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Show M'ECTA L iVOTICE Claimants of Real Estate in Salt Lake City. A. S. GOULD & SON, Easi Temple :t., Roid'i buildiag,' ARE prepared to draw, iu trict sccord-ant.8 sccord-ant.8 wilb law, the neocsary duclura-lion duclura-lion of all persons claiming to be entitled to any portion of the lands included in the entry of the town site of Salt Lake City, maJi U Hljh. D. II. Welle, Mayor. tlH CHEAP ADVERTISING. I Advertisements under tliia beading aot exceeding five lines, fifty cents for jacb and every iaiertioD. Kach ad-litiona! ad-litiona! line ten cents. ( . WASTED. AGlltL TO DO GENERAL 110U3E-wora. 110U3E-wora. Apply to Mm. CotLlntr, lit Weit itreet, nearly opo?ite Ueortfe y.Csnnon'e" residene. dU A GOOD COOK, WUO CO ALSO DO the wadhinK and Ironlnn for a small family. Apply to Thomas I 'itch. . dlJ FOR EEST. 'TWO OR THREE PLEASANT ROOMS. L with board, in a uew and nicely Gushed hi.ue. Rol"cr?uca k'iveu and reuuired. Apply Ap-ply at this Otli;e. dt9 FARM TO RENT. OR ON SHARES. PoaseisluQ iinmttduUely. Enquire at tbis Otlice. alT ATW'O-ROOMED HOUSE. AND FtlR-Dlturo FtlR-Dlturo for in a cbeap. Apply at ihU Ulhee. did A HOUSE FOR RENT AND FURNITURE J.. lor nale near centre ol'bitfineis. House contains tea rooms aud new and elegantly fur-ni.'bed fur-ni.'bed throusbnut, will bo sold at a. ureal bargain on ae:ount of departure. Apply to A. C. True i Co., Real Kdiate Office. nxt door to Pacific House, Main St. dl2 IJOOMS EN SUITE. OR SINGLE, THQR-1 THQR-1 ouifhly furnisho.t. to families or monthly month-ly lodgers, with or without board. Enquire lit lb U uffice. or of Mrs. Louisa Spenurr. west Kide First Kaal street, botwooa Third and Fourth South. da A NEW TWO-STOKV HOUSE OF j-i. twelve roomn, tlugaatly linlshed, in-oludiut' in-oludiut' bath room and collar, with grounds S-'-a fet front by foot deop, with larije stable and tiue orchard; situated north, adjoining ad-joining Win. Jonniiigd' roaidonce neir the depot. For particulars apply to L- S- Hills ut De.ierot Paul:, or at F. Littlo'a ofllce dS THEATRE. Tuesday Ev'jr, Dec. If), '71, LAST NIGHT BUT ONE OP THE Talented mid Wondorful Petite Artiste, La Petite Marion Tho srreat dclfnoitor of Irish oharactor, AXD Till NATHAN JUVENILE TROUPE MR. W. C. DUDLEY. ' ' MR. E. C. MELVILLE. ; MRS. NATUAN. The pcrforiaaooc will connusnce with the . polite serio-comic L'-aot oruinn, euliiled . -j 1 AH DY BLAKE After wblob Che laueliable farce, : John Hiillei'cup! To conclude nlth the liiuglialde eomedietto, -entitled AN OBJECT OF INTEREST ! Ii eiijged, and will shortly apiiear, Mr. OLIVEIt DOVl) HYRON, In MoCloskey'B t'real Crania, entitled "ACROSS THE CONTINENT." i ARGEXTA LODGE, No, 21, 1 STATED COMMUNfCATIOX of Ar-I Ar-I cL gonta LoJk. Ko. 2. wilt bo held this Tt-'EdDAY oveninK, at Mason io llall, Eait Temple street, f Membors of sister lodges and Eojnurninit brothren are cordially invited 10 attend. H. H.SJIAW, W.M. , dl!' A. ti. GOULD, Sec'y. WPW. P. APPLEBY, Attorney -at-1, aw, HAVING provided liimoir ittb saUiilile Dianss, is prcpicd to draw UP i Declnritlory St atrmeuf s of Applicants Appli-cants far Ueeild to City lota. j Ouice EnstTempIo Sfreot, first door norlh of Comuicroe Building. . dlii UTfl'rl CENTRAL RAILROAD NOTTCE., A FT Kit Jnnuary Ut, 1872, the Coupons of J-X. Lhe