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Show MEDICAL. J. D. THOMPSON, Ma Q., I'll VSIUi AH AM"D SKKOKQN, UtVorx bin professional hottIcoj to the peoil ci bull Lnko Ulir, KwtiJoDao at Bolivar Hnliirt.-' brick liouia, opposite St. Mark'i Chuiuli. juja 0. C. ORMSBY, M.D. L'llYSlClAW, SUKOKOK AUD DKUUOltJT, UIL1U1IA.3I OITV, UTAH. F. II. SI3I3IONS, M.JD., 1-tiysivian, Hitri'eo.i am ccoHcheurt omoo AUip Slrt, j Over Taylor k Culler's tor. ,). M. & F. D. BENEDICT, SURGEONS AND PHYSICIANS, Offlt o Over CMor Bro'i Muito Kuiporium. at W. K ANOrHStlH, M.D, H. I. RICHARDS, M.D. ijuiycttus and Physicinus, Oiil.'ci, fur the prasont, at thotr rwpoottTa rc-ildouooa iu tha 13th andlTLh Wardsj ui mm DR-s. Umce HnA South St., Ha.lt Laka City. Throe- doors West of Kovoro Uouso, half a bloi'k Int o( tho Kloi'hant Sloro. orrioa nouns rami S k.u. to 5p.m. ml T1JSTIJIONIAL. Pun Fmneijico, juiJt 1S70. Wo. tlm unilrraicnea, tako great ptcHSure in rccoinmendiLK Dn. A. W. L'A 1.1) K K to sjl tli)(o who m,iy ncod tu scrvfooa of ft Uontikt. a u lliorrtuglily compotont and rkilll'ul operator, and oni in whom wo hive linp'ii' t '! r.looco, bulb o a UiitHist and r Dr. Ji. A !.. is, Drnli.t. I Ur- It'-m RTH A Khkwi.ami. Intit. li. 11. Mi l 'NAI.D A Co.. Unmeet. j OKKHK In Srveutlra 1111 Uiilldlilf 1 First Ko.il Street, HALT LAKK CITY, I i 1 LEGAL. A. HIIOGAN, Attorney anil Coun wrllov-n t-Lnv, Office, iiUive Dafl'd ol-l store, OpiHiiito Well". l'irt'.i Jc Co."i, Salt Lnte City. L'tuli. (117 A T T 0 K N E i'-AT-L A W . Offico. Kimball's Clock. 8. L. City. Siocial attention itivt-n to Title, Nrrotia-tioiiF, Nrrotia-tioiiF, Bulcs or Litifalions in Winins Claio.3 and Real Kitnte, Colleotvoni made or liusinea dono in any part of the United StaliM by Aiiiciation of reliable Attorney?. dlT SETII M. IJLAIR, Attorney -at-hno and Miniiif A'jtt ornoR : At residence of Gul. il.i?e;v S ton t . Ji 3. II. liempstcaj. flf. ICirkpatrick HEMPSTEAO & KIRKPATRICK, Allorucys-at-LaWj Main Street, oppofite Wells, Vur'O i Co., Salt lake city, m 7.. SNOW. K. D. HOOT. SNOW S. IIOGK, fcttorneya aud Coausotors at Law ,ilt Lsko City. Utah. Ofllco nt Snow'a corn or, Ut Kail Street. J u& Win. Y. LOVELL, ATTOl t , JUA.' -AT-L Will practice in tbu Courts of Utah. OFFICE-- Klmrjatra DIock, opimFilc lownscnu tiomse, no JONATHAN C. ROYLE, ATTORNKY-AT-LAW, Salt Lake City, Ulo.ll. Office Qodho Buildine, 2J Floor. Ucai-denco Ucai-denco on 3d Ea.it street, uotweeu South uad 1st South, moots. bO S. P. MoCortl?. C. II. Morjan iVIcCUKDY&. MOKGAX, Attornoys-at-Jjaw, Oyyicit Kooui 5, up Btnira, over Taylor J: Cutler's Store. i29 SALT LAKE CITY. 1 1 T OH & MANN, Attoi-ueyB-nt-Law, Office, First South