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Show AiTivnl unrt Closius of Mails. AKBIYALS. laat Through luall, dally, 7; 10 p.m.- Local Ogdon, Echo City, W Match and Morgan coautj, daily, I:4u " and Tliuradny, 7:40 " ffoit TlirouifU mail, daly, 1U:13 a.m Local Woat Jordan aud Herrimau, Ttiuriday, 7:10 p.m. Tooolo co'y, daily, except Sunday, 11:00 p.m. QrauUfllle, Saturday, 8:00 p.Di North Idaho, Muutaaa, Oregon aud Washington Wash-ington Territory, dally, 10: IU a.m. Local UavUi aud Box Elder coanllea, daily, 10-.10a.in. Cucbo county, Mvuday, Thunday and gHturdity, 10.10 .tn. Rich county, Monday nml Thuraday " " South To Piocho, dHily 7.10 p.m. St. George aud Arizona, alternate day, 7:10 p.m. Sanixile county, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, 7:10 p.m. Etklr&eld and Oodar Valley, Friday, 740 p.m CLOSING , eutThrongli moll, dally, tl p.m Local Ogdon, Murgau couuly, Kcho City and Waaaloh, daily, " Sumuilt and Woautch oounlki, Monday aad Wodueaday, " Weal California and NeTada, Through mail, and Ogdon, dally, 1:80 " Local Woat Jordan and Herri man, Ihuraday, a ja Tooolo, Stockton and QranlsTilla, daily, except 8uuday &00 " North Idaho, Mb u tana, WaabJugtou and Oru-oD. dallv. 1:80 D.m. Local Day i a aud Wttber conutlei, dally, fcOQ " Box Elder couuty, dally, 1:30 " Cucbo county, Bunday, Tuesday and Thursday, 1:30 " Rich county, Tuoiday and Thurs. 1:30 " Si nlh 1'iocho, etc., dally, 6:80 a.m St. George and Arlaoua, alternate days, 6:5X) " Sanpolo couuiy, Mouday, Wujuoavjay and Friday, fi:W " fKirdoldaudOidarV,ylWeduMday,6:3a " 07FICB 1I0HRS. 0 our rat Delivery open from 8 a.in. to 0 p Mi. flan tiny, 1'J to 1 p.m. Money Order and Rvgialry Dvparlmaut open Trom 9 oau. to 1 p. in. Outaide door open from 0 a.m. to 0 p.m. '"TK&u,. Ofllco, Salt Lake Oily, Utuli. |