Utah Central Railroad Bonds .will be paid at the Bank of De?eret. GEORGE SWAN, Secretary. -Salt Lake City, V. '., December nth, 1ST1. dl(! Emerald Hill Mining Company, LOCATION of Work. Suit Lake county, Utah Territory. Nktice Thire are delinquent, upon the ' following described .Stock on nocouut ofAa- Kc?3ment levied m tho rd day of November, 1 171, tho several amounts sot opposite th : names of l!ie resiiectivo Shareholders, as fallows: fal-lows: NtuncH. No.Oci'liUciilo. No. Shares. Amount. M. C. Hmith 8 1--.7 1o 7U H.B.JlawkinslC 1307 ' 70 And in acoordancc with law, and art order of tho Board of Trustees, made on the ord day of November, 1871. so many Bhares of c:ich parcel ofsuid stock as may be necessary will bo (old at public auction by John Mid-dleton Mid-dleton & Son, at No. 31U Montgomery struot. San Francisco. California, on tho llnd day of January. 1S72. at the hour of 1 o'olook, p.m. of said day, to pay said delinquent assessment assess-ment thereon, together with uorits of udver-tising udver-tising and expenses of sale. P. MADGE, Secretary. OAicc, No. Ol Morchants' Esuhnnge. Cnlit'ornia strcut, San Francisco. Cal. d!7 IN. & E. BOUKOFSKY, i ; . . Wholcsnle Dealers !.- , . WINES, LIQUORS, CIGAES AND TOBACCO, Second South Street, SALT LAKK CIXY, i , Three door, ivegt of Walker Ero'.. s5 : i inert v ; iioom TO IiENT. JOHN TAYLOR & BRO., Merchant Tailors, l COHflEECIAL STREET, KEEP consi:iTitly on hnil a choice assortment assort-ment of FRICNCil, ENGLISH and j AMttUlUAN i Cloths, Casslmeres, Vestings,Etc, Of the Gnejtimali ties ana latest sty 1, which we mako up to order in the most fashionable and approved manner. JS-PATHnNrAOT: .SOUC1TKD-? MISCELLANEOUS. HOHACli POTTER, : ! REAL ESTATE ACE NT. Cjo)ica- rarifuUy drawn op Dr iho Fnle cJ LoIok of Hauto n4 Lou, 3tors, Ofllce atiJ T-inJi. Lcju t-EoliulcJ. 0! KIOB-No. Tatlor'i BullUInf. opppocllo Sn.ll EQi. tftlt Lklu City. tli Declaratory Statements PROPF.RLY made out for owners of city l.U.in couforruity with Public A'o. tlce f Son. E. Smith, Probat Judge, published in the Salt Lake LUkilD, November Nov-ember ;3th. CLAYTON A JuNASSON. OFFWR-fVurth door south of Uodbe'i Corner. NEW FRUITS, FIRST-CLASS &B0CEuIESJPR0YISI0E G . W. DAVIS Boi- U announce anolbr urrlfiU uf ItHUtDI. t'urrKuU, Sploe, GUNPOWDER TEA, Cofler, Uaroii, Uunii, I.rtl, Frvth lliiliei, JEc, &c. Aud u full line oTsoods Tor the season, nil of the very best iiuulity and I'rcsh. Call aud 53 jc.iiii3LXe. ;OUUU DELI VKKKO FltUlC. C. W. DAVIS, Two Doors from Kimball t&Ijawre.nce't ds THROUGH THE BLOCKADE ! Teasdel & Co. Areuow recelvtnK nn imioenae (tuantity of SPLENDID Winter Dress Goods, Dry Goods, Ribbons, Furs and Notions, U.30 CHRISTMAS GROCERIES, STAPLE AND FANCY Confectionery, Fruits and Its. THE BLEES SEWING MACHINE SALESROOMS Are now open and replete with a full as-gorttnent as-gorttnent in sJlstylea. acknowledged by all to be oue of the best Machines of the day. Cali and examine before purchasing. Teasdel & Co,'s GENTS' FURNISHING DEFT, Ie Dow operj oue door loutli of the Eagle lloate. Clothing, Hats, Caps, Boots & Shoes, Carpets, Oil Cloths & Matting. LiiUie. will do well to examine our stock of SHOES, BOOTTJSES, 8L1PPJ5BS, : &c, &o. Teasdel & Co., EAGLE HOUSE, 65, 67 & 69 East Temple St. . . . WEST BIUB. ! T O Y S ! TOVS I :for Tor Girls