St., Fourth door east of Hooper, Eldrejge i Co's Bank. Suit Luko City. a26 C, D. HAXOY. C. K. OIl.CltniST. HANUY & GILCHRIST, : ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW , And Solicitors In Clinnctry, OOice Main Street, Suit Lako City, U. T. nl3 Warner Karll, ' F- M. Smith, EAHLL &. SMITH, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, SALT LA KB CITY. Eaat Teuiplo Streot, ono door Bouth of &20 Qodbo's btoro j D . UOOPKlt, j A.TT01iNlfi V AND COUNSELLOlt, Ofllce Ercliange nntl Renillng It uo in , up-atalra. ju28 SALT I.AKB CITY. Wm. Jl.VYDON. (IjiIo Judgo of 4lli Binlrict Court, NovudaJ AT T O ft N J3 Y - A T-L AW, Room No.I.TrowbriiUc Ciiildine. H;flt Temple Tem-ple blrcot, opjioaRo the Salt. Lake limine. BANKERS. SiMIIilBilOnffl, (Succeuon to Iltiaaey, Uahler t o.) WlBBlIN IIU33EY. C. L. Dauler, Preaider.t. Vice Prcot. Astbuny (Jodbb, Cashier. Suit Lnke CHy, Utuh ; Also oonnoclInK offices at Ogdon andCorinne, Utah, and Virginia and llolona, Moatana. Doalors in Gold JJust, Coin, and Currency, Draw Exchango on New York, Chicaco, St. Louis, Omaha, Douvor, Sn Iniuciaoo, and all parU ot iiuropo. Collectioua ITomjilly Altendctl To. iflll Bank of Deseret, Succossor to HOOPER, ELDREDGE & Co., Coi ner Itot Temple and First Sou Hi Strools, SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. PA11 UP CAPITAL, - 8100,000. UH10HAM YOUNG. President, "I H. 8 ELUHEOOE, Vicol'rea. i W.M. H. lKXJl'KU, WM JENN-lNUa. - Uircctors. JOHN SHAUP, I FEKA Ml illZ LITTLE, L. S.HlIiLrJ, Caahior, J DtiiU Iu UOtl) DOST, COIN, KXCIIAMOB, LAND VAIiaANTS, COLLEGE COL-LEGE BCUIP, OolleotioDS uiado and promptly ru-miUcd, ru-miUcd, FOREIGN EXCHANGE FOR SALE, Express Forwarders, Bankers, aud DEALERS IN EXCHANGE. Drtftt on MirojK, and all the prior cipal cilia of the United Stales. EUROPEAN (JOLLECIIO NS Promptly attended to. fcl.at Temple St., Salt Lake City. TUEO. F. TRACY, Agent. mil Thos. R.Jonos. A. W. White BANKINU IKUISI'i A. V. WlllTJfl &, CO., EAST TEMPLE STREET, jjo Halt Lako City. NOTARIES PUBLIC. A. S. U0UL1) & SON, CONVEYANCERS, - Mlaln DooJs. AKroomcnt; and Bond. wriliKi dr.n nut M J d.si.atoh. 4-Mlitli,g Couiianle. Iicorir-ttl,uuilr Iicorir-ttl,uuilr tU Lavof L'lnli. A. S. GOULD, and COMMISSIONER ')V DEEDS for New Yoik, Miiooacbuctls, l'nujha-nia,OLuo, l'nujha-nia,OLuo, Illinois, luwa, NcljraAa, Wyomiiir1, iHoalaca, Nevada, California, and otlior Slates and Tcr-litork.j. Tcr-litork.j. ikist Ta;ipU SV.. near Ktno ( Co., &'tt -"At City. mil Wm. Ci..tt.in. S. J. .Ionvov. Notary Public. (."iiveyjuccr. CLAYTON & JONASSOK 1)AY lrifl altonlinri to tho col'tdiori of niaiu-y in "ll ! of the wovld. ' Thov also ilrnw or acknowIoJuo all kinds of inJiruiuoiUd in wriuuK. Sitfrlnl ntteittloit givpn to the linnirt of villt md TciionniiK'iy Uici-fiictiia. Uici-fiictiia. Loans ncaoiutcd. Mine. Hou.'M and U.