuckiun of tarlaia:(, or mill -rig. or alumsl any oihor 'vnrK-ovm m-a m-a child whieh dclicaio 8nger h ivo lci-n kji.iwn lo purMnu. Kvn thu titreleha and thought leua Ituvc llltln or nu uoubtc 011 (111, niKchliie. Send for Descriptive and .Vies CtraKars, " Wemannfaeturoour ovrn naedlcr, silk and t.'.t: fuini.-h lim-n nnd cr,i,-n threat nnd oil-all of superior qualitr -but whk-li cm bo roiiod oa on.y waVn oiamed mrouith our Principal orBrancli Olhow, or Agoucivo. OTHER SEWINQ MACHINES RPA!RD ON; R4S0?UBLE TERMS. We Guarantee every Machine we sell to give entire satisfaction. MACHINES DEL1VKRED KliEE THKOUUUOUT THE CTTY. TERMS TO SUIT ALL. We extend a oordl il invitation to all lo come and mo tho MM.-hino-. win'thrr they wifih to buy or noU See alt oihera, but lo not buy wtthottt 3 itu examine the Singer. Visitor- always politc'y attended by eotnp'lent Htton''.'iit. Instrnettnn free. AH Alaclilia jierfectly adjuuled before delivery nl t SINGER SEWING MACHINE DEP'T, I C. M. I. GENERAL AGENTS, Two doors south of Englo Emporium, Wolt Lnke City, Utalv. 11. B. OLAWSON. yin.niut.nflnt. BENEDICT, HALL & COT. MANUl'ACTURERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Kos. 134 aud 130 GiUAKii S'i'H l'AVly One Block Kftfil of lirna.iw,i, 1 NEW YORK. RIGGS, LECHTENBERG & CtL WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN GROCERIES, WINES, Eiitiuors, Tobacco, ycyars, AND STAPLE DRY GOODS. MINERS' OUTFITTING GOODS ! Parties dcfiirinR to purchase will do well to inspect our Mock, wfiicli in complete in every department, ONE DOOR SOUTH OF SAVAGE & OTTIfiGtRS. 23 JAMKS UAOUB, Jun. J. II. HAGUE, (iK'Jtt'H. HAtjnf Big Grixn Store I HAGUE BROTHERS, L, A T K J A M KM I i A O I J K , Importora and Donloriu ixx GUNS, PISTOLS. AMMUNITION, 11 1. flSEIlfi Tiffli Klc. t 0 VAv. Saddles, Harness AND WHIPS OF EVERY DKSCIUITIOA'. REPAIRS KEMLY EXECUTED. ,s East Temple Street. Salt Lake City. Z. C. lil i. BOOT AUD SHOE Dopartmout, itt tJo nitu of THE "BIG BOOT." Kver;-flyle and q'Oiiutj ol Ulmjlh aud fchuos jAU. Ju UJU'f.t . n-,'. . tion guaniiiiGcci. 4J.WATS ON HAND A LM.OB AND CWlVt hTriCK r? TIOME-MADElmiuiidBOOTSAIvD SHOES I A FULL, S:0KT.MKNT OK jShoa Findings, Horse Ct Hars and all kinds Dl Leather' I ix inns nted. |