and Boys I AND QOOD Are now opoo aod ' AT DANIEL GRENIG'S BAKE11Y WJKST SIDE COMMERCIAL STREET, Near Second tJoutl, tre.t, rarll SALT L&KB OfTY, CALDER BRO'S COLUMN. Holi&aY PRESENTS ! "NVo aro in receipt of ilie iiovml complete com-plete editions nftho Standard Authors .)u.4 issue.l by J.eavilt. Tliis ferries oiubrrtce llic wnrks of Be oil, 31 II ton, ; Moorr, Cowprr, J Oiihvtr, Smolltll, Fleliliiitc, ,Tos.'plius, Rolllu, lite, ; Kach complete in one royal octavo vol., bound in tho most approved style, nnd ntlho UnprececLented Low Price ; Cloth extm - SZ.UO j Library Slicep - 2.75 j Also ft iiuu stock of j JUVENILE BOOKS Single and in acts, and bound in Iho best cloth. TOY BOOKS i Printed on Linen Cloth in iine Oil Colors a large variety to select from. Writing Albums! The most comploto, elegant and do-Eirablo do-Eirablo assortment published. Prices from $1.50 to $2.50 Each "Wo have, to aelect from, llio Jinest and largest stock of SCHOOL REWARDS Erer brought into the country, embracing em-bracing the publications of L. Prang & Co., T. JSeUon & Hon?, American Tract i Society, &c. i OurStofk of 1 MUSICAL GOODS Is complete, and consist , in jiarl., PIANOS Of iho Iiileat-improvod Sirica ; OBGAUS Of tho best makers ; From Italy, France and Germany. Guitars, Banjos, Flutes, Accordeons, Concertinas, Harmonicans, 4nJ r bivge lot of Cheap Instruments For the Boys ! Froiseth's New Sectional ' AND ' - ' Topographical : Map of Utal, Mounted anil In pocket form-, aleo M I N I N C M AP, Showing tlie several mining Dtntrlcia. I ! Received nnd expected daily, a laryo and pi end id Block of . MASON & HAMLIN'S erXHBRATBb ORGANS I . Embracing Ten 1) iff trail Styles, which tvn ojfer at MaiiufaetnrcrK1 Prices llclivercJ in tlii.-i city. FOK $125. Piyo OcUvo, Uouble Kecd, Five Stops, (Viola, Diapason, Aloloda. i'luto, Tremulant,) with two buI.-i vibrators throughout, ono of four feet pitch and ono of eight foot ; from prepared metal and riveted with iron, und not merely i stamped out of brasa. Tremulant and Knee Swell ; Geif-adjuting reed valve: improved bellows. Solid black walnut case throughout, paneled front and sides, with carved mouldings and ornaments, orna-ments, carved antes. WARRANTED IN EVERY RESPECT FOR FIVE YEARS, and Only $125. Jfctf Wc respectfully solicit the public pub-lic to call and examine our poods For the Holidays. ! CALDER BROS.! Christmas arid Hew Year Daily Arriving at Z. C.M.I. Clothing Department, Gentlemen's Suits, Youths" Suits, , Boys' ami Children's Suits. OVERSHIRTS AND UNDERCLOTHING, Dross Shirts,' Collars and Cutts. A erni viirioiy of Men''. Tuulli' and Bojs' HATS AND CAPS ! HATS AND CAPS ! Ooiiiloriot-s Scarfs nnd Neck TLv, -very auiiaMe Tor Christmas nnd New V car's Gifts. Particular atlnulion directed to the "lilobe" and "Extra" l'rizo Collars. 1SL. A NK KTS and IU I FAI.O HOIiES A henulilnl assoiluient of T.adic.s nnd Gentlemen' Trunks. See the Novelty Trunk at $3.75. CARPETS AND FLOOR CLOTHS. Chinchillas, Beavers and Cassimeres The Isrctt in Uli.li. All kinils ol" UMiticmt'ir ami Bys' Clutliing Madf to Order in (lie Kovwt styles. A LARGE ARRIVAL OF GENTS' BOOTS AND SHOES. II. 11. Cl-MVtiN. Smcrintenilpnt. Basaar Universelk IST'l VS- WpHQalldurlni the "' CHRISTMAS HOLIDAYS Open a very fine selection of most seasonable, useful and ornamental articles