-iil EsUtc ol all kiais hniRht, uld ur j Incorporation " Pnilncralilp Paiirra of every do.-.-riiUioii .Ir.ura in I ali-lct acoonlance with the lw" ! I L a.i. OFF1CK fourth iloor aoiitli of I Godiie'a Corner. n'.U H0TEL8ETC. ' TOWNSEND HOUSE, SALT LAKE CITY. THE LEADING 110TEL OP UTAH. JAMES TOWNSEND PROPRIETOR. This House la centrally and pleasantly located, lo-cated, woll furnished, nnd ha.i accommodations accommoda-tions for 150 guest. THE PKOPRIETOR ia now preputial- to build largo additions to his Hotel, whtah whon finished, will renJ-er it the Most Complete EstaUisltmeat In tho ROCKY MOUNTAIN REOIOX I mil AMERICAN HOTEL, A Select and First-Class House. ONE BLOC It EAST OF TIIEATKE, SALT LAKE OITY . Tei-maS3.no per day. Uonrtl ivlih-ontrooi-iu S 1 -i.00 per week, But lis tree to gueatg. J. O. LI I'TLK, jun2l Proprietor. TAYLOR'S HOTEL, OH THE EUROPEAN PLAN, EAST TEMPLE STREET, IVesl Side. Rooms with or without board by the day or week. Restaurant Open at alt tours. TAYLOR & CUTLElt, Proprietors. n23 WASHINGTON HOUSE, Third South St., east of Main, SALT LAKE C1TV. Spring Beds, the best in town, "Oc. Meals, .... 25c. Thirty Newspapers taken. HUNRY BJtUNTOX, Proprietor. 0Ltl8 New Comercial Loflpt House, Near foot of Commercial Street, ritke -O P E N ALI, NlfillT. 0. W. TAI'i'AN, Prupri.lor. Siirlug BtilH, fit) ct. i,'r Night, or oli CENTRAL HOUSE, LITTLE COTTON WOOD, T. F. Fuller. Proprietor. j To the Public This house is now refitted j and 0cu for tnm'lur.i ut roducod raloa. X-ji' Jlonrd and Loduinir. by week, j 1.1. CO. I Meals, oOj. Uois.Toj. ileald at all houra. ! n'J) j UTAH HOTEL, j MAIN ST., OttDEIV. The only jirst-clss House in the City. (Formorly kuowu ae Iho White Uonsc,), It la greatly tmlarireil, I lioronglily renovated, refill ntelieU nuil irnvl-(U(t irnvl-(U(t ivllll liar Hooni, Bui' be r Stiop and Batli Uuddu. Oamihua to and from nil traiua. Pii.sscntjors gnhiL- liiist from Suit Iiko City mny now nvoitl tho iniiluiLiiuit tiwk or an tuirly iniru-InK iniru-InK rlile on tho Utah Central Hill I road ly coining lo Ogtlon thopruviona ovoning. EUDEY & WILLIAMS, oI9 rroprlalon. 2hil. Klargetts 3E3C olosod his place of bna-iuess bna-iuess on aoconcl HoTitli St-fimd for tho future will attend to the wuut3 of his 1'rionds at bia NEW ESTABLISHMENT, 09 First Soiitla t Whcro ho will keep constantly on hand tho boat of ALE, PORTER, STOUT, JOULE'S STOMK ALE, WHOLESALE AN'D RKTAIL. uOlclts" CeUltrnted Alt and Porlcr, Wagner'a Lager Beer, CHOICE TOBACCO AND CIGARS- dl-1 COMMERCIAL CHOP AND