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Show PAUFIO COAST SEWS. ! FIRST DISPATCU. " ' ' - ' CALIFORNIA.' ' j San Fiaucisoo, J7. It is rumored that the parties charged with piracy at Magdalcr.a bay by parties connected with the Lower California company will prosecute certain parties lot a grossly libelous article concerning them published by one of the morning papers. j I'etahima.lT.--J.N. Steward, a hard- j ware merchant of this place, met with a shocking aceidont last night which 1 will undoubtedly prove fatal. Having : been in attendance on his sick wife he ' went, to bed late and while a.-dcep, it is , supposed, he got up and walked out of ' the window. uiiolakiDg it Ibr tho door, i falling 13 lect to the ground aud break- inr; his back. Los Angeles, 10. Tho iilueti of1 judgo Morrison has become alarming. ; A consultation of physicians to-day re- i gards it doubtful if he can live. Stockton, 10. Williams, who shot and killed tho hands at Mokolumne I station, was examined before justice I Brown to-day and held to answer bo-! foro the next grand jury in the sum of c0,0u0. Being unable to procure suretios ho was lodged in jail. - Mis3 S. B. Anthony's lecture at ; Hickman's hall, to-night, was plimly attended- AKIZONA. Petal uma, 10. The Arizona Miner, dated Present t, i)h, confirms the previous pre-vious reports that an Ajwche onief has tome in upon the reservation at ! Canada and Alamos, and that ho ro- j mains at tlu; extreme weern limit, rfady Ibr a night at any moment. On the tr'til of Wainwright for tho murder of Robert Laydon on Saturday morning the jury brought iu a verdict of guilty. The discovery of new silver ledges i on tho Gila create great exeitemeut , in that vicinity. Tho Bismarck silver j mine, ono of the new discoveries, has i ' been sold in San Francisco. A report reached Prescott on the 1th that the Apaches and Mohaves on Creek reservatiou, a party of whom murdered the stage passengers near j , Wickenburg, have all tied to the moun- ' i tain.. The orders from headquarters to wage war on the hostile Indians were joyfully received throughout ' , Arizona. MilV a. u a . Uremia, 17. Thomas Harris wis strangled to death to-day by ihe explosion explo-sion ol'giaut powder in Smith & Co s. mine. Eureka, 17. Lal night N. H. ; Sweeney shot and wounded Tim Fin- 1 negan in the shoulder. Finncgan was 1 not dangerously wounded. .MJnJujf Sracki. Sau Francisco, IS. 7;i0 Pioche, lu, ; yL io, b. :;o, 10, b. .10. 1 Kentuck, Iti.O. 110 Hale k Noreros-i, 119, 120, 120. b. 30. IK'iO Jackson, 11, H, b. lu, li, L , ; b. 10. i 15 Chollar, '6Z1-. I 1395 Eureka Con., 22',, 212, 2i!, !2H. I , 30 Mahogany, 17, b. CO, 17i, b. 30. ; ! 40 Con. Virginia, 14, 143, b. 30, 1 i 14, s. 30. j i 1320 Raymond & Ely, 09, b. 30, tVM, , OS, b. 3, C'J, b. 30, 07, OS, b. 30, Olij, .' 1 Go, 05, b. 30. ' 900 Knickerbocker, M, b. 30, 1.1. i 105 Gould & Curry, JOT, 10-1, 102-'., ! . 100, b. 30. ! ! 135 Meadow Valley, 20.1, 27, b. 30, ; 120 Jacket, 02, 01;, (, : 200 Lillian Hall, 1. 200 Independent, 41, b. 30, 4. I 30 Point, 400 405, 420. b. 30, 430, b. 30. 1 040 Ida Ellmore, 11, 11;;, IU, JU, i b. 30, 11 . i 100 Caledonia. J4. 14;. I 15 PhoMiix, 3i, 4, b. 30. 5 Savage, 47. 4S0 Seg. Belcher, 30, 3t)t, 37, b. I 30. : 230 Uoldeu Chariot, 2-1, b. 30, 24i, ! b. 30, 234, 24. i 45 Overman, 31, 32, b. 3. 45 Ophir, 27i, 28. 30 Succor, 43, b. 30, 4.V. 300 Buckeye, 4CL b. 30. 100 War Eagle, 7, 7. 13 Nonpariel, 41. 050 Washington & Creole, 4L 41, b. 30, 4.V, 4A, b. 30. 00 Yule, 11. 50 South Chariot, 3. ! |