suitable for I ES S 3 3?yS ! RARE AND CHOICE IN DESIGN. Some of tho features of our lost year's Bazaar will be resumed, while new and attractive additions will conduce to make this the most delightful resort for persona wishing to purchase HOLIDAY GIFTS. :- .. jm; We havo carefully soleotod Novolties from thesoulh gf A-r-V1-J ' SWITZERLAND, ; ENULAND, JAPAN, Ol II IN A and our HOME MARKETS, Presenting such an array from these different marts as must meet the wants ol' the most critical. Vie shall also display tome olecntil Silks, Poplins, Satins, Ball Dresses, Shawls, Etc., From the best looms of the now and old world. LADIES' HANDKERCHIEFS AND GLOVES Tn e'osaut iifruixed boscf will furm one ef the most diatinolive featuros of thia Eipoeition. .V ja.; a. b-.' V MC ut Mf r MC Jt V Jo beautiful varieties. SI3L."VEIi A.lsri PLATED WAKE. In this ve expect to eland pre erolnout for ityle. price und i;oful variety. This Gallery of Art will he Opened Dec. 21st,1871 And held each el-ruing till January 2, 1872. ii. u. cr,Avsu.v, s.ipt. Z. C. ftl. I. lUlftll Uvy (Jooili U()'l. Madame Josephine Edmonds, INDIAN AND BOTANIC PHYSICIAN. 20 Years Practice j IN tho treatment of diseases incident In i Females, has placed Madumo Edmonds . at tho head of nil physicians manina Bitch priiotioo a Bpecialir, and ODablea her to . guarauteo a speedy and permanent cure in ' tho worst cases of suppressions, and all other mensturol derangement!. Ladies will find in Madamo Edmonds a. skillful physicinn, and it is for their interest to consult her in all diseases incident to women, before tampering tam-pering with'poiaonoua nostrums, nuacltDoc- tors and humbugs. Madame Edmonds de-Ecribos de-Ecribos disease without any information ! from tho patient, and cures without the nse , of mercury or experiments, thus saving from wrong treatment for private. chroDic and: cancer diseases. Correspondence striaLly ' oonlidential. OOico and residence White House, itain stroot, up stairs. Patients visitod at their residence when desired. : xrirDoctor Edmonds, MadamoJosephine fl . husband, will attend to mole patients. ; oct3 LEGAL fJOTlCE. DURING MY ABSENCE FROM THIS city my proiosaional enangements here will be attended to bv Uov. J. Kccly Johnson. O'lice: Boom No. . Trowbridge building. W, HAY DON, Deo. 13th, lfj'l. Attorncy-at-Law, VICK'S FLORAL GUIDE For 18TL OVKM. OSE ItCNDAED PAGES, Printed In Two Colors, on superb Tinted Paper. Four hnndrcrt Knyi-aTlnK' of Flowers, Plants and Vegetablet, wi Ih Descriptions, and TWO COLORED PLATES. Direction and plans for making Walks. Lawns, Hardens, ela. Tho handsomest and bw?t FLOilAL GUIDE io iho world. All for Ten Ceuti, to those who think of buy iog Seeds. Not a quarter the cost. 2CO,'O0 soldoflSH. Address JAMES VI CK, 12 IlocUeator, K. Y. WALKEE BEO'S. Vo invite attention . JVrA-a-WIFICEISrT STOCK or FANCY GOODS ! Consisting in part of Fringes, Ribbons, Velvets, Satins, Silks, Laces, Etc, Etc.,,,; -. : Wiiicli we uro Selling at Prices that will compata with any City In the Union. - WOOLEN AND COTTON DOMESTICS At a Slight Advance on Cost. WALKER BRO'S. M AY JL O R .:'B It Have on hand tho i Largest and Most Complete Stock in the City OF 7AGON TIMBER IRON OF ALL SIZES, Wbiohtliey offer A. T VEPtT LOW PBICES; KIHST EAST 8TREKT, HALK-A-HhOOK SOUTH OF THEATRE m20 |