OYSTER HOUSE Commercial S( rcet. UUHOPSl AW 3EIiA. M". SIMMS k PHILLIPS. Proi.'ra; dg CHOP HOUSEI AND j OYSTER SALOON, j BERNAKOIS i HTEVJiN-1, Prvp'rs, EAST TEMPLE STREET, TUreo door. belowUccond iuulh St., j BAIT LAKE OITY. Ol'UJN DAY AND NI(;11T. J24 ' ' ' j CITY LIQUOR STORE, Keen constantly on hand. Wholesale and Uelull, Ohoioe Imi'orled LIQUORS AND WINES, At Lowest Ha tel. GllUKSHKCK'H UU1LW1MUS, nl7 Kaat Tampl Straat. A Ucan nl.K- II I si. There it tUe ki of ridi.-ulc Iho hifH ot' scorn, the hi?, ol snakes in the :ru;. but tho mo.-t ilelihllul hi-s is that ot Tari'out'a fcnervciceiit Seltzer Aperient In iho mirklinc (rnblct. civina assnranoe to Ihoinv.ilnl Lint histhirsi "ill be deliriously delirious-ly ji'u.Tccd- llint his ttmarh will bo re-I'rcslicii re-I'rcslicii iind imntiod: th.it if ho i. foverih hi body will bo cooled by healthful evaporation; evapora-tion; lhl il'hf if i-onsiipated the diilieiiHr will ra9 av.a' without a pan?: and that :f thet nlitioii of bis i.-c.r...! healib inj-nairrd inj-nairrd ii will i,f .x.,e.lily re.Mnrcd. OfroUriO lie will t iko rare lo protnre none Dill the grrtuluc Sold by all UrugRtiU. Jul,U LUMBER YARDS. LUMBERYARD.: I OUOILS, i WINDOWS. BLINDS, niOULLHNtiS I ALL KINDS OF LUMBER. T. 11. JONES & CO., llalf-a-block south o(V. C. Depot. . jSriuil V .,r Two Blocka loutli of tlie U.C.tt.K. I Depot, anil next to Wm. Jen-itlnga' Jen-itlnga' Tannery. i Tho yard is kept constantly aupplied by several saw-uiilla with I A Full Assortment of i Native Lumber. W. B. solicits tho patronago of hia old friends, and by mi actuality nnd dilieeooa in i uuainesB hopes to merit ft share ofpubllo , support. FOR SALE In the 15th Ward, one block nnd a half west of tho U. C. H. R-, a small bouso and half lot, with una ore bard. For particulars onquiro of ! ang25 WM. EDDINGTON. UTAHAND CALIFORNIA LUMBER COMPT, Incorpovnted July 17, 1171. ! CAPITAL STOCK, - - $75,000. -Uciilcrfl tn all kinda of BuildingMaterial LUMDBR, UOORS, WINDOWS, VENKTHM BLliVDS, ALiLi IC1MOS MOULDINGS, cjiro sugar pink, ckilim;, DING FLOORISO. CA L1F0RMA RED WO OD, RUSTIC SIDING FLOORING. BTC, ETC., ETC. Orders for Mill Timbers in'omptly filled. DOORS, SASH, BLINDS AND ' MOULDINGS. ! Main St., five doora south ol! Walker's : AH busincsfl done throuch tho President of tho Company. Offices Lumber Yard, ono block south of 1 Railroad Depot. K. II. BARllON, President. D. W. PAttKHUBST, KL-crctary. CIIAIILKS DA II L Kit, juy21 Trcimurer. AND 1EMGEBIE. .Opposite the entrance to the Tabernacle. JOHN W. YOUNG, - Prop. Ariimttaiuit, 60 cts. Cliil.Iien, 10 Open from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Native Mlitti-Rla, Petrifactions, Cott-cretloiiB