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Show LIGHTNING FLASHES. Fugeuie sailed from Gibralter on the ' 10th for Kngiand. Parliament is ejected to meet on tin; second week of February. A Frote.-lant ' church lias beeu opened in the city of Mexico. F is reported that es-seeretary Sew- , ard lies very low from paralysis at Au- . bui'u. A vuku no in 1-u.iva inland was in full t-iupiioii on ilie Itith of November. Nov-ember. 1 Tho itjjioit is duuitxl thai tlie Czaro- ' vitch made an assault upon prince Uervop. llenry'f. Tuekci man, a well known scholar, died in New York Sunday, aJ oS. ". ' ' - " ; By th-j explosion ofa new bo'dev.ma glue factory in Chicago Saturday two men were killed.1 ' All French ecclesiastics and heads of commercial establishments are to bo exempt from military service. A decree of the government of Mexico postpones the closing of Mag-didena Mag-didena bay, Lower California. Joe Coburn &iys he has entirely given up prize fighting, and will take no notice of Kelly's challenge. The extreme legitimists will secede from the ministerial party in case the Duke de Aumale is chosen its leader. It is reported that Calacazy has been ordored to leave America after accompanying accom-panying the grand duke to St. Louis. Nearly the whole town of Rakodote, Japan, with property valued at half a million dollaid has been destroyed by lire. Forty or fifty Chinamen quit the work of clearing tho U. P. road on Sunday near Medicine Bow on account of tho cold. Very few cinch have yet been presented pre-sented to tho United States and Spanish Span-ish claims' commission and none havo been decided. Tweed will be arrested on losoparatc indictments Ibr felony. His counsel i will mako every effort to keep him from i actual incarceration. All tho important matters before congress will go over until after the recess, us many of the members will go homo on Wednesday, It is reported that tho two years' lease of Samana bay, San Domingo, having expired, tho Unitod Statos flag has been hauled down. The recovery of the Prince of Wales continues and tho Queen was to leavo Windsor Castlo for Osborne to-day to spend Christmas there. Rev. Dr. McFlynn, of St. Stephen's R. C. Churoh, N.Y. Sunday denounced ! tho reading of the bible in the public; schools as unconstitutional. i The census returns give the wool j crop of the Unitod States for 1S70 at 101,284,GTS lbs., including 3",929,G'1T lbs., from tho North Western States. . i ! The aldermen of Brooklyn are taking j i measures to cheek tho spread of tho small-pox, which appears to be as prev- j alent among the wealthy as the poorer j classes. j A committee of investigation has re-1 ported to tho South Carolina lcgisla- j lure that the Stato has been defrauded j totlm amount of $314,000 by tho over issue of bonds. Tho English home secretary will likely request parliament to give him authority to expel Carl Marx from tho United Kingdom; he is now under the waleh of the police. The Loudon agents of tho International Interna-tional society report that tho French army 1b composed of republicans and imperialists, the latter having by far the largest number. A majority of the French assembly are averso to returning to Paris, and it has b?en arranged that they will remain re-main at Yersailca, while the executive department will be romoved to Paris. Dr. Marvin, an old practitioner ef Omaha, has been missing since Friday; he is supposed to have fled to avoid arrest for procuring abortion on a young lady who hail died during the opera-j opera-j " I The French bark Costa Kica was t run into Sunday night off the Isle of Wight and was Bunk, 17 of her crew being drowned. The strange vessel hurried off, making no attempt at assistance. as-sistance. A New York special says that the backbone of the Mexican reboltion has been broken and Diaz is losing favor with his adherents, and many doubtful military commanders have pronounced-: for Juarez. The lord lieutenant of Ireland has issued a proclamation forbidding all processions and assemblages in Londonderry. London-derry. The Catholics aro not feared, but tho Derry boys, who might mako somo offensive demonstration. In a fit of despondency, being unable to obtain work, Charles Marrile, who was burned out at the Chicago lira, shot himself dead on Sunday. His sick wife crawled into his room and found him dead. She became a raving maniao. It is said by a correspondent that the grave of Castanop, for the desecration desecra-tion of which the students were shot has not been in the slightest degree disturbed, as was stated by the Spaniards. Span-iards. Everything about the grave is in perfect order. American minister. De Long is about to visit the United States to confer with tho President in reference to tho revision of tho treaties with Japan, and a commission from that country on the same business will also be sent to all tho treaty powers. The residence of Johu Edsall, of Ridgeueld, N.- J., was entered by burglars on Thursday aud robbed of money and notes valued at $1C0,000. Edsall, Sr; years of ago, was chloroformed. chloro-formed. LTo was a resolute man and always slept wiih a pistol under his pillow. U i.-; said that after the defeat of Tammany, Fi.k and Gould attempted to form a combination with tho II am-sey am-sey part.y -of -tho Susquehanna railroad, promising to discontinue tho Erie Buils against them and expel Tweed, and bring the Ramsey party into the direction; direc-tion; but these negotiations -were terminated ter-minated by information ofa new English Eng-lish combination of Erio stockholders. |