Cott-cretloiiB anUCryirtoIUotloui, . Home Product-, Xnttvo and Foreign Cu- ' rlonUies, tfc. j Compound iilleotro-Magnetic Ajjpa- j . ratus, &o. . j Prof. J. L. UAtlFOOT, OUnagir, I tt- Schools aoJ I'd tn ill ns by private ar-ranguuionia ar-ranguuionia admitud at ruduuod'ratcs. "A Complete Pictorial TUstoiy of Hit Tlmta." "The Itcx;, i:liffl"l nntl limit siic-(icaht.il siic-(icaht.il l-'Hinlly I'nKi- lit i lie L'u i on.'' j Harper's Weekly.! BPLliNLHULY ILLUSTRATED.' ! Nut Ices of I lie Press i The Moni'L Sew.-.mi'kr of oyr coimtry. ! : Coinnlclo ii i;U Iho departments of iin ha? earned for it soil' a riyht to its titio, "A J(iiiiAi. ih' Civilizatius. "New lork KvenitiK Post." I Tho bual imbllration of its cbiss in America, Ame-rica, and .-o l'.ir ahead of all other weekly journals a." not to icrui it of any comparison between it and any jI their number. It-, .olumn.i contain tho lintt coUcrtiortj of rcailmtt matter that aru printed. - - ltd illustratioua arciiiimcrou; . u I beautiful, heinn l'urniflicd by tho chief aili-la ut' the coi'ntry. "iiojten Traveler." lliBi'f.ii'j Wi:;.;;i.v is tho Lcit and iiiot intorotinK illustrated new.-paper. Nor dues I ' its valuo dcri-'nd on ita iliuitrationa alons. j 1 lis reading matter ia of a huh order of i literary merit varied, ioiiructivo ccter-tainiuf ccter-tainiuf aud unexceptionable. "if. . bun." SI US! RIPTIONN..-I STA. Terms t UARPSR'd WEEKLY, one joar.' 81-W. An extra copy of eiiSicr tho MAQAZ1NR. WKKIvLY or DA.AK will bo suppled Itratis tor every Club of Fit's Subscribers at i if i en-h, in one rem it lance: or. 6 Copies . tor $2u.y.. without citra copy. Snb'triplions toHAlil'CK'd MAfiA.lSK, ! I WKhKLY and UAZAlUo no aldrcs fnr I ! ono year, 5W."0: or.two ot Harper's Fcriodi- ; j c:ila. to ono addxead tor one year, Si .00. i Back, numbers can be jnpidied at any time, j ' Tbo Annual Volumes of HARPKR'S WKEKL.Y. in no.it clolU bindiat, tril 1 bo sent by oxproif, free ot cxpcn;c, fo-S7 (XI each. A r.i-ipleto set, cumiTi.-i:ig Fiiicen VohimeJ.ent on receipt o: cash kt the rate of per Volume, ireijjlit at expense of 11 llic p..rt;.K-eon HAHPKR'3 WKEKIA" w ' , ii cents n i u ir. w I; uiul bo paid at ;hc 1 subscriber's poHotnea. I Address : HARPER Jc BROTilF.rU1, 1 b17 New York. W.M HILL TUNNEL AND MINING COMPANY. TMIK STOCK BOOKS of tho Euiuia Hill X Tnnnolund Mining Company are now Opon in Roid'i Building, nnd a limitod number num-ber of unassessable shares lor sale. Tho Km ma Hill Tnnnol nnl Mining Company Com-pany wna located April Ih7U, incorporated August 14, 18T1, and h. is tho uiost UaUorin? prospects ofanyinino in Liltle Cotton woo d. For parliouUrd inquire of W. S. WOODIIULL, Viok Prnta.. Rcid' Building, Or .1 AS. A. MURPHY, Skduktary. mi'.) Roid'i Building. new mmh WORK ! "THE: PHILOSOPHY Or MWRIAliE." For thi' Oel)llltatcl Nci voiih System. DR. .JORDAN. of the Anatomical Museum. :tLS MuutRntnery street (.ooar Ualit'or-ni). Ualit'or-ni). fcii a I'm in-'sco, California, his imb-iiaiifir imb-iiaiifir roirr r iin iuiai imjiorlam am in-StruiHiv'oLuaturiM in-StruiHiv'oLuaturiM in a neat volume for ttaoso who cannot intend itio Lectures at tlio Museum. Mu-seum. Every Unmsin-iod and Married man sbmild road and study theso imiiorlnnt l.outur.03 lor tUo good of himsolf aud oll-sjiriHg. oll-sjiriHg. Xly addressing the Secretary of tho Anatomical Ana-tomical Museum, San I'mnoisco, and enclosing enclos-ing Twenty-Five Cents in Postago Stamps to pny postage, the Bjok will bo forwarded to any part of tho States or Territories. Dr. Jordan can be consulted by loiter. d'J SCOTT, DEIL1H & CO., Wholesale and Retail Dealers IN IRON AND STEEL WRIGHT'S 1UCK3, IRON BARROWS AND ALL KINDS OF MINING TOOLS. Wrought Tuyers, Pipe and ail kinds of Fittings for Furnaces and Mills. HARDWARE, BELLOWS, ANVILS, AND OTHER BLACKSMITH TOOLS, IRON PIPE, PIPE FITTINGS. BRASS GOODS, RUBBER PACKING. AUENTB FOR Hooker Pumps, Fairbanks' Scales, Fireproof Safes, G. S. LubricatingOil, Portable Forges, ALL LOW FOR CASH. mors AND STEEL ! WIRE! ROPE, ; FLAT AKD HOUND, j For hoi: tint; from mining ehnft? and inclines. 1'orry runes. Guy ropw, lor transmitting power, etc- ZM.iLtju.-t, ,-: ..,.-, J U-fjth or Size. "Ylro Hone 1 inudi clieapor. llRtitrr nnd more durable thai) any oilier kind of Hope. Uallhlie's Eunice U'irc Rope Way, Wire Tramway, '. For the rapiil snd economical trnniporUtion of Ores nnd nthrr mn'crials over mountainous mountain-ous and difficult roas. (Secured by U. S-Patent;. S-Patent;. aJj), Patent Grip Pulloy, For transmitting power anl hv whica the rope is un injure J and cmn ut .-lip. SK?iD FOIL CIRCULARS. Acecry of tic PACIFIC i Wire & W. R. Manufacturing Co. j (OF CALIFORNIA, j ATI kin-i .it 1 .; W ,-. .-'.13 .in M y f,j i hind sr. ! "vin' -m:,! t., ,H r. A. S. HALLIDiE. I .M1 Frmi SL, nan Franrico. 1 nlt California. GROCERIES & PROVISIONS. GLOBE BAKERY, Kaat Temple Street, Aril door north of Co-opcra tfre Grocery i Department, ' j GOLIGHTLY&HARRIS Keep constantly ob hand GOOD FRESH BREAD j Buns, Cukes, Pies, rrnckers, E(c. Fine variety of CONFECTIONERY, Wholesale and Retail. Groceries, Flour, Feed, &e. another surriT OF COOKING AND PARLOR STOVES Cheapest in Town ! Also a tie stock of WIXTER DRY GOODS! I Just Received this day. GROCERIES A FULL SUPPLY. All or which will be Sold I Lower than any other House in the Trade AT TAYLOR & CUTLER'S Opposite Salt Lake House. ug26 BUCKWHEAT FLOUR, Rj'-" - - Grahuni, - - ,, Loose, - -Allen's XXX - Corn Meal, Biuii unil shorts, Chopped Feed, And all kinds of iS Jt JW Ou Sale al LOWER RATES! In Quantity or Retail, at CEO. H. KNOWLDEN'S, Slain Street. ooW AND OATS FOR SALE by the CAR LOAD OR RETAIL. THOS. R, JONES & CO., H&lr-a-block Bouth of U. O. D.pot. luia New Store ! New Goods ! II. WALLACE Has opened hia new store, on FIRST SOUTH STREET, Next door to lln. Slenlioutc'a. With a choice stock of Pure Home-made COXFECTIOXEltY, Also Figs, Nuts, Raisins, Apples, Sardines, Salmon, Staple and Fancy Groceries. Will aluo continue hiinlitea at lile old atore. nj DAY & CULMER. IJtfFUBTKBS i.VO DEiLiafl IK GENERAL MERCHANDISE, CO Si; 1 3T 1.10 Of DRY GOODS, OitOCKlllES, HAnDWAHK, UtMJTS, SIIOKS, HATH, CKOC K E It Y, t A M (JLASsWAKK, .. COKUACKJfc TWIMCS, WOODKXWAttB, CAMl'KTK, CBACKKRg dfc DISCUITW, TOBACCO, .U., .C, 4.C. Which they offer at priow that guarantee gatif. taction and duly comjioliuon. Iho choicest X" 33! S ooDitantly on hand of the following kindi Gitnriow-rter - - SI. 75 to $'4.2!V Vounc JUfrion - J.UO to 1.7,1, Tycoon - - - 1.35 lo I. OK Fonplng - - - 1.13 to 1.3R Pekoe - l.5 to 1.4U Brmrlinng ... SO to 1.0(1 Dlamnnd I.. 1.00 Katiiral LtRf - 80 to 1.01) Arrj th farooul Enelijh Mixed Tea ... 1.7- Dealerp In Tea) will find it to their ad-i ad-i vanUtn ty eive us a tall, bef'iro .iifhw-' .iifhw-' iru.-il.tir Tea, as our faciluic? in lb i liraoc i of our bufineu cannot be excelled in lb i 1 oitj. docfl HARDWARE. Ion nnnl'o-DS Z.U.UUUlRON AHO STEEL At C. II. Bassett's. Oppoalt Salt LaJia lion. nl6 lilCIIAIiDS' IRON WORKS, CHICACO, ILL., XI an ufac t u re r "of PORTABLE & STATIONARY Engines, BLOWKItS, CilUSlIKKS And Machinery for Smelting Furnaces Contracts made fr building Furnaces Furna-ces of Utah Fire Stone, Including Machinery, &c, set up in , complete running order. References Eureka Milling Com-. Com-. panp, Salt Lake Clty Utah Smett-' Smett-' lng Company, TIntlc. i Address J. C. Richards, Chicago. I H. BASSETT, HARDWARE STORE All kind! of HEAVY HARDWARE, Iron aud Steel, Stoves and Fin Ware BLACKSMITH TOOLS, Agrlonltural Implements And Ollnlng Tools, At Lowest Rate. OPPOSITK SALT 'LAICS HOUSE nit NOW IS YOUR CHANCE FOR STOVES I NOW IS YOTJlt CHANCE FOK S T O "V ZED S Over One Hundred Different Kinds and Styles to Select from, Including tUe Old Favorites, Charter Oak, New Era, Monitor, Inland Empire Superior, Etc., Those as well as oihcr varictios will be SOLD CHEAPER AT III B Hardware Dep'nt OF Z. C. 1sL. X. THAN IN ANY OTHER U10U6E IN THIS TERRITORY. 11. B. CLAWSOJf, .17 bniierint.DdaDt. coalTcoali Having purchased tlie Spriggs Coal Mine M'e are prepnred to supply this Justly celebrated WEBER COAL ' hy cur Ifinrt or refall. D p-.t ( V. C. It. It. Yrfl. nfllcci jh.irhfce Bn, I Heading lloomi, I BATE WAN & BUEL. 1 tut W. (1. BIRD, Agent, TRAVEL. UTAH CENTRAL KAlLftO.M). PIONEER USE OF UTAH. On and after Monday, July 11, 18T1. Dally Traiua Leave Salt Lake City at 5 a-m-and 2:45 TJO. Arrive at Opdon 7 a. m. and p. m. Leave Ueden at S . ra. and,. f -Arrive t6i l LaLe Cnjr lUa.ru. and 7:30 p,n Ltn addition to the above WUl run DALLY, SUNDAYS KXCKFTKD Leavini Sail Lake City at 5.30 p.D, and UiJon at 5a.m. Passengers will please Purchast their Tickets at tit Offices. Fifty Cents additional trill be eh arced wht the tare ia collected on iht uaiu. For al! ic form at ion concerning freight ot parage, apply to 11. O. CALI1KR, General Freight and 1'icLet Ag't JOHN SHAKP, SUPKRINTKSOKKT Len Wines. 11. P. Kimball. SALT LAKE, And Tintic I ti-rmur i in m ' 1giniii Stage and Express LINE, RUNNING 13 AIL V FHDJI SALT LAKK CITY, via LAKH TOWN, TOOKLU CITY, STOCK TO X AND OP111K TO TIN Tie. The route ban been ro-itoc'r: mi with Fplen-did Fplen-did Concord Coaahof. fine SiccU. o.uetul end attentive Dri vera, and every mien! ion is paid to the 00 m fort n- t oonvoDienoe of pa.iseh-cert. pa.iseh-cert. Good accommodation on tht road. THROUGH BY DAYLIGHT. Cheap Fare and Quick Time. Olllci at Wells, Fariro . Co.'i, Salt Lake City. i WINKS & KIMI1ALL, all I'roprieton. UTAH SOUTHERN J1A1L1IOAD. MIXED TRAINS XT 1ST r5-A.I3L.Y- LcaTinj! tho Utah Central JXtpot, Suit Luko City, ul 7. 10 u.iu.; JJiujrt 5.40 p.m., and Sutidy y union, (ncarutt point to Little Cottonwood Cuuou,) at ti.10 p.m. FAltE.s : Salt Luko to Bi CottnniToiid Station, E'-ioU Liitla " " wow " " .tinily " 81.m " Umncr " Twcnty-Ovo conti inlillliomil mil bo charged wtiou tho luro ia cullucmd un llio train. KKHAJlUlt, L1TTLK, SUPKKIWTK-NJ'ICNT. D. O. CALDKH, ed (Jon. Froiubt and Ticket Aitont. GILMER & SALISBURY'S - STAGE LINES THKOUUIt Utuli, uliiust .Vcvuila &j7IOBI-(aiiii, &j7IOBI-(aiiii, Leaving Salt Lake CHy Pally, run. ulng Bou(l to Tintio, AmTioun Korlf, Moutjt Ncbo, Bovicr, til. (jeorcc, Ululi ; and lJioclio, Ncviula ; Fusel us; through Provo, Hprinirvillfi, Spjini-li J''orl ,P'-bod, ,P'-bod, Hull Cr"k, (lii-k n Cr ok, Itotind VnMcy, Fillmore, Corn Creek, IJ' tivcr. Min'.TH-villc, Min'.TH-villc, and All tlw priwijtnl Unrm nruf minivg csimpn insovtwm Utah and lOitUi-tait Nevada. Also leave Crtrliine. tl(n h dallv. running north to Virginia. City. If''nn, I'rt Benton, 1h?t iodi'o. Odiir Crrr k mint-fl and pan-intr 'lirourh all tho ' irjg oamps in Montana, Mon-tana, PRINCIPAL OJVKICK, Wells, Fargo & Co. Building inn 6.H Lako Citr. |